In this quickstart, you use a sample web app to show you how to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph API in your workforce tenant. The sample app uses the Microsoft Authentication Library to handle authentication.
Before you begin, use the Choose a tenant type selector at the top of this page to select tenant type. Microsoft Entra ID provides two tenant configurations, workforce and external. A workforce tenant configuration is for your employees, internal apps, and other organizational resources. An external tenant is for your customer-facing apps.
To enable your application to sign in users, Microsoft Entra ID must be made aware of the application you create. The app registration establishes a trust relationship between the app and Microsoft Entra. When you register an application, External ID generates a unique identifier known as an Application (client) ID, a value used to identify your app when creating authentication requests.
To complete registration, provide the application a name and specify the supported account types. Once registered, the application Overview pane displays the identifiers needed in the application source code.
If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Settings icon
in the top menu to switch to the tenant in which you want to register the application from the Directories + subscriptions menu.
Browse to Identity > Applications > App registrations, select New registration.
Enter a Name for the application, such as identity-client-web-app.
For Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only. For information on different account types, select the Help me choose option.
Select Register.
The application's Overview pane is displayed when registration is complete. Record the Directory (tenant) ID and the Application (client) ID to be used in your application source code.
A platform specifies the type of application that you want to integrate. A redirect URI is the location where the identity platform authentication server sends the user once they have successfully authorized and been granted security tokens.
To sign in a user, your application must send a sign-in request with a redirect URI specified as a parameter, and it must match any of the redirect URIs you have added in your app registration.
Create a client secret for the registered application. The application uses the client secret to prove its identity when it requests for tokens:
From the App registrations page, select the application that you created (such as web app client secret) to open its Overview page.
Under Manage, select Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret.
In the Description box, enter a description for the client secret (for example, web app client secret).
Under Expires, select a duration for which the secret is valid (per your organizations security rules), and then select Add.
Record the secret's Value. You use this value for configuration in a later step. The secret value won't be displayed again, and isn't retrievable by any means, after you navigate away from the Certificates and secrets. Make sure you record it.
To use a certificate credential for your web app, you need to create, then upload the certificate. For testing purposes, you can use a self-signed certificate. Use the following steps to create and upload a self-signed certificate:
Using your terminal, navigate to a directory of your choice, then create the self-signed certificate by using the following command.
Return to the Microsoft Entra admin center, and under Manage, select Certificates & secrets > Upload certificate.
Select the Certificates (0) tab, then select Upload certificate.
An Upload certificate pane appears. Use the icon to navigate to the certificate file you created in the previous step, and select Open.
Enter a description for the certificate, for example Certificate for aspnet-web-app, and select Add.
Record the Thumbprint value for use in the next step.
Create a client secret for the registered application. The application uses the client secret to prove its identity when it requests for tokens:
From the App registrations page, select the application that you created (such as web app client secret) to open its Overview page.
Under Manage, select Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret.
In the Description box, enter a description for the client secret (for example, web app client secret).
Under Expires, select a duration for which the secret is valid (per your organizations security rules), and then select Add.
Record the secret's Value. You use this value for configuration in a later step. The secret value won't be displayed again, and isn't retrievable by any means, after you navigate away from the Certificates and secrets. Make sure you record it.
When you create credentials for a confidential client application:
For testing purposes, you can create a self-signed certificate and configure your apps to authenticate with it. However, in production, you should purchase a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority, then use Azure Key Vault to manage certificate access and lifetime.
Clone or download sample web application
To obtain the sample application, you can either clone it from GitHub or download it as a .zip file.
In your IDE, open the project folder, ms-identity-docs-code-dotnet\web-app-aspnet, containing the sample.
Open appsettings.json and replace the file contents with the following snippet;
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "",
"TenantId": "Enter the tenant ID obtained from the Microsoft Entra admin center",
"ClientId": "Enter the client ID obtained from the Microsoft Entra admin center",
"ClientCertificates": [
"SourceType": "StoreWithThumbprint",
"CertificateStorePath": "CurrentUser/My",
"CertificateThumbprint": "Enter the certificate thumbprint obtained the Microsoft Entra admin center"
"CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc"
"DownstreamApi": {
"BaseUrl": "",
"RelativePath": "me",
"Scopes": [
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*"
TenantId - The identifier of the tenant where the application is registered. Replace the text in quotes with the Directory (tenant) ID that was recorded earlier from the overview page of the registered application.
ClientId - The identifier of the application, also referred to as the client. Replace the text in quotes with the Application (client) ID value that was recorded earlier from the overview page of the registered application.
ClientCertificates - A self-signed certificate is used for authentication in the application. Replace the text of the CertificateThumbprint with the thumbprint of the certificate that was previously recorded.
Open the application you downloaded in an IDE and navigate to root folder of the sample app.
cd flask-web-app
Create an .env file in the root folder of the project using .env.sample as a guide.
# The following variables are required for the app to run.
Set the value of CLIENT_ID to the Application (client) ID for the registered application, available on the overview page.
Set the value of CLIENT_SECRET to the client secret you created in the Certificates & Secrets for the registered application.
Set the value of AUTHORITY to a<TENANT_GUID>. The Directory (tenant) ID is available on the app registration overview page.
The environment variables are referenced in, and are kept in a separate .env file to keep them out of source control. The provided .gitignore file prevents the .env file from being checked in.
Run and test sample web app
You've configured your sample app. You can proceed to run and test it.
To start the server, run the following commands from within the project directory:
cd App
npm install
npm start
Go to http://localhost:3000/.
Select Sign in to start the sign-in process.
The first time you sign in, you're prompted to provide your consent to allow the application to sign you in and access your profile. After you're signed in successfully, you'll be redirected back to the application home page.
How the app works
The sample hosts a web server on localhost, port 3000. When a web browser accesses this address, the app renders the home page. Once the user selects Sign in, the app redirects the browser to Microsoft Entra sign-in screen, via the URL generated by the MSAL Node library. After user consents, the browser redirects the user back to the application home page, along with an ID and access token.
In your project directory, use the terminal to enter the following command;
dotnet run
Copy the https URL that appears in the terminal, for example, https://localhost:5001, and paste it into a browser. We recommend using a private or incognito browser session.
Follow the steps and enter the necessary details to sign in with your Microsoft account. You're requested to provide an email address so a one time passcode can be sent to you. Enter the code when prompted.
The application requests permission to maintain access to data you have given it access to, and to sign you in and read your profile. Select Accept. The following screenshot appears. It indicates that you're signed-in to the application and are viewing your profile details from the Microsoft Graph API.
Sign out from the application
Find the Sign out link in the top right corner of the page, and select it.
You're prompted to pick an account to sign out from. Select the account you used to sign in.
A message appears indicating that you signed out. You can now close the browser window.
Create a virtual environment for the app:
For Windows, run the following commands:
py -m venv .venv
For macOS/Linux, run the following commands:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app from the command line. Ensure your app is running on the same port as the redirect URI you configured earlier.
flask run --debug --host=localhost --port=5000
Copy the https URL that appears in the terminal, for example, https://localhost:5000, and paste it into a browser. We recommend using a private or incognito browser session.
Follow the steps and enter the necessary details to sign in with your Microsoft account. You're requested to provide an email address and password to sign in.
The application requests permission to maintain access to data you allow access to, and to sign you in and then read your profile, as shown in the screenshot. Select Accept.
The following screenshot appears, which indicates that you've successfully signed in to the application.
How the app works
The following diagram demonstrates how the sample app works:
The application uses the identity package to obtain an access token from the Microsoft identity platform. This package is built on top of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python to simplify authentication and authorization in web apps.
The access token you obtain in the previous step is used as a bearer token to authenticate the user when calling the Microsoft Graph API.
In this quickstart, you use a sample web app to show you how to sign in users in your external tenant. The sample app uses the Microsoft Authentication Library to handle authentication.
Before you begin, use the Choose a tenant type selector at the top of this page to select tenant type. Microsoft Entra ID provides two tenant configurations, workforce and external. A workforce tenant configuration is for your employees, internal apps, and other organizational resources. An external tenant is for your customer-facing apps.
To enable your application to sign in users with Microsoft Entra, Microsoft Entra External ID must be made aware of the application you create. The app registration establishes a trust relationship between the app and Microsoft Entra. When you register an application, External ID generates a unique identifier known as an Application (client) ID, a value used to identify your app when creating authentication requests.
The following steps show you how to register your app in the Microsoft Entra admin center:
If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Settings icon
in the top menu to switch to your external tenant from the Directories + subscriptions menu.
Browse to Identity >Applications > App registrations.
Select + New registration.
In the Register an application page that appears;
Enter a meaningful application Name that is displayed to users of the app, for example ciam-client-app.
Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only.
Select Register.
The application's Overview pane displays upon successful registration. Record the Application (client) ID to be used in your application source code.
Add platform and URLs
A platform specifies the type of application that you want to integrate. A redirect URI is the location where the identity platform authentication server sends the user once they have successfully authorized and been granted security tokens.
To sign in a user, your application must send a sign-in request with a redirect URI specified as a parameter, and it must match any of the redirect URIs you have added in your app registration.
To specify your app type to your app registration, follow these steps:
Under Manage, select Authentication.
On the Platform configurations page, select Add a platform, and then select Web option.
For the Redirect URIs enter http://localhost:3000/auth/redirect.
Select Configure to save your changes.
To specify your app type to your app registration, follow these steps:
Under Manage, select Authentication.
On the Platform configurations page, select Add a platform, and then select Web option.
For the Redirect URIs enter https://localhost:7274/signin-oidc.
Under Front-channel logout URL, enter https://localhost:7274/signout-callback-oidc for signing out.
Select Configure to save your changes.
To specify your app type to your app registration, follow these steps:
Under Manage, select Authentication
On the Platform configurations page, select Add a platform, and then select Web option.
For the Redirect URIs enter http://localhost:5000/redirect. This redirect URI is the location where the authorization server sends the access token. You can customize it to suit your use case.
Select Configure to save your changes.
To specify your app type to your app registration, follow these steps:
Under Manage, select Authentication
On the Platform configurations page, select Add a platform, and then select Web option.
For the Redirect URIs enter http://localhost:3000/getAToken. This redirect URI is the location where the authorization server sends the access token. You can customize it to suit your use case.
Select Configure to save your changes.
Add app client secret
Create a client secret for the registered application. The application uses the client secret to prove its identity when it requests for tokens:
From the App registrations page, select the application that you created (such as web app client secret) to open its Overview page.
Under Manage, select Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret.
In the Description box, enter a description for the client secret (for example, web app client secret).
Under Expires, select a duration for which the secret is valid (per your organizations security rules), and then select Add.
Record the secret's Value. You use this value for configuration in a later step. The secret value won't be displayed again, and isn't retrievable by any means, after you navigate away from the Certificates and secrets. Make sure you record it.
When you create credentials for a confidential client application:
For testing purposes, you can create a self-signed certificate and configure your apps to authenticate with it. However, in production, you should purchase a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority, then use Azure Key Vault to manage certificate access and lifetime.
Grant admin consent
Once you register your application, it gets assigned the User.Read permission. However, since the tenant is an external tenant, the customer users themselves can't consent to this permission. You as the tenant administrator must consent to this permission on behalf of all the users in the tenant:
From the App registrations page, select the application that you created (such as ciam-client-app) to open its Overview page.
Under Manage, select API permissions.
Select Grant admin consent for <your tenant name>, then select Yes.
Select Refresh, then verify that Granted for <your tenant name> appears under Status for the permission.
Create a user flow
Follow these steps to create a user flow a customer can use to sign in or sign up for an application.
If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Settings icon
in the top menu to switch to your external tenant from the Directories + subscriptions menu.
Browse to Identity > External Identities > User flows.
Select + New user flow.
On the Create page:
Enter a Name for the user flow, such as SignInSignUpSample.
In the Identity providers list, select Email Accounts. This identity provider allows users to sign-in or sign-up using their email address.
Additional identity providers will be listed here only after you set up federation with them. For example, if you set up federation with Google, Facebook, Apple or an OIDC identity provider, you'll be able to select those additional identity providers here.
Under Email accounts, you can select one of the two options. For this tutorial, select Email with password.
Email with password: Allows new users to sign up and sign in using an email address as the sign-in name and a password as their first factor credential.
Email one-time-passcode: Allows new users to sign up and sign in using an email address as the sign-in name and email one-time passcode as their first factor credential. Email one-time passcode must be enabled at the tenant level (All Identity Providers > Email One-time-passcode) for this option to be available at the user flow level.
Under User attributes, choose the attributes you want to collect from the user upon sign-up. By selecting Show more, you can choose attributes and claims for Country/Region, Display Name, and Postal Code. Select OK. (Users are only prompted for attributes when they sign up for the first time.)
Select Create. The new user flow appears in the User flows list. If necessary, refresh the page.
For the customer users to see the sign-up or sign-in experience when they use your app, you need to associate your app with a user flow. Although many applications can be associated with your user flow, a single application can only be associated with one user flow.
On the sidebar menu, select Identity.
Select External Identities, then User flows.
In the User flows page, select the User flow name you created earlier, for example, SignInSignUpSample.
Under Use, select Applications.
Select Add application.
Select the application from the list such as ciam-client-app or use the search box to find the application, and then select it.
Choose Select.
Once you associate your app with a user flow, you can test your user flow by simulating a user’s sign-up or sign-in experience with your application from within the Microsoft Entra admin center. To do so, use the steps in Test your sign-up and sign-in user flow.
Enter_the_Application_Id_Here and replace it with the Application (client) ID of the app you registered earlier.
Enter_the_Tenant_Subdomain_Here and replace it with the Directory (tenant) subdomain. For example, if your tenant primary domain is, use contoso. If you don't have your tenant name, learn how to read your tenant details.
Enter_the_Client_Secret_Here and replace it with the app secret value you copied earlier.
Navigate to the root directory that contains the ASP.NET Core sample app:
cd 1-Authentication\1-sign-in-aspnet-core-mvc
Open the appsettings.json file.
In Authority, find Enter_the_Tenant_Subdomain_Here and replace it with the subdomain of your tenant. For example, if your tenant primary domain is, the value you should enter is casyjensen.
Find the Enter_the_Application_Id_Here value and replace it with the application ID (clientId) of the app you registered in the Microsoft Entra admin center.
Replace Enter_the_Client_Secret_Here with the client secret value you set up in Add app client secret.
Open your project files on Visual Studio Code or the editor you're using.
Create an .env file in the root folder of the project using .env.sample file as a guide.
In your .env file, provide the following environment variables:
CLIENT_ID which is the Application (client) ID of the app you registered earlier.
CLIENT_SECRET which is the app secret value you copied earlier.
AUTHORITY which is the URL that identifies a token authority. It should be of the format https://{subdomain}{subdomain} Replace subdomain with the Directory (tenant) subdomain. For example, if your tenant primary domain is, use contoso. If you don't have your tenant subdomain, learn how to read your tenant details.
REDIRECT_URI which should be similar to the redirect URI you registered earlier should match your configuration.
Open your project files on Visual Studio Code or the editor you're using.
Create an .env file in the root folder of the project using .env.sample file as a guide.
In your .env file, provide the following environment variables:
CLIENT_ID which is the Application (client) ID of the app you registered earlier.
CLIENT_SECRET which is the app secret value you copied earlier.
AUTHORITY which is the URL that identifies a token authority. It should be of the format https://{subdomain}{subdomain} Replace subdomain with the Directory (tenant) subdomain. For example, if your tenant primary domain is, use contoso. If you don't have your tenant subdomain, learn how to read your tenant details.
Confirm that the redirect URI is well configured. The redirect URI you registered earlier should match your configuration. This sample by default sets the redirect URI path to /getAToken. This configuration is in the file as REDIRECT_PATH.
You can now test the sample Node.js web app. You need to start the Node.js server and access it through your browser at http://localhost:3000.
In your terminal, run the following command:
npm start
Open your browser, then go to http://localhost:3000. You should see the page similar to the following screenshot:
After the page completes loading, select Sign in when prompted.
On the sign-in page, type your Email address, select Next, type your Password, then select Sign in. If you don't have an account, select No account? Create one link, which starts the sign-up flow.
If you choose the sign-up option, after filling in your email, one-time passcode, new password, and more account details, you complete the whole sign-up flow. You see a page similar to the following screenshot. You see a similar page if you choose the sign-in option.
Select Sign out to sign the user out of the web app or select View ID token claims to view ID token claims returned by Microsoft Entra.
How it works
When users select the Sign in link, the app initiates an authentication request and redirects users to Microsoft Entra External ID. On the sign-in or sign-up page that appears, once a user successfully signs in, or creates an account, Microsoft Entra External ID returns an ID token to the app. The app validates the ID token, reads the claims, and returns a secure page to the users.
When the users select the Sign out link, the app clears its session, then redirect the user to Microsoft Entra External ID sign-out endpoint to notify it that the user has signed out.
From your shell or command line, execute the following commands:
dotnet run
Open your web browser and navigate to https://localhost:7274.
with an account registered to the external tenant.
Once signed in the display name is shown next to the Sign out button as shown in the following screenshot.
To sign out from the application, select the Sign out button.
Run the app to see the sign-in experience at play.
This sample uses the Python identity third-party library. The library isn't officially maintained by Microsoft but is recommended for your use. This library makes it easier to add authentication to your web app as it abstracts a lot of the MSAL Python details.
In your terminal, run the following command:
python runserver localhost:5000
You can use a port number of your choice.
Open your browser, then go to http://localhost:5000. You should see a page similar to the following screenshot:
After the page completes loading, select Sign In link. You're prompted to sign in.
On the sign-in page, type your Email address, select Next, type your Password, then select Sign in. If you don't have an account, select No account? Create one link, which starts the sign-up flow.
If you choose the sign-up option, you go through the sign-up flow. Fill in your email, one-time passcode, new password, and more account details to complete the whole sign-up flow.
After you sign in or sign up, you're redirected back to the web app. You see a page that looks similar to the following screenshot:
Select Logout to sign the user out of the web app or select Call a downstream API to make a call to a Microsoft Graph endpoint.
How it works
When users select the Sign in link, the app initiates an authentication request and redirects users to Microsoft Entra External ID. A user then signs in or signs up page on the page that appears. After providing in the required credentials and consenting to required scopes, Microsoft Entra External ID redirects the user back to the web app with an authorization code. The web app then uses this authorization code to acquire a token from Microsoft Entra External ID.
When the users select the Logout link, the app clears its session, the redirect the user to Microsoft Entra External ID sign-out endpoint to notify it that the user has signed out. The user is then redirected back to the web app.
Run the app to see the sign-in experience at play.
This sample uses the Python identity third-party library. The library isn't officially maintained by Microsoft but is recommended for your use. This library makes it easier to add authentication to your web app as it abstracts a lot of the MSAL Python details.
In your terminal, run the following command:
python3 -m flask run --debug --host=localhost --port=3000
You can use the port of your choice. This should be similar to the port of the redirect URI you registered earlier.
Open your browser, then go to http://localhost:3000. You should see the page similar to the following screenshot:
After the page completes loading, select Sign In link. You're prompted to sign in.
On the sign-in page, type your Email address, select Next, type your Password, then select Sign in. If you don't have an account, select No account? Create one link, which starts the sign-up flow.
If you choose the sign-up option, you'll go through the sign-uo flow. Fill in your email, one-time passcode, new password and more account details to complete the whole sign-up flow.
After you sign in or sign up, you're redirected back to the web app. You'll see a page that looks similar to the following screenshot:
Select Logout to sign the user out of the web app or select Call a downstream API to make a call to a Microsoft Graph endpoint.
How it works
When users select the Sign in link, the app initiates an authentication request and redirects users to Microsoft Entra External ID. A user then signs in or signs up page on the page that appears. After providing in the required credentials and consenting to required scopes, Microsoft Entra External ID redirects the user back to the web app with an authorization code. The web app then uses this authorization code to acquire a token from Microsoft Entra External ID.
When the users select the Logout link, the app clears its session, the redirect the user to Microsoft Entra External ID sign-out endpoint to notify it that the user has signed out. The user is then redirected back to the web app.
Discover how Microsoft Entra External ID can provide secure, seamless sign-in experiences for your consumers and business customers. Explore tenant creation, app registration, flow customization, and account security.