The PhoneNumberAttributedValue element specifies an instance of an array of phone numbers and their associated attributions.
The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
Value (PersonaPhoneNumberType) | Attributions (ArrayOfValueAttributionsType)
BusinessPhoneNumbers | BusinessPhoneNumbers2 | HomePhones | HomePhones2 | MobilePhones | MobilePhones2 | AssistantPhoneNumbers | CallbackPhones | CarPhones | HomeFaxes | OrganizationMainPhones | OtherFaxes | OtherTelephones | OtherPhones2 | Pagers | RadioPhones | TelexNumbers | TTYTDDPhoneNumbers | WorkFaxes
This element was introduced in Exchange Server 2013.
The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.
Element | Example |
Namespace | |
Schema name |
Types schema |
Validation file |
Types.xsd |
Can be empty |