System Message 6678 when a shipper is confirmed before the shipper is saved
This article provides a resolution for the issue that you may receive a system message 6678 when a shipper is confirmed before the shipper is saved in Microsoft Dynamics SL.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics SL
Original KB number: 2953118
If the Shippers (40.110.00) screen crashes after the Shipper is confirmed but before the Shipper is saved, the QtyConfirmShip value in the LotSerMst record is left populated causing System Message 6678.
Customize the screen:
Open the Shipper (40.110.00) screen.
Start Customization Manager and then open Visual Basic Editor.
Copy and paste the following code:
Dim Needtosave As Boolean Private Sub cmdCancelRelease_Click() Needtosave = False End Sub Private Sub cmdOKRelease_Click() Needtosave = True End Sub Private Sub frmRelease_Hide() If Needtosave = True Then Edit_Save End If End Sub
Save the customization and close the screen.