How to add line item comments to graphical purchase order reports without creating additional white space in Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article describes how to add line item comments to graphical purchase order reports without creating additional white space in Microsoft Dynamics GP and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 906709
This article describes how to open the reports in Report Writer and how to modify the sections of a report. This article also describes how to create new calculated fields, how to modify existing calculated fields, and how to adjust the report layout.
These steps will work only if you do not want to include the Purchasing Manufacturer Numbers field.
Back up and open the report
If you have modified any reports, back up the Reports.dic file. If you have not modified any reports, go to step 2.
To locate the Reports.dic file, follow these steps:
- On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Edit Launch File.
- If you are prompted to enter a system password, type your password.
- Click Microsoft Dynamics GP or Great Plains. The path of the Reports.dic file appears in the Reports box.
The Reports.dic file only exists if you previously modified a report.
Start Report Writer, and then use the appropriate method:
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 click Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools, point to Customize, and then click Report Writer.
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and earlier versions, point to Customize on the Tools menu, and then click Report Writer.
In the Product list, click Microsoft Dynamics GP or Great Plains, and then click OK.
In Report Writer, click Reports.
In the Original Reports column, select the purchase order report that you want to modify.
Click Insert to add the report to the Modified Reports column.
Click Open, and then click Layout.
Modify the report sections
On the Tools menu, click Section Options.
In the Additional Footers section, click New to open the Footer Options dialog box.
In the Footer Name box, type ORD.
In the Report Table list, click Purchase Order Line Rollup Temp.
In the Field list, click Ord.
Click OK.
In the Additional Footers section, click Comment 1 Footer, and then click Remove.
If you are prompted to remove the footer, click Yes.
Repeat step 7 for the following footers in the Additional Footers list:
- Comment 2 Footer
- Comment 3 Footer
- Comment 4 Footer
Modify the calculated fields
In the resource list in the Toolbox window, click Calculated Fields.
Click sSuppressComment1, and then click Open to open the Calculated Field Definition dialog box.
In the Expression Type section, click Conditional.
If you are prompted to destroy the current expression, click Continue.
In the Expression Type section, click Calculated.
In the Result Type list, click Integer.
Click Constants.
In the Type list, click Integer.
In the Constant field, type 0, click Add, and then click OK.
Repeat step 1 through step 8 for the following calculated fields:
- sSuppressComment2
- sSuppressComment3
- sSuppressComment4
Adjust the report layout
In the resource list in the Toolbox window, click Purchasing Comment.
Drag the Comment field to the F3 section of the Report Layout dialog box. The Report Field Options dialog box appears. Enter 1 in the Array Index field.
Repeat step 1 and step 2 so that you add a total of four Comment fields.
When you are prompted for an array index for each field, type 2 for the second field, type 3 for the third field, and then type 4 for the fourth field.
In the F3 section, move the Comment4 field to the side of the report.
This comment field will not appear in the printed report. However, this comment field must be in the margin so that a calculated field will work.
Drag the Comment Text field to the B section of the Report Layout dialog box.
Move the following fields outside the margin of the report:
- Manufacturer Item Number
- Manufacturer
- Item Description
Drag the B section to create sufficient space in the body of the report so that the maximum number of comment lines that you might enter will fit.
For example, if you print 10 lines of comments, the B section should be 10 lines long.
Resize the Comment Text field to occupy the whole B section.
Delete the following text fields from the H7 section:
- Manufacturer Item Number
- Manufacturer
- Description
Create the first new calculated field
In the resource list in the Toolbox window, click Calculated Fields, and then click New.
In the Calculated Field Definition dialog box, specify the following settings:
- Name: Comment
- Expression Type: Conditional
- Result Type: Integer
Click the Expressions Conditional field.
In the Field list, click F3_LAST Comment[1], and then click Add.
In the Operators section, click <>.
Click the Constants tab. In the Type list, click String, and then click Add.
In the Operators section, click AND.
On the Fields tab in the Field list, click F3_LAST Comment[4], and then click Add.
In the Operators section, click =.
Click the Constants tab. In the Type list, click String, and then click Add.
Click the True Case field.
On the Constants tab in the Type list, click Integer. In the Constant field, type 1 , and then click Add.
Click the False Case field.
On the Constants tab in the Constant field, type 0, and then click Add.
The calculated field should resemble the following:
Expressions Conditional: F3_LAST Comment[1] <>'''' AND F3_LAST Comment[4]=''''
Create the second new calculated field
Click New.
In the Calculated Field Definition dialog box, specify the following settings:
- Name: Comment2
- Expression Type: Conditional
- Result Type: Integer
Click the Expressions Conditional field.
In the Resource list, click Purchasing Comment. In the Field list, click Comment, and then click Add. Type 4 when you are prompted to enter an array index.
In the Operators section, click <>.
Click the Constants tab. In the Type list, click String, and then click Add.
Click the True Case field.
On the Constants tab in the Type list, click Integer. In the Constant field, type 1 , and then click Add.
Click the False Case field.
On the Constants tab in the Constant field, type 0, and then click Add.
The calculated field should resemble the following:
Expressions Conditional: POP_Comment.Comment[4] <>''''
Modify the report section options
- On the Tools menu, click Section Options.
- In the Additional Footer section, click ORD, and then click Open.
- Click to select the Suppress When Field Is Empty check box. In the Calculated Field list, click Comment.
- Click OK.
- In the Body section in the Calculated Field list, click Comment 2, and then click OK.
Save your report
Close the Report Layout dialog box.
If you are prompted to save the changes, click Save.
In the Report Definition dialog box, click OK.
On the File menu, click Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains.
Grant access to the report
Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 and Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0
Method 1: By using the Advanced Security functionality
Click Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Advanced Security. Type the system password if you are prompted.
Click View, and then click by Alternate, Modified and Custom.
Expand the following nodes:
- Great Plains
- Reports
- Purchasing
Expand the purchase order form that you modified.
Click Great Plains (Modified).
Click Apply, and then click OK.
By default, when you open the Advanced Security dialog box, the current user and the current company are selected. Any changes that you make are for the current user and for the current company. However, you can select additional users and companies in the Company area and in the User area of the Advanced Security dialog box.
Method 2: By using standard Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains security
Click Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Security.
If you are prompted, type the system password.
In the User ID list, click the user ID for the user whom you want to have access to the report.
In the Type list, click Modified Reports.
In the Series list, click Purchasing.
In the Access List box, double-click the report that you modified, and then click OK.
An asterisk (*) appears next to the report name.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Create the ID to print the modified report. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, point to Security, and then click Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
If you are prompted for the system password, type the system password.
Type the ID in the ID box, and then type the description in the Description box.
Click Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Product field, and then click Reports in the Type field.
Expand Series, and then click Modified Report.
Click Save.
Assign the security to print the modified report. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, point to Security, and then click User Security.
- Click the user ID and the company database.
- Click the menu next to the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID field, and then click the ID that you created in step 1b.
- Save the changes, and then print the report.