How to print bar-code numbers from third-party solutions in Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article describes the general guidelines about how to print bar-code number fields in reports in Microsoft Dynamics GP or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0. The bar-code numbers are printed from the third-party solutions for bar coding that are listed under the Industry Solutions section of PartnerSource and of CustomerSource.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 856450
You must have administrator user rights or access to Report Writer to follow these steps.
Prerequisites for printing bar-code numbers
You must install a bar-code package that includes fonts on each workstation where you want to print reports. You can buy bar-code fonts, or you can download free bar-code fonts from the Internet.
We do not have a list of compatible bar-code formats. Therefore, you must perform test prints that use the bar-code font to make sure that the font is compatible with your printer.
The bar-code number must be recorded somewhere in the Microsoft Dynamics GP system. For example, if you are assigning a bar-code number to each item, you can use the following fields:
- Item Number
- Item Description
- Item Short Description
The report must have a table that includes the field that stores the bar-code number.
The report must have a graphical format in Report Writer.
Most bar-code readers expect a start character and an end character to identify the code field. The common practice is to use an asterisk
before and after the field. For example, item A must be entered as*Item A*
so that the reader can decrypt the field.
How to configure Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains to print bar-code numbers
Step 1 - Create a calculated field in Report Writer
You must create a calculated field in Report Writer to accept the bar codes. To do this, follow these steps:
Print the report to the screen, and then select Modify to open the Report Layout.
In the Toolbox, select Calculated fields, and then select New.
In the New field dialog box, type or select the following elements in the respective fields:
- Name: Barcode_Field_Name
- Result Type: String
- Expression Type: Calculated
On the Constants tab, select the following elements, and then select Add:
- Type: String
- Constant: *
Select the Cat button.
On the Functions tab, select the following elements, and then select Add:
- Type: System-defined
- Function: STRIP
The STRIP function removes additional spaces in each field.
On the Fields tab, select the following elements, and then select Add:
- Resources: Table_Name
- Field: Field_Name
Replace the Table_Name place holder with the appropriate table name, and replace the Field_Name place holder with the appropriate field name that contains the bar code.
Select the Cat button.
On the Constants tab, select the following elements, and then select Add:
- Type: String
- Constant:
The resulting calculated fields are displayed as follows:
"*" # Table_Name . Field_Name # "*"
Select OK.
In the Toolbox, select Calculated Fields.
Drag the calculated field that you created to the appropriate area of the Report Layout.
On the File menu, select Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains. When you are prompted to save changes, select Save.
Step 2 - Grant user rights for the report, and do a test print
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0
Create the ID to print the modified report. To do this, follow these steps:
On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
If you are prompted, type the system password.
In the ID field and in the Description field, type the ID and the description that you want to use.
Select the following elements for the respective fields:
- Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP
- Type: Reports
Expand the appropriate series, expand the appropriate report, and then select Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified).
Select Save.
Grant user rights to print the modified report. To do this, follow these steps:
- On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, point to Security, and then select User Security.
- Select the user ID and the company database that you want.
- In the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID field, select the ID that you created in step 1.
- Save the changes, and then log off from Microsoft Dynamics GP.
- Sign in to Microsoft Dynamics GP, and then print the report.
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0
You can use the Advanced Security tool in these versions, as follows:
On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Advanced Security.
Type the system password if you are prompted.
Select View, and then select by Alternate, Modified and Custom.
Expand the following nodes:
- Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Great Plains
- Reports
Expand the appropriate series, and then expand the folder that contains the report that you modified.
Select Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified) or Microsoft Great Plains (Modified).
Select Apply, and then select OK.
By default, when you start the Advanced Security tool, the current user and the current company are selected. Any changes that you make are for the current user and for the current company. However, you can select additional users in the User area of the Advanced Security window. You can select additional companies in the Company area of the Advanced Security window.
Print the report.
In versions earlier than Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0
You can use the Standard Security tool in these versions, as follows:
- On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then select Security. If you are prompted, type the system password.
- In the User ID list, select the ID of the user or users who you want to have access to the modified report.
- In the Type list, select Modified Reports.
- In the Series list, select the appropriate series.
- In the Access List box, double-click the report that you modified, and then select OK.
- Print the report.