How to use the Bulk Copy Process (BCP) to export Microsoft Dynamics GP data from one database and import data into a new database
This article discusses how to use the Bulk Copy Process (BCP) to export data and to import data by using Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 875179
Make a backup of your company database.
Copy and paste the following CreateBulkCopyOut.sql script into Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer.
/* Script to create bcp commands to export data for all tables. */ SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF select 'bcp "TWO..' + name + '" out ' + name + '.out -e ' + name + '.err -c -b 1000 -U sa -P password -t "|" -S SERVERNAME -r "#EOR#\n"' from sysobjects where type = 'U' order by name
In the script, replace the following placeholders with the correct information:
Replace TWO with the name of your company database.
Replace password with your sa password.
Replace SERVERNAME with the name of your instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
To open Query Analyzer, select Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Query Analyzer.
If you're using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (also known as MSDE 2000), run the statement in Microsoft Support Administrator Console. To open Support Administrator Console, select Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Support Administrator Console, and then select Support Administrator Console. Support Administrator Console requires a separate installation. You can install the program by using the Great Plains installation CD number 2.
Run the script against the database and then save the results to a batch file. To do it, follow these steps:
- If you're using Query Analyzer, select the results pane, and then select Save As on the File menu. Create a folder named BCPData, name this file Copyout.bat, and then select Save.
- If you're using Support Administrator Console, select File, and then select Export. Create a folder and name it BCPData. Name the file Copyout.bat. Then select Save.
Copy and paste the following CreateBulkCopyIn.sql script into Query Analyzer.
/* Script to create bcp commands to import data for all tables. */ SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF select 'bcp "TWO..' + name + '" in ' + name + '.out -e ' + name + '.err -c -b 1000 -U sa -P password -t "|" -S SERVERNAME -r "#EOR#\n"' from sysobjects where type = 'U' order by name
In the script, replace the following placeholders with the correct information:
Replace TWO with the name of your company database.
Replace password with your sa password.
Replace SERVERNAME with the name of your instance of SQL Server.
To open Query Analyzer, select Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Query Analyzer.
If you're using SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, run the statement in Support Administrator Console. To open Support Administrator Console, select Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Support Administrator Console, and then select Support Administrator Console. Support Administrator Console requires a separate installation. You can install the program by using the Great Plains installation CD number 2.
Run the script against the database and then save the results to a batch file.
- If you're using Query Analyzer, select the results pane, and then select Save As on the File menu. Create a folder and name it BCPData. Name the file Copyin.bat, and then select Save.
- If you're using Support Administrator Console, select File and then select Export. Create a folder and name it BCPData. Name the file Copyin.bat. Then select Save.
Do a bcp command to move the data out of the company database. To do it, use the appropriate method.
For Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000
Open the BCPData folder.
Double-click the Copyout.bat file.
The batch file starts the BCP process to copy the data from the database to a text file.
Open the BCPData folder.
Right-click the Copyout.bat file, and then select Edit to open the file in Notepad or in another text editor
Select all the text. To do it, select Edit, and then select Select All. Or, press Alt+A.
Copy all the text from the Copyout.bat file to the Clipboard. To do it, select Edit, and then select Copy. Or, press Ctrl+C.
Open a Command Prompt window. To do it, select Start, select Run, type cmd, and then select OK.
Paste the contents of the Copyout.bat file into the Command Prompt window. To do it, right-click the window, and then select Paste.
For Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Open the BCPData folder.
Double-click the Copyout.bat file.
The batch file starts the BCP process to copy the data from the database to a text file.
Delete the company from within Microsoft Dynamics GP. To do it, sign into Great Plains as the sa user. Select Tools, point to Setup, point to System and then select Company. Select the lookup glass to display all the companies listed. Select the company and then select Delete.
For versions of Microsoft Great Plains that are earlier than Microsoft Great Plains 8.0, delete the company. To delete the company, do the following: On the Setup menu, select System, and then select Company to delete the company.
Remove the database.
If you're using Microsoft SQL Server, open Enterprise Manager, expand the server name, expand Database, right-click the company database that you deleted in step 7, and then select Delete.
If you're using SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, remove the database from within Support Administrator Console by running the following script, where TWO is the name of the database.
Re-create the company database and procedures. To do it, start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, sign in as the sa user, and then select Create new company in the Additional Tasks dialog box.
Use the same company name as the one that you deleted in step 7.
After the company is created, the tables must be truncated.
If you're using Microsoft SQL Server, run the following Truncate_Table_Company.sql script in Query Analyzer.
/* Script to remove all data from all user tables in the company database */ SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'RM_NationalAccounts_MSTR_FKC') ALTER TABLE dbo.RM00105 DROP CONSTRAINT RM_NationalAccounts_MSTR_FKC Go declare @tablename char(255) DECLARE t_cursor CURSOR for select "truncate table " + name from sysobjects where type = 'U' set NOCOUNT on open t_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor INTO @tablename while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin if (@@fetch_status <> -2) begin exec (@tablename) end FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor into @tablename end DEALLOCATE t_cursor GO ALTER TABLE dbo.RM00105 ADD CONSTRAINT RM_NationalAccounts_MSTR_FKC FOREIGN KEY ( CPRCSTNM ) REFERENCES dbo.RM00101 ( CUSTNMBR ) GO
If you're using SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, run the following scripts separately in the Support Administrator console.
Script 1
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'RM_NationalAccounts_MSTR_FKC') ALTER TABLE dbo.RM00105 DROP CONSTRAINT RM_NationalAccounts_MSTR_FKC
Script 2
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF declare @tablename char(255) DECLARE t_cursor CURSOR for select "truncate table " + name from sysobjects where type = 'U' set NOCOUNT on open t_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor INTO @tablename while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin if (@@fetch_status <> -2) begin exec (@tablename) end FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor into @tablename end DEALLOCATE t_cursor
Script 3
Move the data back into the company database. To do it, open the BCPData folder, and then double-click the Copyin.bat batch file. Running this batch file starts the process of moving the data back into the company database. When the data is moved back into the database, all indexes are created and verified for each table.
When the process is completed, the BCPData folder will contain .err files. If any one of these .err files is larger than 0 KB, the data was not imported for the company database successfully.
More steps
If you're using the BCP process to change your Microsoft SQL Server Sort Order, you must bulk copy data out of the DYNAMICS database and all Company databases.
Changing the Microsoft SQL Server Sort Order for the DYNAMICS database and for the Company database isn't supported by Microsoft. For information about consulting services that may be available to change the Microsoft SQL Server Sort Order for you, use one of the following options, depending on whether you're a customer or a partner:
For more information about data manipulation consulting services, contact your partner of record. If you don't have a partner of record, visit Microsoft Pinpoint to identify a partner.
For more information about data manipulation consulting services, contact Microsoft Advisory Services at 800-MPN-SOLVE.
To do it, follow steps 1 through 11 in the Introduction section. In step 10, you must also truncate the DYNAMICS database. To do it, use one of the following methods:
If you're using Microsoft SQL Server, run the following Truncate_Tables_Dynamics.sql script in Query Analyzer.
/* ** ** Truncate_Tables_Dynamics.sql function: Will remove all data from all user tables in the DYNAMICS database ** */ SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'orgEntity_SETP') ALTER TABLE dbo.ORG40100 DROP CONSTRAINT orgEntity_SETP GO if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'orgRelation_MSTR') ALTER TABLE dbo.ORG00100 DROP CONSTRAINT orgRelation_MSTR Go declare @tablename char(255) DECLARE t_cursor CURSOR for select "truncate table " + name from sysobjects where type = 'U' set NOCOUNT on open t_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor INTO @tablename while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin if (@@fetch_status <> -2) begin exec (@tablename) end FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor into @tablename end DEALLOCATE t_cursor GO ALTER TABLE dbo.ORG40100 ADD CONSTRAINT orgEntity_SETP FOREIGN KEY ( ENTYLVL ) REFERENCES dbo.ORG40000 ( ENTYLVL ) GO ALTER TABLE dbo.ORG00100 ADD CONSTRAINT orgRelation_MSTR FOREIGN KEY ( ENTITYID ) REFERENCES dbo.ORG40100 ( ENTITYID ) GO
If you're using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, run the following scripts separately in the Support Administrator console.
Script 1
if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'orgEntity_SETP') ALTER TABLE dbo.ORG40100 DROP CONSTRAINT orgEntity_SETP
Script 2
if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'orgRelation_MSTR') ALTER TABLE dbo.ORG00100 DROP CONSTRAINT orgRelation_MSTR
Script 3
declare @tablename char(255) DECLARE t_cursor CURSOR for select "truncate table " + name from sysobjects where type = 'U' set NOCOUNT on open t_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor INTO @tablename while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin if (@@fetch_status <> -2) begin exec (@tablename) end FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor into @tablename end DEALLOCATE t_cursor
Script 4
Script 5