DirectXMath Library constants
The following constants are provided by the DirectXMath Library.
Constant | Description |
The version of the DirectXMath Library. The initial preview release was 300, the Windows 8 final version is 303, the Windows 8.1 version is 305. XNA Math's versions were 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, and so on. This is defined as a preprocessor symbol. |
An optimal representation of π. |
XM_2PI |
An optimal representation of 2*π. |
An optimal representation of 1/π. |
An optimal representation of 1/2π. |
An optimal representation of π/2. |
An optimal representation of π/4. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the X component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Y component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Z component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the W component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the X component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Y component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the Z component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorPermute. This indicates that the W component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorPermute is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used to construct a control vector used with XMVectorSelect. Indicates that the component of the first of the vector arguments to XMVectorSelect is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to its index in the control vector. For example, a control vector with XM_SELECT_0 as its second component copies the second component of the first vector to the second component of the result vector. |
A constant used to construct a control vector used with XMVectorSelect. Indicates that the component of the second of the vector arguments to XMVectorSelect is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to its index in the control vector. For example, a control vector with XM_SELECT_1 as its second component copies the second component of the second vector to the second component of the result vector. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the X component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the Y component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the Z component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
A constant used as an element index with XMVectorSwizzle. This indicates that the W component of the vector argument to XMVectorSwizzle is to be copied to the index location in a result vector corresponding to the specified element. |
Mask to get a comparison result, which is typically retrieved using a recording version of an DirectXMath function such XMVector4EqualR. The following example gets the comparison result from the variable CR:
Mask to get a comparison result, and verify if it is a logical true. The value is typically retrieved using a recording version of a DirectXMath function such as XMVector4EqualR. The example checks if the variableq CR is true:
See also XMComparisonAnyTrue, XMComparisonAllTrue, and XMComparisonMixed |
Mask to get a comparison result, and verify if it is a logical false. The value is typically retrieved using a recording version of an DirectXMath math function such as XMVector4EqualR. The example checks if the variable CR is false:
See also XMComparisonAnyFalse, XMComparisonAllFalse and XMComparisonMixed |
Mask to get a comparison result, and verify if the result indicates that some of the inputs were out of bounds. The value is typically retrieved using a recording version of a DirectXMath function such as XMVector4EqualR. The example checks if the variable CR indicates and out of bounds state.
See also XMComparisonAllInBounds and XMComparisonAnyOutOfBounds |
Colors::AliceBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::AntiqueWhite | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Aqua | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Aquamarine | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Azure | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Beige | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Bisque | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Black | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::BlanchedAlmond | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Blue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::BlueViolet | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Brown | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::BurlyWood | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::CadetBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Chartreuse | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Chocolate | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Coral | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::CornflowerBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Cornsilk | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Crimson | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Cyan | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkCyan | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkGoldenrod | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkGray | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkKhaki | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkMagenta | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkOliveGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkOrange | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkOrchid | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkRed | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkSalmon | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkSeaGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkSlateBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkSlateGray | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkTurquoise | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DarkViolet | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DeepPink | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DeepSkyBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DimGray | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::DodgerBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Firebrick | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::FloralWhite | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::ForestGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Fuchsia | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Gainsboro | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::GhostWhite | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Gold | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Goldenrod | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Gray | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Green | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::GreenYellow | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Honeydew | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::HotPink | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::IndianRed | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Indigo | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Ivory | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Khaki | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Lavender | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LavenderBlush | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LawnGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LemonChiffon | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightCoral | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightCyan | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightGoldenrodYellow | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightGray | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightPink | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightSalmon | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightSeaGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightSkyBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightSlateGray | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightSteelBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LightYellow | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Lime | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::LimeGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Linen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Magenta | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Maroon | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumAquamarine | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumOrchid | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumPurple | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumSeaGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumSlateBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumSpringGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumTurquoise | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MediumVioletRed | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MidnightBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MintCream | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::MistyRose | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Moccasin | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::NavajoWhite | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Navy | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::OldLace | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Olive | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::OliveDrab | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Orange | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::OrangeRed | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Orchid | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::PaleGoldenrod | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::PaleGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::PaleTurquoise | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::PaleVioletRed | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::PapayaWhip | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::PeachPuff | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Peru | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Pink | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Plum | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::PowderBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Purple | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Red | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::RosyBrown | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::RoyalBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SaddleBrown | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Salmon | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SandyBrown | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SeaGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SeaShell | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Sienna | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Silver | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SkyBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SlateBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SlateGray | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Snow | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SpringGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::SteelBlue | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Tan | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Teal | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Thistle | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Tomato | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Transparent | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Turquoise | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Violet | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Wheat | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::White | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::WhiteSmoke | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::Yellow | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
Colors::YellowGreen | Constants for the standard .NET color definitions. These values are R, G, B data that can be used as XMVECTOR's or passed directly to the Direct3D 10.x / Direct3D 11 API's Clear method. |
All the Colors constants are defined in the standard sRGB color space (as are .NET colors and HTML web-safe colors). For gamma-correct rendering using linear color space, the values need to be adjusted slightly.
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