Print support application(PSA) sample application is not activated and unable to show custom print settings

Amitha K 51 Reputation points

I'm building the PSA print support application using a sample PSA code provided by MS, I am not able to confirm whether the app is activated with PrintSupportSettingsUI ActivationKind or not could you please help me with this?

I followed the steps below

  1. The sample application is created following the guidelines provided in the below link
  2. Set up printers and find the Hardware Id or Compatible Id
  3. Prepared the PSA extension INF file
    1. Updated PrinterHardwareId in psa.inf file with your Hardware Id or Compatible Id.
    2. Updated the PackageFamilyName and AUMID (AppUserModeId) for your PSA application.
    3. Created a catalog file.
    4. Signed the file using psa.INF extension INF
  4. Installed extension INF on Windows 11 (pnputil.exe /add-driver psa.inf)
  5. Verified that oem2.inf is added/ created
  6. I also verified that PSA extension INF has valid PrinterHardwareId, PackageFamilyName, AUMID
  7. After installing the driver, When I open the print dialog, clicks More Settings in MPD or Preferences in CPD, I am expecting to contract activated with this contract will receive a new ActivationKind called PrintSupportSettingsUI and navigate to the custom print setting page. But by clicking more settings, custom print settings are not shown

Can anyone help me to understand the process of activating the PSA application to show the custom page? and How do I debug this issue?


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Windows Hardware Performance
Windows: A family of Microsoft operating systems that run across personal computers, tablets, laptops, phones, internet of things devices, self-contained mixed reality headsets, large collaboration screens, and other devices.Hardware Performance: Delivering / providing hardware or hardware systems or adjusting / adapting hardware or hardware systems.
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  1. Limitless Technology 44,206 Reputation points

    Hi. Thank you for your question and reaching out. I’d be more than happy to help you with your query.

    If the Print Support Application (PSA) sample application is not activated, it may be due to a few different factors. Here are some steps you can follow to resolve the issue:

    1. Check activation status: Confirm that the PSA sample application is installed and activated on the machine. You can do this by going to the Windows Control Panel and checking the list of installed programs.
    2. Check dependencies: Make sure that all dependencies required by the PSA sample application are installed and updated to the latest versions. This may include required libraries, drivers, or other software.
    3. Restart the application: Try restarting the PSA sample application to see if that resolves the issue. If not, try restarting the machine and then reopening the application.
    4. Check system settings: Make sure that the appropriate system settings are enabled to support the PSA sample application. For example, check the display settings, firewall settings, and printer settings.
    5. Check for updates: Check for any available updates for the PSA sample application and install any that are available.

    By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and get the custom print settings to display in the PSA sample application.

    If the reply was helpful, please don’t forget to upvote or accept as answer, thank you.

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  1. Amitha K 51 Reputation points

    Thanks, @Roy Li - MSFT @Limitless Technology for your responses.

    My printer was pointing to the older version of oem file. To resolve the issue, I had to remove the previously added IPP printer and added it again. By doing this, the printer is able to take the newly added printer and when I open the print dialog[click More Settings in MPD or Preferences in CPD] I am seeing that PrintSupportSettingsUI ActivationKind is called and navigate to the custom print setting page.

    One question to @Roy Li - MSFT Do you have any MS git repository to refer to the sample code? Could you please share the details?

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  2. Woods Sea 5 Reputation points

    Hi Amitha K,

    Hello. I am experiencing the same issue.

    Also I don't understand why MS doesn't offer the entire sample code but some scattered code snippets for reference.

    I write my demo program by reffering sample here:

    But, when I I open the print dialog by clicking More Settings in MPD or Preferences in CPD ,

    I found the OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args) function is not called. I think that maybe it is due to Package.appxmanifest file. but I don't know well about that.

    Can you please share me a sample about PrintSupportSettingsUI ActivationKind calling?

    Thank you very much.

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  3. Woods Sea 5 Reputation points

    Hi Amitha K,

    Hello. I am experiencing the same issue.

    Also I don't understand why MS doesn't offer the entire sample code but some scattered code snippets for reference.

    I write my demo program by reffering sample here:

    But, when I I open the print dialog by clicking More Settings in MPD or Preferences in CPD ,

    I found the OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args) function is not called. I think it possible due to Package.appxmanifest file. but I don't know well about that.

    Can you please share me a sample about PrintSupportSettingsUI ActivationKind calling?

    Thank you very much.

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  4. Shane Scribner 0 Reputation points

    Hi Amitha K and Wood Sea,

    Were either of you able to resolve this issue? I'm encountering similar issues.


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