I am also experiencing this issue daily when executing bicep templates via Azure DevOps pipeline.
Unable to edit or replace deployment 'cosmos-account': previous deployment from '3/21/2024 4:50:20 PM' is still active (expiration time is '3/28/2024 4:50:19 PM'). Please see https://aka.ms/arm-deploy-resources for usage details. (Code: DeploymentActive)
Under Subscription > Deployments, the deployment is in a failed state and cannot be canceled. Additionally under Subscription > Resource Group > Deployments, the deployment is in a failed state and cannot be canceled. Deleting a deployment is not advisable for traceability.
If I drill into the 'cosmos-account' deployment error, all of its components happen to be deployed successfully, but the overall deployment failed.
I've executed this deployment multiple times. This error is intermittent.