Hello Yovel Cohen,
Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform.
I understand that you’re encountering an AuthenticationFailed error when your new container app tries to interact with the existing storage account. Please consider checking the following below and one of these approaches will help you resolve the AuthenticationFailed error.
- This article shows you how to configure authentication for Azure Container Apps so that your app signs in users with the Microsoft identity platform as the authentication provider.
- Ensure that the managed identity of your container app has the appropriate permissions on the storage account. You can assign the Storage Table/Blob Data Contributor role to the managed identity at either the subscription level or the resource level for the specific storage account. Make sure to wait a few hours to ensure the changes propagate.
- If you’re using Terraform, make sure to whitelist your build agent. You can do this by either using a self-hosted agent within a VNET or allowing access from that VNET in your storage account’s firewall rules.
- Consider upgrading your Azure Storage SDK version. Some older versions may have issues. If you’re using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage, try updating to a more recent version.
- Check your SAS token and if it is expired, create a new version of the secret using a SAS token with a longer duration.
- Verify if your storage account has firewall configurations, if set to “Selected Networks,” make sure your ip is whitelisted to access the storage account.
Hope this answer helps! Please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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