Working with Start/Stop VMs 2 and having troubling understanding the metrics used for ststv2_vms_Sequenced_stop logic app.
We are trying to set it up so that the logic app will scan the resource group every hour and shut down the VM in the resource group that is using less than 5% CPU. Got it configured but its shutting down even when the CPU is running at over 75%. Config set below:
Action": "stop", "AutoStop_Condition": "LessThan", "AutoStop_Description": "Alert to stop the VM if the CPU % falls below the threshold", "AutoStop_Frequency": "00:05:00", "AutoStop_MetricName": "Percentage CPU", "AutoStop_Severity": "2", "AutoStop_Threshold": "5", "AutoStop_TimeAggregationOperator": "Average", "AutoStop_TimeWindow": "00:10:00",