How to have the control over the audio playing when text is converted to speech using Azure Speech Service?
Shivani V
Reputation points
Below is the code I am using to convert text to audio for a button click using Azure speech service, but I am unable to stop the audio that is playing,
I would like to use the same button to stop the audio while it is playing.
How to have the control over the audio that is playing.
const speechConfig = SpeechSDK.SpeechConfig.fromSubscription("key", "region");
let synthesizer = null;
function initializeSynthesizer() {
const audioConfig = SpeechSDK.AudioConfig.fromDefaultSpeakerOutput();
synthesizer = new SpeechSDK.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
synthesizer.synthesizing = (s, e) => {
console.log(`Synthesizing: ${e.result.audioData.byteLength} bytes`);
function convertTextToSpeech(text) {
if (!synthesizer) {
let selectedLanguage = TranslationModule.getSelectedLanguage(); // Assuming TranslationModule handles language selection
TranslationModule.translateText(text, selectedLanguage).then(translatedText => {
result => {
if (result.reason === SpeechSDK.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted) {
console.log("Speech synthesis completed.");
} else {
console.error("Speech synthesis canceled, " + result.errorDetails);
error => {
console.error("Error during speech synthesis:", error);
console.log("Speech synthesis started:", text); // Log synthesis started
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Error translating text for speech:', error);
$(document).off('click').on('click', '#btnread', function () {
let textToRead = this.getAttribute('data-text'); // Assuming the button has a 'data-text' attribute with the text to read
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