After deep linking to a personal app chat I cannot type or send chat messages
We are building a Teams app that leverages deep linking to a chat. The chat is the 'conversations' tab in the personal app itself.
A couple of weeks ago this worked fine, but recently we've been getting an error on the input box:
After we change tabs and navigate back to 'Chat' manually it does work again, but it greatly disturbs user flow.
I've tried deeplinking multiple ways according to the documentation, but all give the same result. We are mainly using teams-js to deep link like this: `
pages.currentApp.navigateTo({ pageId: "conversations" });`
Note that we are succesfully redirected to the chat tab, we just cannot type anything.
MS Teams version: 24180.205.2980.1757.
Client version: 49/24062724814.
Same for the Teams browser version.
Any ideas? Is this a bug introduced by Teams?