Background: I’ve been exploring how to set up a distribution group in Exchange to receive Out-of-Office (OoO) messages from its members.
Unfortunately, my initial attempts haven’t been successful. Here are the steps I’ve taken so far:
- Identifying OoO Members: I used the following PowerShell command to retrieve all OoO members:
This command lists all mailboxes with scheduled OoO messages for understanding.
- Activating OoO for the Distribution Group: To enable OoO for the distribution group “
” I used the following command:
This should allow the group to respond to senders with OoO messages.
- Member Overview: Finally, I checked the members of the distribution group “
” and their OoO status using this command:
This provides an overview of each member’s OoO status.
My previous analysis steps:
# Recursive DistributionGroup search
Get-ADGroup -Filter "groupcategory -eq 'Distribution'" -Properties Members |
Where-Object {$_.Members.Count -gt 0} |
Select-Object Name, @{Name='Mitgliederanzahl'; Expression={$_.Members.Count}} |
Sort-Object Name
# None-Recursive DistributionGroup Search
ForEach ($x in Get-DistributionGroup * | Sort-Object Name) {
"Gruppe: $($x.Name)`n`nMitglieder"
$y = Get-DistributionGroupMember $x
$y | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table
"Mitgliederanzahl: $($y.Count)`n=====`n"
# OoO Activating @DistributionGroup (Notice and code by DMA - Thank you very much)
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity "Dist-Test-Group" -SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled $true
# OoO Member Overview
Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "Dist-Test-Group" |
Select-Object Name, PrimarySmtpAddress, WhenCreated, @{Name="OutOfOffice"; Expression={(Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration $_.PrimarySmtpAddress).AutoReplyState}}
# Track DistributionGroup Messages
Get-MessageTrackingLog | ? {$_.RelatedRecipientAddress -like "Dist-Test-Group"} | Measure-Object | Format-List Count
# Track DistributionGroup Messages (Advanced Search)
Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited | ? {$_.RelatedRecipientAddress -like "Dist-Test-Group"} | Measure-Object | Format-List Count
Despite these steps, I haven’t achieved the desired outcome.
Any further guidance or insights would be greatly appreciated!
@Vasil Michev Are you there?
Best regards,