Hi, I also had this problem and managed to solve it. Storage Blob Data Contributor role must be assigned on the translator resource by manage identity and on the user who runs Language Studio applications.
Your translator resource must have "Storage Blob Data Contributor" role in the Azure Blob storage account to run document translation jobs
I keep getting the following error when selecting my Azure Blob storage account when using the translator tool in language studio: {Your translator resource must have "Storage Blob Data Contributor" role in the Azure Blob storage account to run document translation jobs}. I have checked and my blob storage account is assigned as Storage Blob Data Contributor in my translator resource, but I still get this error after I've waited and tried again. I have tried new storage accounts and translator resources but still get the same.
3 answers
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Sedat SALMAN 13,985 Reputation points MVP
2024-08-24T05:47:07.2233333+00:00 The permission assignment should be done at the container level within your Azure Blob Storage to ensure that the Translator has the necessary permissions to read, write, and delete blobs and additionally when using the managed identity with Azure RBAC, do not use SAS tokens in your requests. Instead, use the plain storage account URLs, as the managed identity provides the necessary authentication.
i have some troubleshooting linked those may help you
Nehruji R 8,146 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2024-09-04T10:22:34.0733333+00:00 Hello Jonah Munholland,
Greetings Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform.
I understand that you are facing issues while selecting Azure Blob storage account when using the translator tool in language studio and getting following error {Your translator resource must have "Storage Blob Data Contributor" role in the Azure Blob storage account to run document translation jobs}.
Sometimes, the Storage Blob Data Contributor role alone might not be sufficient. You might also need to assign the Reader role to navigate through the Azure portal. Also check if the user has necessary permission to access the data as Managed identities for Azure resources are service principals that create a Microsoft Entra identity and specific permissions for Azure managed resources.
Following doc will help you setting up the translator - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/ai-azure-ai-services-blog/document-translation-now-available-in-the-language-studio/ba-p/3825711.
Please refer here for AI translator limitations.
Hope this answer helps! please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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