I have the following code:
Do While blnContScan = True
DPI = 200
PP = 1 'No of pages
Set Scanner = Dialog1.ShowSelectDevice(WIA.WiaDeviceType.ScannerDeviceType, False, False)
With Scanner.Items(1)
.Properties("6146").Value = 1 'Colour intent (1 for color, 2 for grayscale, 4 for b & w)
.Properties("6147").Value = DPI 'DPI horizontal
.Properties("6148").Value = DPI 'DPI vertical
.Properties("6149").Value = 0 'x point to start scan
.Properties("6150").Value = 0 'y point to start scan
.Properties("6151").Value = 8.27 * DPI 'Horizontal extent
.Properties("6152").Value = 11.69 * DPI 'Vertical extent for letter
End With
Set img = Dialog1.ShowTransfer(Scanner.Items(1), wiaFormatJPEG, True)
My issue is with the last line. As this code executes in a loop, each time that the last line is executed, it prompts the user to choose between the 4 scanners loaded.
Can I put this line somewhere else so that it is executed only once and the program remembers the selection?
If only 1 scanner is available to choose, the user is not prompt again.
The above loop only executes if there is multiple pages in the ADF.
Much appreciated