net use: system error 71

Bea 21 Reputation points

Hi all,

The command


results in system error 71.

As far as I read in different forums, normally this is a matter of maximum number of connections being exceeded. But in my case this seems not to be the point.

The behavior in detail:
I perform the upper command, then I delete the connection via „net use SHARE /del“. Everthing works fine. I do this several time successfully.
But after a while (let’s say after 20 successful actions) system error 71 occurs. Always.
The command

net use

doesn’t show any connections. The list is empty.

The only way to successfully connect again to the share seems to be a reboot of the connecting (NOT the connected) machine. Then everything works fine again until the next error message 71.

The maximum number of connections is set on the connected machine, isn’t it?

To me it seems as if the connecting machine does not release something. But what?

Please help! Any help is appreciated!!!

Thanks in advance!

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Accepted answer
  1. MotoX80 32,526 Reputation points

    While you are removing the mapped drive from the client, the server that hosts the share is likely keeping the session alive for a period of time. You need to log on to the server and run computer management and look at the sessions. If you need more, then change the maximum number of concurrent sessions.

    Or don't map the drive multiple times. Just map it once.


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2 additional answers

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  1. Bea 21 Reputation points

    Hi Moto,

    Thanks for your answer and sorry for my delay to continue this thread!

    Your assumption about the host keeping the session for a while is the same I have. But unfortunately, the mappings (and there are a lots of them) are done automatically. I was looking for a command in order to "reset the mapping", but if it's really the server keeping the information, there will be no chance....

    Since lots of drives have to be mapped (more than letters in the alphabet) and since this has to be done within short cycles I'm a bit helpless now...

    Anyway thank you very much!!!

    Have a nice day

  2. Bea 21 Reputation points

    Hi Moto,

    Thanks a lot for your information! I also found myself completely helpless since using UNC paths is not possible (one or several C# functions don't work properly with them).

    But finally, I got it!

    Before mapping a share I always delete it just to be sure nobody manually mapped it. But this did not work properly although mapping and deleting were done by the same user. The last somehow desperate try was to delete it immediately after usage. This solution si working. Sounds strange, but there is a small difference in deleting it later: The software doing all this (mapping, working on the drives etc.) is being called by a Control-M-Job. This job always works with the same user, so I thought, there could be no problem, since it works well, if you map a drive, close the session, reconnect and delete the mapping. So far so good. But in the context of Control-M this is not the case. I don't know why, but I don't know about Control-M anyway....

    Puh, glad I got it running now!

    Have a nice weekend

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