@Crod-8019 Thanks for reaching out! To identify orphaned or unattached mentioned resources, there is no direct way to do. Here are some PowerShell scripts to get the list of unattached mentioned resources.
Below are the commands to install the ‘AZ’ modules in PowerShell:
Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Force
Find-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery | Install-Module -Verbose -Force
set-executionpolicy unrestricted
Import-Module -Name Az
Get-InstalledModule -Name Az -AllVersions | select Name,Version
PowerShell commands to find unattached Azure managed disk:
Select-Azsubscrciption -Subscription "Subscription Name"
# Set deleteUnattachedDisks=1 if you want to delete unattached Managed Disks
# Set deleteUnattachedDisks=0 if you want to see the Id of the unattached Managed Disks
$managedDisks = Get-AzDisk
foreach ($md in $managedDisks) {
# ManagedBy property stores the Id of the VM to which Managed Disk is attached to
# If ManagedBy property is $null then it means that the Managed Disk is not attached to a VM
if($md.ManagedBy -eq $null){
if($deleteUnattachedDisks -eq 1){
Write-Host "Deleting unattached Managed Disk with Id: $($md.Id)"
$md | Remove-AzDisk -Force
Write-Host "Deleted unattached Managed Disk with Id: $($md.Id) "
PowerShell commands to find unattached Azure unmanaged disk:
Select-Azsubscrciption -Subscription "Subscription Name"
# Set deleteUnattachedVHDs=1 if you want to delete unattached VHDs
# Set deleteUnattachedVHDs=0 if you want to see the Uri of the unattached VHDs
$storageAccounts = Get-AzStorageAccount
foreach($storageAccount in $storageAccounts){
$storageKey = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $storageAccount.ResourceGroupName -Name $storageAccount.StorageAccountName)[0].Value
$context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccount.StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageKey
$containers = Get-AzStorageContainer -Context $context
foreach($container in $containers){
$blobs = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $container.Name -Context $context
#Fetch all the Page blobs with extension .vhd as only Page blobs can be attached as disk to Azure VMs
$blobs | Where-Object {$_.BlobType -eq 'PageBlob' -and $_.Name.EndsWith('.vhd')} | ForEach-Object {
#If a Page blob is not attached as disk then LeaseStatus will be unlocked
if($_.ICloudBlob.Properties.LeaseStatus -eq 'Unlocked'){
if($deleteUnattachedVHDs -eq 1){
Write-Host "Deleting unattached VHD with Uri: $($_.ICloudBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri)"
$_ | Remove-AzStorageBlob -Force
Write-Host "Deleted unattached VHD with Uri: $($_.ICloudBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri)"
PowerShell commands to find unattached Azure NIC cards:
Select-Azsubscrciption -Subscription "Subscription Name"
az network nic list --query '[?virtualMachine==`null`].[id]' -o tsv
To get the unattached Public Ip addresses, you can refer to this link.
Hope this helps!!