So the issue was I need to add the Microsoft.graph.beta from the package manage console Install-Package Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Version 0.19.0-preview.
1:1 conversation on message extension retrieve members emails
Hello everyone,
So i created a message extension using bot framework v4.
What am trying to do is to retrieve members emails in 1:1 conversation using the message extension on OnTeamsMessagingExtensionSubmitActionAsync
. However am getting 403 Forbidden.
The next step I tried to add the Bot to the conversation using AdaptiveCards and I get the following error
The bot is not part of the conversation roster
Moving forward to Microsoft Graph API as mentioned in to use :
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );
var members = await graphClient.Me.Chats["{id}"].Members
Now a new issue graphClient.Me.Chats in visual studio : IUserRequestBuilder doesn't not contain a definition for Chats.
I find it a little bit weird to not able to retrieve what's already obvious. I can see the contact email and name so the 403 is absurd in my own opinion or I might be doing something wrong.
Thank you