DPM 2019 RU 3 event errors: 999 and 948. DPM Service nit run

OdoArd 6 Reputation points

I have an unusual problem of a known error in DPM.
In Event Logs, I get a notorious error 999, because the MSDPM service does not want to start.
I am asking for help in solving the problem.

Event Log:
The description for Event ID 999 from source MSDPM cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

An unexpected error caused a failure for process 'msdpm'. Restart the DPM process 'msdpm'.

Problem Details:
<FatalServiceError><__System><ID>19</ID><Seq>2</Seq><TimeCreated>27.09.2021 12:16:02</TimeCreated><Source>DpmThreadPool.cs</Source><Line>163</Line><HasError>True</HasError></__System><ExceptionType>NullReferenceException</ExceptionType><ExceptionMessage>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</ExceptionMessage><ExceptionDetails>System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.Datasource.CreateAlertsIfNeeded(ProtectedGroupDB protectedGroup, InitializationType initializationType, Replica dbReplica)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentManager.RefreshForNonDeallocationScenario(IMCatalogDB imCatalog, DataSourceTranslationStatus dataSourceStatus, Datasource dataSource, ProtectedGroupDB protectedGroup, Replica dbReplica)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentManager.Refresh()
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentTranslator.IntentRestart()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()</ExceptionDetails></FatalServiceError>

The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table

DPM Log:

0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.373 09 MsdpmService.cs(237) NORMAL OnStartAsync - Initializing MSDPM
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.373 09 servicemodule.cpp(487) NORMAL CServiceModule::InitializeSecurity
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.404 09 servicemodule.cpp(453) [00007FFF40083380] WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ::RegGetValueW((( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000002) ), L"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Configuration", L"CredentialPassingAllowed", 0x00000010, 0, &dwRegValue, &dwBuffer) )
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.404 09 servicemodule.cpp(462) NORMAL CredentialPassingAllowed: Checked reg value CredentialPassingAllowed and returning 0
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.404 09 servicemodule.cpp(596) NORMAL Setting DCOM Authn service to RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.404 09 servicemodule.cpp(350) NORMAL CServiceModule::Initialize
0000 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.436 00 nativeutils.hpp(41) NORMAL Unable to open registry path: Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent\ClientProtection
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.467 09 servicemodule.cpp(153) NORMAL CServiceModule::DoStartupValidation
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.514 09 ApplicationSettingsForDPM.cs(188) NORMAL Checking and updating DPM Server's entry in the database.
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.545 12 NotificationManager.cs(180) NORMAL InitializeServerSide: notifications are type=Info, Warning, Critical, email='xxx@yyyy.pl'
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.561 16 jobmanagerservices.cpp(39) NORMAL CJobManagerServices::Initialize(void)
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.561 16 JobManager.cs(296) NORMAL JobManager::Init()
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.561 16 JobManager.cs(152) NORMAL Initializing job manager.
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.561 09 servicemodule.cpp(739) NORMAL CoRegisterClassObject successful.
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.576 28 MMHealthProvider.cs(66) NORMAL MMHealthProvider: LibrarySharingModeCheckInterval = 1200000 ms
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.576 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.MM.LibraryTE.HealthProvider.MMHealthProvider, Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.576 28 MMCatalog.cs(319) NORMAL Updating LibrarySharing Mode At Startup
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.576 28 MMCatalog.cs(333) NORMAL Updating LibrarySharingMode At Startup done. LibrarySharingMode = None
0578 2124 09/27 12:15:00.592 09 serviceutils.cpp(479) WARNING DbRecoveryKey is currently set which disables engine API calls.
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.592 28 MMHealthProvider.cs(93) NORMAL MMHealthProvider Initialize() Finished
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.592 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AlertHP, AlertHealthProvider, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.623 23 SLAMissedAlert.cs(442) NORMAL Getting all active SLAMissedAlerts.
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.639 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentHealthProvider, INTENTTRANSLATOR, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.639 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm.PRMHealthProvider, Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 17 IntentTranslator.cs(169) NORMAL Starting Intent Restart
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.639 27 BackupEventIntegration.cs(154) NORMAL Writing non logged backup event entries to event log
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(44) NORMAL ==>StorageManager
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(106) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: IsDPMMachineOSWin2016OrHigher: True
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.639 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.TimedActions.TimedActions, TimedActions, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(109) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: DpmVersionSupportsReFSStorage: True
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(112) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: IsLegacyStorageEnabledInRegistry: False
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(115) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: WasMajorUpgradeDoneFromReFSUnsupportedVersion: False
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(48) NORMAL StorageManager: Initialized supported storage stacks:
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(51) NORMAL ReFSVolume
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.639 11 StorageManager.cs(64) NORMAL StorageManager: ReFS 3.0 storage stack is supported. Instantiating VolumeManager.
0578 24C0 09/27 12:15:00.654 16 AutoHealProxyUtil.cs(62) NORMAL Calling DpmStarted() WCF API AutoHealService
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(175) WARNING OuterException of type System.ArgumentNullException from Method = Parse
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING Exception Message = Value cannot be null.
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING Parameter name: input
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING Exception Stack = at System.Version.Parse(String input)
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at System.Version..ctor(String version)
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.CheckServerForIncompatibleAgent(String serverName)
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.HandleCrashRestart()
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AlertHP.HandleCrashRestart()
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING InnerException = No-Inner-Exception
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.AccessViolationException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.ExecutionEngineException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.InsufficientMemoryException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.InvalidOperationException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.InvalidProgramException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.MemberAccessException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.OutOfMemoryException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.StackOverflowException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.TypeInitializationException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.TypeLoadException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.Threading.ThreadStartException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.Threading.ThreadStateException" to Fatal Exception List
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 23 AlertHP.cs(772) WARNING Caught a non-fatal exception during AHP start-up, will skip calling HandleCrashRestart
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING Caught unhandled exception : System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING Parameter name: input
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Version.Parse(String input)
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Version..ctor(String version)
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.CheckServerForIncompatibleAgent(String serverName)
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.HandleCrashRestart()
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AlertHP.HandleCrashRestart()
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(149) WARNING Attempting to write error to the event log Value cannot be null.
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(149) WARNING Parameter name: input
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.670 02 EventManager.cs(143) NORMAL Logging event to NT log from DpmThreadPool.cs(163): FatalServiceError
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.686 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(170) WARNING Attempting to invoke Watson
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.686 09 everettexception.cpp(776) NORMAL Exception Message = Value cannot be null.
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:00.686 09 everettexception.cpp(776) NORMAL Parameter name: input of type System.ArgumentNullException. Not going to generate any Watson report since this is non-critical.
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.748 11 StorageManager.cs(44) NORMAL <--StorageManager
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.748 11 StorageManager.cs(197) NORMAL ==>Refresh
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.748 11 StorageManager.cs(212) NORMAL Refresh: ReFSVolume
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:00.904 11 volumemanagernativeutils.cpp(162) NORMAL Duplicate Extent QueueDepth is set to [32767]
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.280 11 VolumeManager.cs(142) NORMAL Publishing Event for VolumeChange for Volume : 0e1b8f0a-d071-41ef-b3a3-904a9d52af22, StorageOperation VolumeUpdate
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.280 02 EventManager.cs(98) NORMAL Publishing event from VolumeManager.cs(147): VolumeChange, [VolumeSetId=0e1b8f0a-d071-41ef-b3a3-904a9d52af22]
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.295 11 StorageManager.cs(197) NORMAL <--Refresh
0578 0DFC 09/27 12:15:01.295 11 StorageManager.cs(241) NORMAL ==>ReconcileContainers
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.326 09 AppAssert.cs(130) WARNING ASSERT: (FileName:Datasource.cs; LineNumber:1714)
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.326 09 AppAssert.cs(130) WARNING The parameter 'dbReplica' is null.
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING Caught unhandled exception : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.Datasource.CreateAlertsIfNeeded(ProtectedGroupDB protectedGroup, InitializationType initializationType, Replica dbReplica)
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentManager.RefreshForNonDeallocationScenario(IMCatalogDB imCatalog, DataSourceTranslationStatus dataSourceStatus, Datasource dataSource, ProtectedGroupDB protectedGroup, Replica dbReplica)
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentManager.Refresh()
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentTranslator.IntentRestart()
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(149) WARNING Attempting to write error to the event log Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 02 EventManager.cs(143) NORMAL Logging event to NT log from DpmThreadPool.cs(163): FatalServiceError
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(170) WARNING Attempting to invoke Watson
0578 2150 09/27 12:15:01.342 09 everettexception.cpp(762) CRITICAL Exception Message = Object reference not set to an instance of an object. of type System.NullReferenceException, process will terminate after generating dump
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.657 09 MsdpmService.cs(237) NORMAL OnStartAsync - Initializing MSDPM
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.657 09 servicemodule.cpp(487) NORMAL CServiceModule::InitializeSecurity
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.688 09 servicemodule.cpp(453) [00007FFF40083380] WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ::RegGetValueW((( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000002) ), L"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Configuration", L"CredentialPassingAllowed", 0x00000010, 0, &dwRegValue, &dwBuffer) )
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.688 09 servicemodule.cpp(462) NORMAL CredentialPassingAllowed: Checked reg value CredentialPassingAllowed and returning 0
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.688 09 servicemodule.cpp(596) NORMAL Setting DCOM Authn service to RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.688 09 servicemodule.cpp(350) NORMAL CServiceModule::Initialize
0000 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.720 00 nativeutils.hpp(41) NORMAL Unable to open registry path: Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent\ClientProtection
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.751 09 servicemodule.cpp(153) NORMAL CServiceModule::DoStartupValidation
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.798 09 ApplicationSettingsForDPM.cs(188) NORMAL Checking and updating DPM Server's entry in the database.
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.829 12 NotificationManager.cs(180) NORMAL InitializeServerSide: notifications are type=Info, Warning, Critical, email='xxx@yyyy.pl'
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.845 16 jobmanagerservices.cpp(39) NORMAL CJobManagerServices::Initialize(void)
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.845 16 JobManager.cs(296) NORMAL JobManager::Init()
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.845 16 JobManager.cs(152) NORMAL Initializing job manager.
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.845 09 servicemodule.cpp(739) NORMAL CoRegisterClassObject successful.
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.845 28 MMHealthProvider.cs(66) NORMAL MMHealthProvider: LibrarySharingModeCheckInterval = 1200000 ms
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.845 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.MM.LibraryTE.HealthProvider.MMHealthProvider, Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.860 28 MMCatalog.cs(319) NORMAL Updating LibrarySharing Mode At Startup
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.860 28 MMCatalog.cs(333) NORMAL Updating LibrarySharingMode At Startup done. LibrarySharingMode = None
24D8 2134 09/27 12:15:06.860 09 serviceutils.cpp(479) WARNING DbRecoveryKey is currently set which disables engine API calls.
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.876 28 MMHealthProvider.cs(93) NORMAL MMHealthProvider Initialize() Finished
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.876 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AlertHP, AlertHealthProvider, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.907 23 SLAMissedAlert.cs(442) NORMAL Getting all active SLAMissedAlerts.
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.907 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentHealthProvider, INTENTTRANSLATOR, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.907 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm.PRMHealthProvider, Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.907 17 IntentTranslator.cs(169) NORMAL Starting Intent Restart
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.923 27 BackupEventIntegration.cs(154) NORMAL Writing non logged backup event entries to event log
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(44) NORMAL ==>StorageManager
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(106) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: IsDPMMachineOSWin2016OrHigher: True
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.923 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.TimedActions.TimedActions, TimedActions, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(109) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: DpmVersionSupportsReFSStorage: True
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(112) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: IsLegacyStorageEnabledInRegistry: False
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(115) NORMAL InitializeSupportedStorageTypes: WasMajorUpgradeDoneFromReFSUnsupportedVersion: False
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(48) NORMAL StorageManager: Initialized supported storage stacks:
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(51) NORMAL ReFSVolume
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:06.923 11 StorageManager.cs(64) NORMAL StorageManager: ReFS 3.0 storage stack is supported. Instantiating VolumeManager.
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(175) WARNING OuterException of type System.ArgumentNullException from Method = Parse
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING Exception Message = Value cannot be null.
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING Parameter name: input
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING Exception Stack = at System.Version.Parse(String input)
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at System.Version..ctor(String version)
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.CheckServerForIncompatibleAgent(String serverName)
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.HandleCrashRestart()
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AlertHP.HandleCrashRestart()
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 ExceptionPolicy.cs(180) WARNING InnerException = No-Inner-Exception
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.AccessViolationException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.ExecutionEngineException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.InsufficientMemoryException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.InvalidOperationException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.InvalidProgramException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.MemberAccessException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.OutOfMemoryException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.StackOverflowException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.TypeInitializationException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.TypeLoadException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.Threading.ThreadStartException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 09 ExceptionPolicy.cs(93) NORMAL Adding Exception "System.Threading.ThreadStateException" to Fatal Exception List
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 23 AlertHP.cs(772) WARNING Caught a non-fatal exception during AHP start-up, will skip calling HandleCrashRestart
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING Caught unhandled exception : System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING Parameter name: input
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Version.Parse(String input)
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Version..ctor(String version)
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.CheckServerForIncompatibleAgent(String serverName)
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AgentIncompatibleAlert.HandleCrashRestart()
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AlertHP.HandleCrashRestart()
24D8 0878 09/27 12:15:06.938 16 AutoHealProxyUtil.cs(62) NORMAL Calling DpmStarted() WCF API AutoHealService
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(149) WARNING Attempting to write error to the event log Value cannot be null.
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(149) WARNING Parameter name: input
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.938 02 EventManager.cs(143) NORMAL Logging event to NT log from DpmThreadPool.cs(163): FatalServiceError
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.954 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(170) WARNING Attempting to invoke Watson
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.954 09 everettexception.cpp(776) NORMAL Exception Message = Value cannot be null.
24D8 22C0 09/27 12:15:06.954 09 everettexception.cpp(776) NORMAL Parameter name: input of type System.ArgumentNullException. Not going to generate any Watson report since this is non-critical.
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.017 11 StorageManager.cs(44) NORMAL <--StorageManager
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.017 11 StorageManager.cs(197) NORMAL ==>Refresh
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.017 11 StorageManager.cs(212) NORMAL Refresh: ReFSVolume
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.188 11 volumemanagernativeutils.cpp(162) NORMAL Duplicate Extent QueueDepth is set to [32767]
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.579 11 StorageManager.cs(197) NORMAL <--Refresh
24D8 1728 09/27 12:15:07.579 11 StorageManager.cs(241) NORMAL ==>ReconcileContainers
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.611 09 AppAssert.cs(130) WARNING ASSERT: (FileName:Datasource.cs; LineNumber:1714)
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.611 09 AppAssert.cs(130) WARNING The parameter 'dbReplica' is null.
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING Caught unhandled exception : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.Datasource.CreateAlertsIfNeeded(ProtectedGroupDB protectedGroup, InitializationType initializationType, Replica dbReplica)
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentManager.RefreshForNonDeallocationScenario(IMCatalogDB imCatalog, DataSourceTranslationStatus dataSourceStatus, Datasource dataSource, ProtectedGroupDB protectedGroup, Replica dbReplica)
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentManager.Refresh()
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentTranslator.IntentRestart()
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(121) WARNING at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(149) WARNING Attempting to write error to the event log Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 02 EventManager.cs(143) NORMAL Logging event to NT log from DpmThreadPool.cs(163): FatalServiceError
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 68 DpmThreadPool.cs(170) WARNING Attempting to invoke Watson
24D8 0F3C 09/27 12:15:07.626 09 everettexception.cpp(762) CRITICAL Exception Message = Object reference not set to an instance of an object. of type System.NullReferenceException, process will terminate after generating dump
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.555 09 MsdpmService.cs(237) NORMAL OnStartAsync - Initializing MSDPM
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.555 09 servicemodule.cpp(487) NORMAL CServiceModule::InitializeSecurity
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.586 09 servicemodule.cpp(453) [00007FFF400F3380] WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ::RegGetValueW((( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000002) ), L"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Configuration", L"CredentialPassingAllowed", 0x00000010, 0, &dwRegValue, &dwBuffer) )
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.586 09 servicemodule.cpp(462) NORMAL CredentialPassingAllowed: Checked reg value CredentialPassingAllowed and returning 0
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.586 09 servicemodule.cpp(596) NORMAL Setting DCOM Authn service to RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.586 09 servicemodule.cpp(350) NORMAL CServiceModule::Initialize
0000 2780 09/27 12:16:01.617 00 nativeutils.hpp(41) NORMAL Unable to open registry path: Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent\ClientProtection
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.649 09 servicemodule.cpp(153) NORMAL CServiceModule::DoStartupValidation
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.696 09 ApplicationSettingsForDPM.cs(188) NORMAL Checking and updating DPM Server's entry in the database.
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.727 12 NotificationManager.cs(180) NORMAL InitializeServerSide: notifications are type=Info, Warning, Critical, email='xxx@yyyy.pl'
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.742 16 jobmanagerservices.cpp(39) NORMAL CJobManagerServices::Initialize(void)
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.742 16 JobManager.cs(296) NORMAL JobManager::Init()
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.742 16 JobManager.cs(152) NORMAL Initializing job manager.
23DC 2780 09/27 12:16:01.742 09 servicemodule.cpp(739) NORMAL CoRegisterClassObject successful.
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.742 28 MMHealthProvider.cs(66) NORMAL MMHealthProvider: LibrarySharingModeCheckInterval = 1200000 ms
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.742 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.MM.LibraryTE.HealthProvider.MMHealthProvider, Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.758 28 MMCatalog.cs(319) NORMAL Updating LibrarySharing Mode At Startup
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.758 28 MMCatalog.cs(333) NORMAL Updating LibrarySharingMode At Startup done. LibrarySharingMode = None
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.774 28 MMHealthProvider.cs(93) NORMAL MMHealthProvider Initialize() Finished
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.774 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.HealthProvider.NewAlertHealthProvider.AlertHP, AlertHealthProvider, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.805 23 SLAMissedAlert.cs(442) NORMAL Getting all active SLAMissedAlerts.
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.805 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.IntentHealthProvider, INTENTTRANSLATOR, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.805 16 JobManager.cs(183) NORMAL Calling initialize on health provider: Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm.PRMHealthProvider, Microsoft.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Prm, Version=1.0.523.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Custom=null
23DC 1BDC 09/27 12:16:01.805 17 IntentTranslator.cs(169) NORMAL Starting Intent Restart
23DC 0E94 09/27 12:16:01.821 27 B

Windows Server
Windows Server
A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.
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Windows Server Backup
Windows Server Backup
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Backup: A duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding valuable files from loss should the active copy be damaged or destroyed.
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  1. Muhammad Shakir Khan 0 Reputation points

    i have the same error if any body have solution for this then let know know

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