Migrating scripts from Python to Powershell - looking for rstrip equivalent

SethWH 436 Reputation points

Hello, I have a pipe delimited data file that I need to read and strip all fields (if necessary) to meet SQL column restraints (for import). In Python, I use rstrip and it works even when a column, for example - Company Name(30) or FirstName(16), LastName(16), etc is null. I could use substring but a number of "IF" tests would be needed for each variable. Any better ideas? Here's an example of my python code:

    print(fields[0][:10].rstrip() + "|" +
          fields[1][:30].rstrip() + "|" +
          fields[2][:16].rstrip() + "|" +
          fields[3][:2].rstrip() + "|" +
          fields[4][:16].rstrip() + "|" +
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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Accepted answer
  1. js2010 191 Reputation points

    Sounds like you want to use .trim(). If it's an empty string '' there won't be an error. If it's really $null, you can enable an experimental feature in powershell 7 like this:

    Enable-ExperimentalFeature PSNullConditionalOperators

    Restart powershell and then if $a is null, there's still no error. The same goes for any method.

    1 person found this answer helpful.

3 additional answers

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  1. Rich Matheisen 45,831 Reputation points

    I'll toss in another example (although it's nice to have a built-in language feature to something!):

    # just some test data
    $l =    'field[0]9012345|field[1]90123456789012345678901234567890123456789|field[2]901|field[3]90123|field[4]9012345',
    $ColumnWidths = 10,30,16,2,16
    $l |
            $f = $_ -split '\|'
            if ($f.length -ne $ColumnWidths.length){Throw "Mismatched columns"}
            for ($cnt=0; $cnt -lt $f.length; $cnt++){
                if ($f[$cnt].length -gt $ColumnWidths[$cnt]){
                    $f[$cnt] = $f[$cnt].substring(0,$ColumnWidths[$cnt])  # replace with shortened string
                $f[$cnt] = $f[$cnt].TrimEnd()                               # trim trailing spaces
            $f -join '|'
        } | Out-File c:\junk\Slice.txt
    1 person found this answer helpful.

  2. SethWH 436 Reputation points

    Looks like this could be a solution:

    $oldCSV = "c:\Test\OLD.csv"
    $newCSV = "c:\Test\New.csv" 
    Import-Csv -Delimiter "|" -Path $oldCSV -Header "1","2","3" | ForEach-Object { 
        "{0}|{1}|{2}" -f ($_.1).Substring(0,[Math]::Min(10,($_.1).Length)),($_.2).Substring(0,[Math]::Min(30,($_.2).Length)),($_.3).Substring(0,[Math]::Min(16,($_.3).Length)) >> $newCSV 

    Stolen from here:

    OLD CSV:

    F0000001011|My Company Name is really Long, Inc|Jones
    F0000001022|My Company Name is also really Long, Inc|Smith

    New CSV:

    F000000101|My Company Name is really Long|Jones
    F000000102|My Company Name is also really|Smith

  3. SethWH 436 Reputation points

    With @js2010 suggestion of using Trim(), this was the solution:

    Import-Csv -Delimiter "|" -Path $oldCSV -Header "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21" | ForEach-Object {   
        "{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6}|{7}|{8}|{9}|{10}|{11}|{12}|{13}|{14}|{15}|{16}|{17}|{18}|{19}|{20}" -f  
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