My azure account wasn't linked properly
I was given azure credits on my founders hub account, however on clicking "visit redemption site" on the benefits section, it takes me to a azure sign in page. I already have an azure account though but the account doesn't have an active…
Postgres for Cosmos DB stuck creating standby
Hi, Was wondering if anyone encountered this before. I had a basic postgres Cosmos setup for evaluation, then i scaled up the machine as it started to need a few more resources. Now it's been stuck "Creating standby" for a few days. I'm running…
Cosmos db account is failed with error-Failed to retrieve collection list. Please click Refresh to try again.
I am trying to create Cosmos db account in UK West from past 2 days but it's getting failed with error: Failed to retrieve collection list. Please click Refresh to try again.
Backup Cosmos DB
Bom dia! estou com dificuldade para fazer backup do meu banco, estou utilizando a versão free do cosmos db até 32gb, mas meu banco é bem menor que isso. Quando rodo o backup via script ou por ferramenta como mongo db compass, em ambos apresenta erro pra…
DeliveryFailedEvent from Azure Event Grid to Synapse trigger with errorCode=RequestEntityTooLarge
I have an event-driven flow where changes in Comsos DB triggers an Azure Function the Azure Function pushes each changed document to a topic in Azure Event Grid a Synapse trigger is triggered and pushes the changed document to a Synapse…
How to create an output binding to cosmos db to create a new document using azure function.
I'm currently trying to send a sample document to Cosmos DB at the end of the function. Although the database and collection exist, it returns an error. System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Functions.cosmosTriggerCheck.…
Getting Cosmos DB error while evaluating python-based RAG chat app using prompt flow SDK
Hi, I am following this link and trying to evaluate my RAG based chat app. At the evaluation step, I am getting the below error: The workspace Cosmos DB is not…
Azure Cosmos DB - Incurred Charges on Free Tier
I incurred a charges for Cosmos DB in Free Tier. I understand the part where RUs are free up to certain limit, but after that users can be charged. Is there way to place a hard-stop, or throttling if RUs are going above max-limit given for free-tier…
Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier charges
Hello, I'm utilising a free tier cosmosdb with single database yet my bill from aug 5 to 7 shows 0.01USD. May I know what could be the reason for this consumption?
Regions for Cosmos Db
I a new user to Azure Cosmos and I’m currently exploring its capabilities. Im looking to understand how I can determine the available regions for deploying Cosmos DB in my account. Are there any specific steps to check available regions for a new…
ADF - Timeout when all parts have access to resources.
Hi Community! I’m running into a challenging issue with my Azure Data Factory setup. Here’s what my current infrastructure looks like: Azure Data Factory (ADF) CosmosDB Key Vault Storage Account Private Networks Everything was set up months ago…
Why does updating the firewall IP configuration in Azure Cosmos DB result in slow performance?
When utilizing GitHub Actions to update the networking firewall settings of CosmosDB, the process of adding a single IP address requires approximately 8 minutes to complete. Similarly, the removal of an IP address from the firewall settings also takes an…
How to change networking to connect IoTHub to CosmosDB in private subnet
Hey community! The question: How do I connect my Azure IoTHub to my CosmosDB in private subnet? How I can change the CosmosDB networking/firewall settings to accept traffic coming from a (public) IoTHub service endpoint? Brief description: I have an…
Change Azure Cosmos Db account from Provisional throughput to serverless
I am new to cosmos db and I realised after creating my database and after having it running for a while that it would be more cost effective if it would be running a serverless account. Is there a way I can change it? If not what would be the recommended…
I want to get permission to create schema in COSMOS DB for postgresql
I am currently working on migrating data from AWS Aurora database to Azure Cosmos db for postgresql. I tried to use airbyte as a tool for that, but when I connect cosmos db as target database in airbyte, I get an error saying that I don't have permission…
How to use odata query on cosmos DB
I have the OData query with the filter, I need to apply the query on the cosmos DB and get the filtered results with the pagination. Is there any way I can convert the OData query into SQL query or any other better approach or is there any documentation…
How to Fix Startup Error in Cosmos DB Emulator on Windows
I downloaded and ran the setup for Cosmos DB Emulator. ( The installation completes successfully, but when trying to run the emulator, the following error message is shown: Afterward, the emulator shuts down. Attempts…
How to fix cosmos db latency in non primary region
We are using Azure CosmosDB with both EUS/WUS regions in PPE environment. We are observing more latency in WUS region. In our EUS service the Read latency is below 100 ms which is the CosmosDB primary region. But Read latency is around 400ms our WUS…
Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB (vCore) - not available in Switzerland
We currently have build the whole system around a Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB (vCore). as our customer do have more data privacy concerns, we're thinking about to change the hosting from west europe to Switzerland. But it seems to be not available in…
Which .NET SDK to Use for Creating Database or Container in CosmosDB
Hey All, I am developing an application that utilizes CosmosDB, running as a container in Azure App Service, and have opted to implement RBAC roles using the Managed Identity of the App Service. Following the sample code from…