The Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure has tools, templates, and assessments that can help you quickly implement technical changes. Use this framework to accelerate your cloud adoption. You can use the following resources in several cloud adoption phases.
Take the Strategic Migration Assessment and Readiness Tool (SMART) assessment to help you prepare for your Microsoft Azure migration in areas like business planning, training, security, and governance.
The Azure Governance Visualizer is a PowerShell script that iterates through Azure tenant's management group hierarchy down to the subscription level. It captures data from the most relevant Azure governance capabilities, such as Azure Policy and Azure role-based access control (RBAC). The visualizer shows your hierarchy map from the collected data to create a tenant summary and build granular scope insights about your management groups and subscriptions.
The Microsoft Product Placemat for CMMC Level 3 (Preview) is an interactive view representing how Microsoft cloud products and services satisfy requirements for cybersecurity maturity model certification practices.
PSRule for Azure is a set of tests and documentation to help you configure Azure solutions. You can use these tests to check your infrastructure as code (IaC) before or after deployment to Azure. PSRule for Azure includes tests that check how IaC is written and how Azure resources are configured.
Use AzAdvertizer to get Azure governance updates. For example, you can find insights about policy definitions, initiatives, aliases, security, and regulatory compliance controls in Azure Policy or Azure RBAC role definitions. You can also get insight into resource provider operations, Microsoft Entra role definitions and role actions, and Microsoft API permissions.
Build your modern data warehouse by using this Azure DevOps project with links to assets, code, and learning material to help simplify your deployment.
Get end-to-end guidance to enable personalized customer experiences for retail scenarios by using Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Machine Learning services, and other Azure big data services. For more information, see Retail recommender solution accelerator.
Transform existing businesses and provide new businesses with growth opportunities by using connected sensors, devices, and intelligent operations. Use the Azure IoT platform to find the work items that you need to plan and implement your IoT solution.
In the real world, many problems are too complex to solve with a single machine learning model. You might predict sales for individual stores, build a predictive maintenance model for hundreds of oil wells, or tailor the customer experience to individual users. Build a model for each instance to improve results across machine learning problems.
Get resources to build a solution that identifies the top factors for revenue growth from an e-commerce platform. This approach uses Azure Synapse Analytics and Machine Learning.
Accelerate the adoption of best practices for Azure server management services. Quickly enable operations management and establish an operations baseline.
Document decisions about operations management in the cloud. Have conversations with the business to ensure alignment regarding service-level agreements (SLAs), investment in resiliency, and budget allocation related to operations.
Download and personalize the responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed (RACI) spreadsheet template to track your decisions regarding organizational structure over time.