After you create one or more Azure Payment HSMs, you can view them (and validate their deployment) with Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, or the Azure portal.
To list all of your payment HSMs, use the az dedicated-hsm list command. (The output of this command is more readable when displayed in table-format.)
az dedicated-hsm list --resource-group "myResourceGroup" -o table
To see a specific payment HSM and its properties, use the Azure CLI az dedicated-hsm show command.
az dedicated-hsm show --resource-group "myResourceGroup" --name "myPaymentHSM"
To list all of your payment HSMs, use the Get-AzDedicatedHsm cmdlet with no parameters.
To get more information on your payment HSMs, you can use the Get-AzResource cmdlet, specifying the resource group, and "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedHSMs" as the resource type: