Compiler Warning (level 1) C4407
cast between different pointer to member representations, compiler may generate incorrect code
An incorrect cast between pointer-to-member types was detected.
C4407 can be generated because of compiler conformance work that was done in Visual Studio 2005. Pointer-to-member now requires a qualified name and the address-of operator (&).
C4407 can occur if you cast between a multiple inheritance pointer-to-member to a single inheritance pointer-to-member. Sometimes this can work, but sometimes it can't because the single inheritance pointer-to-member representation doesn't hold sufficient information. Compiling with the /vmm
might help. For more information, see /vmm
, /vms
, /vmv
(General purpose representation). You can also try rearranging your base classes; the compiler is detecting a loss of information in the conversion because a base class is at a non-zero offset from the derived.
The following sample generates C4407 and shows how to fix it:
// C4407.cpp
// compile with: /W1 /c
struct C1 {};
struct C2 {};
struct C3 : C1, C2 {};
typedef void(C3::*PMF_C3)();
typedef void(C2::*PMF_C2)();
PMF_C2 f1(PMF_C3 pmf) {
return (PMF_C2)pmf; // C4407, change type of cast,
// or reverse base class inheritance of C3 (i.e. : C2, C1)