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DeliveryStatus Enum


An enumeration that specifies the delivery status of a message when the delivery of the message is in doubt, or when the message was not delivered.

public enum class DeliveryStatus
public enum DeliveryStatus
type DeliveryStatus = 
Public Enum DeliveryStatus


Name Value Description
InDoubt 0

The delivery of the message is in doubt.

NotDelivered 1

The message was not delivered.


The following example shows how to access the DeliveryStatus of a message within a service operation.

public void SimpleSubmitPurchaseOrder(PurchaseOrder po)
    Console.WriteLine("Submitting purchase order did not succeed ", po);
    MsmqMessageProperty mqProp = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties[MsmqMessageProperty.Name] as MsmqMessageProperty;

    Console.WriteLine("Message Delivery Status: {0} ", mqProp.DeliveryStatus);
    Console.WriteLine("Message Delivery Failure: {0}", mqProp.DeliveryFailure);
<OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired := True, TransactionAutoComplete := True)> _
Public Sub SimpleSubmitPurchaseOrder(ByVal po As PurchaseOrder)
    Console.WriteLine("Submitting purchase order did not succeed ", po)
    Dim mqProp As MsmqMessageProperty = TryCast(OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties(MsmqMessageProperty.Name), MsmqMessageProperty)

    Console.WriteLine("Message Delivery Status: {0} ", mqProp.DeliveryStatus)
    Console.WriteLine("Message Delivery Failure: {0}", mqProp.DeliveryFailure)
End Sub


A message sent to a queue can land in a dead-letter queue because the message was not delivered or the Queue Manager is not sure of the delivery outcome. The DeliveryStatus is a way to get the status of message delivery when the message is read from a dead-letter queue.

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