Get purchaseReceipts
Retrieve the properties and relationships of a purchaseReceipt object for Business Central.
HTTP request
Replace the URL prefix for Business Central depending on environment following the guideline.
GET businesscentralPrefix/companies({id})/purchaseReceipts({id})
Request headers
Header | Value |
Authorization | Bearer {token}. Required. |
Request body
Do not supply a request body for this method.
If successful, this method returns a 200 OK
response code and an purchaseReceipts object in the response body.
Here is an example of the request.
GET https://{businesscentralPrefix}/api/v2.0/companies({id})/purchaseReceipts({id})
Here is an example of the response.
"id": "5d115c9c-44e3-ea11-bb43-000d3a2feca1",
"number": "108001",
"invoiceDate": "2019-01-01",
"postingDate": "2019-01-01",
"dueDate": "2019-01-01",
"vendorNumber": "20000",
"vendorName": "First Up Consultants",
"payToName": "First Up Consultants",
"payToContact": "Evan McIntosh",
"payToVendorNumber": "20000",
"shipToName": "First Up Consultants",
"shipToContact": "Evan McIntosh",
"buyFromAddressLine1": "100 Day Drive",
"buyFromAddressLine2": "",
"buyFromCity": "Chicago",
"buyFromCountry": "US",
"buyFromState": "IL",
"buyFromPostCode": "61236",
"shipToAddressLine1": "100 Day Drive",
"shipToAddressLine2": "",
"shipToCity": "Chicago",
"shipToCountry": "US",
"shipToState": "IL",
"shipToPostCode": "61236",
"payToAddressLine1": "100 Day Drive",
"payToAddressLine2": "",
"payToCity": "Chicago",
"payToCountry": "US",
"payToState": "IL",
"payToPostCode": "61236",
"currencyCode": "USD",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2019-01-01"