Work with Catalogue Items

Catalogue items are items that you don't manage in Business Central until you sell them. When you use the Select Catalogue Item action to add a Catalogue item to a line on a sales order, quote, or blanket sales order, the catalogue item is converted to a regular item.


You can't select a catalogue item from the Sales Invoice page.

A catalogue item typically has the item number of the vendor who supplies it. Before you can convert a catalogue item to a normal item, you must specify how to convert vendor item numbers to your item numbering. To learn more about item numbering, go to Specify how catalogue item numbers are converted to your own numbering.


Catalogue items are not to be mistaken with non-inventory items, which are regular items that are given the type Non-Inventory to keep them out of availability and costing calculations, for example, because they are only used internally and have a low cost. To learn move about non-inventory items, go to About Item Types.

Create a catalogue item

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Catalogue Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose the New action.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.

Specify how catalogue item numbers are converted to your own numbering

Before you can convert a catalogue item to a regular item, you must specify how to convert vendor item numbers to the structure you use for item numbers.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Catalogue Item Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the No. Format field, choose the option you prefer.

Convert a catalogue item to a normal item

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Catalogue Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open the card for a catalogue item that you want to convert to a normal item.
  3. On the Catalogue Item Card page, choose the Create Item action.

A new item card pre-filled with information from the catalogue item and an item template are created. You can edit the information about the new item if needed. To learn more about creating items, go to Register New Items.

To sell a catalogue item and convert it to a normal item

The following process uses a sales order, but the steps are the same for blanket sales orders and quotes.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose the New action. Fill in the fields on the General FastTab as for any sales order. For more information, see Sell Products.
  3. On a new sales line, in the Type field, select Item, but leave the No. field empty.
  4. Choose the Line action, and then choose the Select Catalogue Items action.
  5. On the Catalogue Items page, select the catalogue item that you want to sell, and then choose the OK button.
  6. When the sales order is complete, choose the Post action.


An item reference is automatically item between the vendor's item number and your new item number. To learn more about item references, go to Use Item References.

See also

Register New Items
Create Special Orders
Work with Business Central

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