Personas and privileges

Applies to: Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded, Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone, and Dynamics 365 Customer Service

This topic lists the table privileges and recommended access levels for the administrator, supervisor, and agent personas in Customer Service and Omnichannel for Customer Service.

To know more about the various access levels, see Security roles.

For more information about how personas are mapped to roles, see Manage personas.


If custom plug-ins and workflows are used in the system, then you must ensure that the required privileges are granted to the personas, otherwise your plug-ins won't work.

Based on the channel provisioned, an entity may or may not exist. You'll need to add privileges for entities that exist.

Persona: Administrator

The following table lists the privileges and recommended access levels for the admin persona.

Table name Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
Activity Activity Append, Append To, Delete, Update Local
Assign Deep
Create Basic
Read, Share Global
AdminAppState msdyn_adminappstate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Agent Status history msdyn_agentstatushistory Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
AI Configuration msdyn_aiconfiguration Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
AI Model msdyn_aimodel Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
AI Template msdyn_aitemplate Read Global
App Module AppModule Read, Update Global
App Profile msdyn_appconfiguration Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
App Configuration AppConfig Read Global
App Parameter Definition
msdyn_consoleappparameterdefinition Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Apple messages for business acount msdyn_ocapplebusinessaccount Read Global
Application Extension msdyn_applicationextension Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Application Tab Template msdyn_applicationtabtemplate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Application Tab Template 
msdyn_consoleapplicationtemplate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Application Type (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationtype Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Assignment Configuration msdyn_assignmentconfiguration Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Assignment Configuration Step msdyn_assignmentconfigurationstep Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Audio File msdyn_soundfile Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Authentication Settings msdyn_authenticationsettings Read Global
Bookable Resource BookableResource Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Bookable Resource Capacity
msdyn_bookableresourcecapacityprofile Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Share, Update Global
Bookable Resource Characteristic BookableResourceCharacteristic Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Capacity Profile msdyn_capacityprofile Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Share, Update Global
channel msdyn_channel Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Channel Provider msdyn_channelprovider Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Channel Capability msdyn_channelcapability Read Global
Channel Configuration msdyn_occhannelconfiguration Read, Update Global
Channel Integration Framework 
v1.0 Provider
msdyn_ciprovider Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Channel State Configuration msdyn_occhannelstateconfiguration Read Global
Characteristic Characteristic Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Characteristic mapping msdyn_ocsitdskill Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Chat Widget msdyn_livechatconfig Read Global
Charts SavedQueryVisualizations Read Global
Columns Attribute Update Global
Context item value msdyn_ocliveworkitemcontextitem Append, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Context variable msdyn_ocliveworkstreamcontextvariable Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Conversation Action msdyn_conversationaction Read Global
Conversation Action Locale msdyn_conversationactionlocale Read Global
Conversation Capacity
msdyn_ocliveworkitemcapacityprofile Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Share, Update Global
Conversation Characteristic msdyn_ocliveworkitemcharacteristic Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Conversation Sentiment msdyn_ocliveworkitemsentiment Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Custom messaging account msdyn_ocbotchannelregistration Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Custom messaging channel msdyn_occustommessagingchannel Read Global
Customization Customization Publish, Read, Update Global
Table name Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
Decision contract msdyn_decisioncontract Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Share, Update Global
Decision rule set msdyn_decisionruleset Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Share, Update Global
Deprecated Workstream
Entity Configuration
msdyn_entityconfig Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Entity msdyn_entityroutingconfiguration Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Entity Routing Context msdyn_cdsentityengagementctx Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Facebook Page msdyn_ocfbpage Read Global
Forms SystemForm Read Global
Geo Location Provider msdyn_oc_geolocationprovider Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Google's Business Messages agent account msdyn_ocgooglebusinessmessagesagentaccount Read Global
KPI Event Definition msdyn_kpieventdefinition Read Global
Language msdyn_oclanguage Read, Append To Global
LINE account msdyn_oclinechannelconfig Read Global
Live work item event msdyn_liveworkitemevent Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Live Work Item Participant
msdyn_ocliveworkitemparticipant Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Localization msdyn_oclocalizationdata Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Masking Rule msdyn_maskingrule Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Master Entity Routing
msdyn_masterentityroutingconfiguration Create Local
Append, Append To, Assign, Read, Share, Update Global
Delete Deep
Message msdyn_ocsystemmessage Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Microsoft Teams msdyn_octeamschannelconfig Read Global
Model training details msdyn_ocsimltraining Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Notification Field msdyn_notificationfield Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Notification Template msdyn_notificationtemplate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Notification Field (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationnotificationfield Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Notification Template 
msdyn_consoleapplicationnotificationtemplate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Omnichannel Queue (deprecated) msdyn_omnichannelqueue Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Omnichannel Configuration msdyn_omnichannelconfiguration Append, Append To, Read, Update Global
Omnichannel Personalization msdyn_omnichannelpersonalization Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Ongoing conversation
msdyn_liveconversation Append, Append To, Update Local
Assign Deep
Create Basic
Read, Share Global
Operating Hour msdyn_operatinghour Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Organization organization Read Global
Pane tool configuration msdyn_panetoolconfiguration Read Global
Parameter (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationtemplateparameter Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Persona Security Role Mapping msdyn_personasecurityrolemapping Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Personal quick reply msdyn_personalmessage Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
Personal sound setting msdyn_personalsoundsetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
PluginAssembly PluginAssembly Read Global
PluginType PluginType Read Global
Power BI Configuration msdyn_analytics Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Presence msdyn_presence Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Productivity pane configuration msdyn_paneconfiguration Read Global
Provisioning State msdyn_ocprovisioningstate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Publisher Publisher Read Global
Publisher Address PublisherAddress Read Global
Table name Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
Query Query Read, Update Global
Queue Queue Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Quick reply msdyn_cannedmessage Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Rating Model RatingModel Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Rating Value RatingValue Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Recording msdyn_ocrecording Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Relationship Relationship Update Global
Role Role Append To, Assign, Read Global
Routing configuration msdyn_routingconfiguration Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Routing configuration step msdyn_routingconfigurationstep Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Rule Item msdyn_ocruleitem Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Rulesetentitymapping msdyn_rulesetdependencymapping Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Scenario msdyn_scenario Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
SdkMessage SdkMessage Read Global
SdkMessageProcessingStep SdkMessageProcessingStep Read Global
SdkMessageProcessingStepImage SdkMessageProcessingStepImage Read Global
Search Configuration msdyn_searchconfiguration Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Self service msdyn_visitorjourney Read Global
Sentiment Analysis msdyn_sentimentanalysis Read, Update Global
Service Endpoint ServiceEndpoint Read Global
Session event msdyn_sessionevent Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Session Template msdyn_sessiontemplate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Session Characteristic msdyn_ocsessioncharacteristic Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Session participant msdyn_sessionparticipant Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Session Templates
msdyn_consoleapplicationsessiontemplate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
SharePoint Data SharePointData Create, Read, Update Global
SharePointDocument SharePointDocument Read Global
Skill finder model msdyn_ocskillidentmlmodel Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
SMS Number settings msdyn_ocsmschannelsetting Read Global
Solution Solution Read, Update Global
Sound notification setting msdyn_soundnotificationsetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
System User User Append, Append To, Create, Read, Update Global
Table Entity Update Global
Tag msdyn_octag Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Template Parameter msdyn_templateparameter Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Template Tag (Deprecated) msdyn_templatetags Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Training data import
msdyn_ocsitdimportconfig Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Training record msdyn_ocsitrainingdata Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Transcript msdyn_transcript Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Twitter handle msdyn_octwitterhandle Read Global
Unified routing diagnostic msdyn_unifiedroutingdiagnostic Delete, Read, Update Global
Unified routing run msdyn_unifiedroutingrun Delete, Read Global
UR notification template msdyn_urnotificationtemplate Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
UR Notification Template 
msdyn_urnotificationtemplatemapping Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
User Setting msdyusd_usersettings Append, Append To, Read, Update Global
User settings msdyn_usersetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Voice Channel Setting msdyn_ocvoicechannelsetting Read Global
WeChat account msdyn_ocwechatchannelconfig Read Global
WhatsApp number msdyn_ocwhatsappchannelnumber Read Global
Work stream capacity
msdyn_liveworkstreamcapacityprofile Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Share, Update Global
Workstream msdyn_liveworkstream Append, Append To, Assign, Create, Delete, Read, Share, Update Global

Persona: Supervisor

The following table lists the privileges and recommended access levels for the supervisor persona.

Table name (A-O) Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
Activity Activity Append, Append To, Delete, Update Local
Assign Deep
Create Basic
Read, Share Global
Agent Status history msdyn_agentstatushistory Read Global
App Module AppModule Read Global
App Profile msdyn_appconfiguration Read Global
App Parameter Definition
msdyn_consoleappparameterdefinition Read Global
Apple messages for business acount msdyn_ocapplebusinessaccount Read Global
Application Extension msdyn_applicationextension Read Global
Application Tab Template msdyn_applicationtabtemplate Read Global
Application Tab Template 
msdyn_consoleapplicationtemplate Read Global
Application Type (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationtype Read Global
Audio File msdyn_soundfile Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Authentication Settings msdyn_authenticationsettings Read Global
Bookable Resource BookableResource Read Global
Bookable Resource 
BookableResourceCharacteristic Read Global
channel msdyn_channel Read Global
Channel Provider msdyn_channelprovider Read Global
Channel Capability msdyn_channelcapability Read Global
Channel Integration Framework 
v1.0 Provider
msdyn_ciprovider Read Global
Characteristic Characteristic Read Global
Chat Widget msdyn_livechatconfig Read Global
Context item value msdyn_ocliveworkitemcontextitem Read Global
Append, Create, Update Basic
Context variable msdyn_ocliveworkstreamcontextvariable Read Global
Conversation Action msdyn_conversationaction Read Global
Conversation Action Locale msdyn_conversationactionlocale Read Global
Conversation Characteristic msdyn_ocliveworkitemcharacteristic Read Global
Conversation Sentiment msdyn_ocliveworkitemsentiment Read Global
Custom messaging account msdyn_ocbotchannelregistration Read Global
Custom messaging channel msdyn_occustommessagingchannel Read Global
Deprecated Workstream 
Entity Configuration
msdyn_entityconfig Read Global
Entity msdyn_entityroutingconfiguration Read Global
Entity Routing Context msdyn_cdsentityengagementctx Read Global
Facebook Page msdyn_ocfbpage Read Global
Geo Location Provider msdyn_oc_geolocationprovider Read Global
Google's Business Messages agent account msdyn_ocgooglebusinessmessagesagentaccount Read Global
Language msdyn_oclanguage Read Global
LINE account msdyn_oclinechannelconfig Read Global
Live work item event msdyn_liveworkitemevent Read Global
Live Work Item Participant 
msdyn_ocliveworkitemparticipant Read Global
Localization msdyn_oclocalizationdata Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Masking Rule msdyn_maskingrule Read Global
Master Entity Routing 
msdyn_masterentityroutingconfiguration Read Global
Message msdyn_ocsystemmessage Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Microsoft Teams msdyn_octeamschannelconfig Read Global
Notification Field msdyn_notificationfield Read Global
Notification Template msdyn_notificationtemplate Read Global
Notification Field (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationnotificationfield Read Global
Notification Template 
msdyn_consoleapplicationnotificationtemplate Read Global
Omnichannel Queue (deprecated) msdyn_omnichannelqueue Append, Append To, Read Global
Omnichannel Configuration msdyn_omnichannelconfiguration Read Global
Omnichannel Personalization msdyn_omnichannelpersonalization Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
Ongoing conversation 
msdyn_liveconversation Create Basic
Read, Share Global
Append, Append To, Update Local
Assign Deep
Operating Hour msdyn_operatinghour Read Global
Organization organization Read Global
Table name Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
Parameter (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationtemplateparameter Read Global
Persona Security Role Mapping msdyn_personasecurityrolemapping Read Global
Personal quick reply msdyn_personalmessage Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
Personal sound setting msdyn_Personalsoundsetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
PluginAssembly PluginAssembly Read Global
PluginType PluginType Read Global
Power BI Configuration msdyn_analytics Read Global
Presence msdyn_presence Append, Append To, Read Global
Provisioning State msdyn_ocprovisioningstate Read Global
Queue Queue Append, Append To, Read Global
Quick reply msdyn_cannedmessage Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Rating Model RatingModel Read Global
Rating Value RatingValue Read Global
Recording msdyn_ocrecording Read Global
Role Role Read Global
Rule Item msdyn_ocruleitem Read Global
Scenario msdyn_scenario Read Global
SdkMessage SdkMessage Read Global
SdkMessageProcessingStep SdkMessageProcessingStep Read Global
SdkMessageProcessingStepImage SdkMessageProcessingStepImage Read Global
Search Configuration msdyn_searchconfiguration Read Global
Self service msdyn_visitorjourney Read Global
Sentiment Analysis msdyn_sentimentanalysis Read Global
Service Endpoint ServiceEndpoint Read Global
Session event msdyn_sessionevent Read Global
Session Template msdyn_sessiontemplate Read Global
Session Characteristic msdyn_ocsessioncharacteristic Read Global
Session participant msdyn_sessionparticipant Read Global
Session Templates (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationsessiontemplate Read Global
SharePoint Data SharePointData Create, Read, Update Global
SharePointDocument SharePointDocument Read Global
SMS Number settings msdyn_ocsmschannelsetting Read Global
Solution Solution Read Global
Sound notification setting msdyn_soundnotificationsetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
System User User Append, Append To, Create, Read, Update Local
Tag msdyn_octag Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Template Parameter msdyn_templateparameter Read Global
Template Tag (Deprecated) msdyn_templatetags Read Global
Transcript msdyn_transcript Read Global
Twitter handle msdyn_octwitterhandle Read Global
UR notification template msdyn_urnotificationtemplate Read Global
UR Notification Template Mapping msdyn_urnotificationtemplatemapping Read Global
User Setting msdyusd_usersettings Append, Append To, Read, Update Global
User settings msdyn_usersetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Voice Channel Setting msdyn_ocvoicechannelsetting Read Global
WeChat account msdyn_ocwechatchannelconfig Read Global
WhatsApp number msdyn_ocwhatsappchannelnumber Read Global
Workstream msdyn_liveworkstream Read Global

Persona: Agent

The following table lists the privileges and recommended access levels for the agent persona.

Table name Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
Activity Activity Append, Append To, Delete, Update Local
Assign Deep
Create Basic
Read, Share Global
Agent Status history msdyn_agentstatushistory Read Global
App Module AppModule Read Global
App Profile msdyn_appconfiguration Read Global
App Parameter Definition
msdyn_consoleappparameterdefinition Read Global
Apple messages for business acount msdyn_ocapplebusinessaccount Read Global
Application Extension msdyn_applicationextension Read Global
Application Tab Template msdyn_applicationtabtemplate Read Global
Application Tab Template 
msdyn_consoleapplicationtemplate Read Global
Application Type 
msdyn_consoleapplicationtype Read Global
Assignment Configuration msdyn_assignmentconfiguration Read Global
Assignment Configuration
msdyn_assignmentconfigurationstep Read Global
Audio File msdyn_soundfile Append, Append To, Read Global
Authentication Settings msdyn_authenticationsettings Read Global
Bookable Resource BookableResource Read Global
Bookable Resource Capacity
msdyn_bookableresourcecapacityprofile Read Local
Bookable Resource 
BookableResourceCharacteristic Read Global
Capacity Profile msdyn_capacityprofile Read Basic
channel msdyn_channel Read Global
Channel Provider msdyn_channelprovider Read Global
Channel Capability msdyn_channelcapability Read Global
Channel Integration Framework
 v1.0 Provider
msdyn_ciprovider Read Global
Characteristic Characteristic Read Global
Characteristic mapping msdyn_ocsitdskill Read Global
Chat Widget msdyn_livechatconfig Read Global
Context item value msdyn_ocliveworkitemcontextitem Read Global
Append, Create, Update Basic
Context variable msdyn_ocliveworkstreamcontextvariable Read Global
Conversation Action msdyn_conversationaction Read Global
Conversation Action Locale msdyn_conversationactionlocale Read Global
Conversation Capacity profile msdyn_ocliveworkitemcapacityprofile Read Local
Conversation Characteristic msdyn_ocliveworkitemcharacteristic Read Global
Conversation Sentiment msdyn_ocliveworkitemsentiment Read Global
Custom messaging account msdyn_ocbotchannelregistration Read Global
Custom messaging channel msdyn_occustommessagingchannel Read Global
Decision contract msdyn_decisioncontract Append, Append To, Read Global
Assign, Share Basic
Decision rule set msdyn_decisionruleset Append, Append To, Read Global
Assign, Share Basic
Deprecated Workstream <
Entity Configuration
msdyn_entityconfig Read Global
Entity msdyn_entityroutingconfiguration Read Global
Entity Routing Context msdyn_cdsentityengagementctx Read Global
Facebook Page msdyn_ocfbpage Read Global
Google's Business Messages agent account msdyn_ocgooglebusinessmessagesagentaccount Read Global
Table name Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
KPI Event Definition msdyn_kpieventdefinition Read Global
Language msdyn_oclanguage Read Global
LINE account msdyn_oclinechannelconfig Read Global
Live work item event msdyn_liveworkitemevent Read Global
Live Work Item Participant 
msdyn_ocliveworkitemparticipant Read Global
Localization msdyn_oclocalizationdata Read Global
Masking Rule msdyn_maskingrule Read Global
Master Entity Routing 
msdyn_masterentityroutingconfiguration Append, Append To, Read Global
Assign, Share Basic
Message msdyn_ocsystemmessage Read Global
Microsoft Teams msdyn_octeamschannelconfig Read Global
Model training details msdyn_ocsimltraining Read Global
Notification Field msdyn_notificationfield Read Global
Notification Template msdyn_notificationtemplate Read Global
Notification Field 
msdyn_consoleapplicationnotificationfield Read Global
Notification Template 
msdyn_consoleapplicationnotificationtemplate Read Global
Omnichannel Queue (deprecated) msdyn_omnichannelqueue Read Global
Omnichannel Configuration msdyn_omnichannelconfiguration Read Global
Omnichannel Personalization msdyn_omnichannelpersonalization Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
Ongoing conversation 
msdyn_liveconversation Create Basic
Organization organization Read Global
Read, Share Global
Append, Append To, Update Local
Assign Deep
Pane tool configuration msdyn_panetoolconfiguration Read Global
Parameter (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationtemplateparameter Read Global
Persona Security Role Mapping msdyn_personasecurityrolemapping Read Global
Personal quick reply msdyn_personalmessage Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
Personal sound setting msdyn_Personalsoundsetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Basic
PluginAssembly PluginAssembly Read Global
PluginType PluginType Read Global
Presence msdyn_presence Read Global
Productivity pane configuration msdyn_paneconfiguration Read Global
Provisioning State msdyn_ocprovisioningstate Read Global
Table name Table unique name Privilege name Recommended access level
Queue Queue Append, Read Global
Quick reply msdyn_cannedmessage Read Global
Rating Model RatingModel Read Global
Rating Value RatingValue Read Global
Recording msdyn_ocrecording Read Global
Role Role Read Global
Routing configuration msdyn_routingconfiguration Read Global
Routing configuration step msdyn_routingconfigurationstep Read Global
Rule Item msdyn_ocruleitem Read Global
Scenario msdyn_scenario Read Global
SdkMessage SdkMessage Read Global
SdkMessageProcessingStep SdkMessageProcessingStep Read Global
SdkMessageProcessingStepImage SdkMessageProcessingStepImage Read Global
Search Configuration msdyn_searchconfiguration Read Global
Self service msdyn_visitorjourney Read Global
Sentiment Analysis msdyn_sentimentanalysis Read Global
Service Endpoint ServiceEndpoint Read Global
Session event msdyn_sessionevent Read Global
Session Template msdyn_sessiontemplate Read Global
Session Characteristic msdyn_ocsessioncharacteristic Read Global
Session participant msdyn_sessionparticipant Read Global
Session Templates (Deprecated) msdyn_consoleapplicationsessiontemplate Read Global
SharePoint Data SharePointData Create, Read, Update Global
SharePointDocument SharePointDocument Read Global
Skill finder model msdyn_ocskillidentmlmodel Read Global
SMS Number settings msdyn_ocsmschannelsetting Read Global
Solution Solution Read Global
Sound notification setting msdyn_soundnotificationsetting Append, Append To, Read Global
System User User Read Local
Tag msdyn_octag Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Template Parameter msdyn_templateparameter Read Global
Template Tag (Deprecated) msdyn_templatetags Read Global
Training data import configuration msdyn_ocsitdimportconfig Read Global
Training record msdyn_ocsitrainingdata Read Global
Transcript msdyn_transcript Read Global
Twitter handle msdyn_octwitterhandle Read Global
UR notification template msdyn_urnotificationtemplate Read Global
UR Notification Template Mapping msdyn_urnotificationtemplatemapping Read Global
User settings msdyn_usersetting Append, Append To, Create, Delete, Read, Update Global
Voice Channel Setting msdyn_ocvoicechannelsetting Read Global
WeChat account msdyn_ocwechatchannelconfig Read Global
WhatsApp number msdyn_ocwhatsappchannelnumber Read Global
Workstream capacity profile msdyn_liveworkstreamcapacityprofile Read Local
Workstream msdyn_liveworkstream Append, Append To, Read Global
Assign, Share Basic

Overview of unified routing
Manage users for unified routing
Add custom security roles in Customer Service