Setting up and maintaining Accounts payable
This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Use Accounts payable to track all invoices and outgoing expenditures to vendors.
You can set up vendor groups, vendors, posting profiles, various payment options, parameters regarding vendors, charges, deliveries and destinations, promissory notes, and other types of Accounts payable information.
Depending on your setup, you can then perform many tasks that are related to vendors and purchases. For example, you can create and manage vendor invoices, use various types of journals, and settle vendor invoices.
The topics in this section provide information about setting up and maintaining Accounts payable.
Configuring required Accounts payable information
Configuring Accounts payable journals
Configuring charges for procurement
Configuring vendor payment formats
Configuring vendor payment settlements
Configuring Accounts payable statistics
Maintaining vendor information
Accounts payable setup and maintenance forms
The following table lists the forms that support setting up and maintaining Accounts payable. The table entries are organized by task and then alphabetically by form name.
Some forms in the following table require information or parameter settings to navigate to them.
Task |
Form name |
Usage |
Configuring required Accounts payable information |
Accounts payable parameters |
Set up parameters for the Accounts payable module. |
Form setup |
Define the format of information on various documents that are related to vendors, such as purchase orders and invoices. |
Methods of payment - vendors |
Create and maintain information about methods of payment for vendors. |
Terms of payment |
Define the terms of payment that you assign to sales orders, purchase orders, customers, and vendors. |
Vendor groups |
Create and maintain groups of vendors who share key parameters. These include terms of payment, settle periods, posting ledger, sales tax group, and default account setup. |
Vendor posting profiles |
Set up the posting profiles that control the posting of vendor transactions to the general ledger. |
Configuring Accounts payable journals |
Accounts payable workflows |
Create a workflow or modify an existing one. |
Journal names |
Create and manage templates for journals. This includes the management of posting restrictions for selected users or user groups. |
Vendor reasons |
Create reason codes to manage and record reasons for various types of transactions. |
Configuring vendor invoices |
Accounts payable parameters |
Activate Accounts payable invoice validation options for vendor invoices. |
Accounts payable workflows |
Set up invoice processing workflows. |
Charges tolerances |
Specify tolerances for individual charges codes. These tolerances are used for charges matching. |
Footer text |
Specify footer text for a print management record in multiple languages. When the document is printed, the language of the document determines the language of the footer text. |
Form notes |
Edit the standard text that appears on the various forms that your organization uses, such as invoices, purchase orders, and interest notes. |
Form setup |
Define the format of information on various documents that are related to vendors, such as purchase orders and invoices. |
Form sorting parameters |
Set up sorting orders for printing invoices. |
Invoice totals tolerances |
Specify vendor-specific tolerances for invoice totals matching. |
Item model groups |
Specify that packing slip information must be posted before invoice information can be posted. |
Item price tolerance groups |
Create item price tolerance groups for invoice matching and then assign each item to the appropriate group. |
Matching policy |
Specify the matching policy (two-way matching, three-way matching, not required, or company matching policy) for specific vendors, items, or vendor and item combinations. |
Price tolerances |
Set up price tolerance percentages for your organization, items, and vendors. |
Print management setup |
Set up print management original or copy records and conditional settings. This information controls the way that documents, such as sales orders and purchase orders, are printed during the confirmation process. |
Vendor price tolerance groups |
Create vendor price tolerance groups for invoice matching and then assign each vendor to the appropriate group. |
Configuring charges for procurement |
Auto charges |
Define the purchase charges that are automatically assigned to orders. |
Charges code |
Set up codes for the charges to use on purchase orders, such as invoice fees, freight, and insurance. |
Item charges groups |
Create charges groups that can be assigned to items. |
Vendor charges group |
Create charges groups that can be assigned to vendors. |
Configuring vendor payments |
Cash discounts |
Set up and manage cash discount codes, which are linked to customer and vendor accounts and are applied to sales orders and purchase orders. |
Create prenotes |
Create vendor prenotes for your organization’s bank. |
Currencies |
Create and view the currencies that your organization uses. |
Currency exchange rates |
Create and maintain appropriate exchange rates between the accounting currency and other currencies. |
Intercompany accounting |
Create a list of accounts that the current legal entity can post to. You must set up debit and credit accounts, and also the journal that receives the transactions in the other legal entity. |
Methods of payment - vendors |
Create and maintain information about methods of payment for vendors. |
Organization hierarchies |
Set up an organization hierarchy for centralized payments. |
Organization hierarchy purposes |
Specify a purpose for centralized payments. |
Payment days |
Define the payment days that are used to calculate due dates for payments that you will receive from customers or make to vendors. |
Payment fee |
Create and maintain payment fees that are related to vendors, such as fees for promissory notes. |
Payment fee setup |
Set up payment fees for various combinations of banks, methods of payment, payment specifications, currencies, and date intervals. |
Payment instruction |
Create and manage payment instructions that are required for compliance with SWIFT regulations. |
Payment schedules |
Create payment schedules, which you can use to schedule installment payments from customers and to vendors. |
Payment specification |
Create and view payment specification codes for the method of payment that you selected in the Methods of payment form. You define payment specification codes according to your agreement with the bank that is specified for the selected method of payment. |
Transaction text |
Create transaction text for automatic postings to the general ledger. You can set up transaction text in various languages. |
Translations |
Create text in another language. You can translate all texts for external use (such as terms of payment, terms of delivery, and modes of delivery) into one or more languages. |
Configuring vendor payment formats |
Check layout |
Set up the layout of checks for the bank account that you selected in the Bank accounts form. |
File formats for methods of payment |
Select import, export, return, and remittance file formats to use for vendor payments. |
Methods of payment - vendors |
Create and maintain information about methods of payment for vendors. |
Promissory note layout |
Set up the layout of promissory notes for the bank account that you selected in the Bank accounts form. |
Signature |
Add, change, or remove signature image files, such as .bmp, .jpg, or .gif files. The signature image files are printed on checks as official legal entity signatures. |
Configuring Accounts payable statistics |
Aging period definitions |
Set up and manage user-defined aging periods, which are used to analyze the maturity of customer accounts and vendor accounts, based on a date that you enter. |
Business statistics |
Set up business statistics inquiries that can help you analyze the performance of your organization. |
Business statistics data |
View data in a table format for a selected business statistic. |
Graphics setup |
Configure the display of business statistics data on the Graphics tab in the Business statistics form. |
Line of business |
Create and manage line of business codes that you assign to vendors in the Vendors form. For example, you can create codes that correspond to group codes that are defined by organizations you are affiliated with. |
(USA) Configuring 1099 taxes |
1099 fields |
Verify and update, according to the latest Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements, the minimum amounts that 1099 boxes must contain before you are obligated to file 1099 reports with the IRS. |
1099 software vendor |
Enter the required information about your software vendor to file IRS 1099 statements electronically or by using magnetic media. |
1099 transmitter |
Enter the information requested by the IRS about the person or company who will file your 1099 statements electronically or by using magnetic media. |
Vendor state tax IDs |
Set up the 1099 state tax information for each state where you will do business with a vendor before you enter invoices or make payments to the vendor. |
Maintaining vendor information |
Address book |
Enter or view information about prospects, leads, opportunities, customers, contact persons, competitors, employees, and vendors. |
Invoice totals tolerances |
Specify vendor-specific tolerances for invoice totals matching. |
Print management setup |
Set up print management original or copy records and conditional settings. This information controls the way that documents, such as sales orders and purchase orders, are printed during the posting process. |
Vendor bank accounts |
Create and manage vendor bank accounts, which are used when you make a payment to a vendor's bank account. |
Vendor groups |
Create and maintain groups of vendors who share key parameters. These include terms of payment, settle periods, posting ledger, sales tax group, and default account setup. |
Vendor update of tax 1099 information |
Enter or update 1099 information for a vendor. |
Vendors |
Create and manage accounts for the vendors the organization does business with. |