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Calendar and Clock functions

Applies to: Canvas apps Model-driven apps Power Pages

Retrieves calendar and clock information about the current locale.


The Calendar and Clock functions are a set of functions that retrieve information about the current locale.

You can use these functions to display dates and times in the language of the current user. The single-column tables returned by Calendar and Clock functions can be used directly with the Items property of Dropdown and Listbox controls.

Function Description
Calendar.MonthsLong() Single-column table containing the full names of each month, starting with "January".
Calendar.MonthsShort() Single-column table containing the abbreviated names of each month, starting with "Jan" for January.
Calendar.WeekdaysLong() Single-column table containing the full names of each weekday, starting with "Sunday".
Calendar.WeekdaysShort() Single-column table containing the full names of each weekday, starting with "Sun" for Sunday.
Clock.AmPm() Single-column table containing the long uppercase "AM" and "PM" designations. If the language uses a 24-hour clock, the table will be empty.
Clock.AmPmShort() Single-column table containing the short uppercase "A" and "P" designations. If the language uses a 24-hour clock, the table will be empty.
Clock.IsClock24() Boolean indicating if a 24-hour clock is used in this locale.

Use the Text function to format date and time values using this same information. The Language function returns the current language and region code.










  1. Insert a Dropdown control.

  2. Set the formula for the Items property to:

    • Calendar.MonthsLong()
  3. Users of your app can now select a month in their own language. MonthsLong can be replaced with any of the single-column tables that are returned by Calendar to create weekday and time selectors.

In the United States, with Language returning "en-US", the following is returned by the Calendar functions:

Formula Description Result
Calendar.MonthsLong() The return value contains the full name of each month, starting with "January". [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]
Calendar.MonthsShort() The return value contains the abbreviated name of each month, starting with "January". [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]
Calendar.WeekdaysLong() The return value contains the full name of each day, starting with "Sunday". [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ]
Calendar.WeekdaysShort() The return value contains the abbreviated name of each day, starting with "Sunday". [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ]
Clock.AmPm() This language uses a 12-hour clock. The return value contains the uppercase versions of the full AM and PM designations. [ "AM", "PM" ]
Clock.AmPmShort() This language uses a 12-hour clock. The return value contains the uppercase versions of the short AM and PM designations. [ "A", "P" ]
Clock.IsClock24() This language uses a 12-hour clock. false