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Int, Round, RoundDown, RoundUp, and Trunc functions

Applies to: Canvas apps Dataverse formula columns Desktop flows Model-driven apps Power Pages Power Platform CLI

Rounds a number.

Round, RoundDown, and RoundUp

The Round, RoundDown, and RoundUp functions round a number to the specified number of decimal places:

  • Round rounds up if the next digit is 5 or higher. Otherwise, this function rounds down.
  • RoundDown always rounds down to the previous lower number, towards zero.
  • RoundUp always rounds up to the next higher number, away from zero.

The number of decimal places can be specified for these functions:

Decimal places Description Example
Greater than 0 The number is rounded to the right of the decimal separator. Round( 12.37, 1 ) returns 12.4.
0 The number is rounded to the nearest integer. Round( 12.37, 0 ) returns 12.
Less than 0 The number is rounded to the left of the decimal separator. Round( 12.37, -1 ) returns 10.

Int and Trunc

The Int and Trunc functions round a number to an integer (whole number without a decimal):

  • Int rounds down to the nearest integer.
  • Trunc truncates the number to just the integer portion by removing any decimal portion.

The difference between Int and Trunc is in the handling of negative numbers. For example, for an argument of -4.3, Int will return the integer further away from zero, -5, while Trunc will return the integer closer to zero, -4. Int returns values that are unique amongst the five rounding functions, while Trunc returns the same values as RoundDown.

Use Trunc to extract the decimal portion of a number by subtracting it from the original, for example X - Trunc(X).

Decimal places cannot be specified with Trunc as it can with Microsoft Excel. Use RoundDown instead when this is needed.

Single-column tables

These functions support single-column tables. If you pass a single number, the return value is the rounded version of that number. If you pass a single-column table that contains numbers, the return value is a single-column table of rounded numbers. The DecimalPlaces parameter can be a single value or a single-column table. If the single-column table has less values that the Number, zero is used for the remaining values. Use ShowColumns and other table shaping functions to extract a single-column table from a larger table.


Round(Number, DecimalPlaces)
RoundDown(Number, DecimalPlaces)
RoundUp(Number, DecimalPlaces)

  • Number - Required. The number to round.
  • DecimalPlaces - Required. Number of decimal places to round to. Use a positive value to indicate decimal places right of the decimal separator, a negative value to the left, and zero for a whole number.


  • Number - Required. The number to be rounded to an integer.


Rounding to a whole number.

X Round( X, 0 ) RoundUp( X, 0 ) RoundDown( X, 0 ) Int( X ) Trunc( X )
7.9 8 8 7 7 7
-7.9 -8 -8 -7 -8 -7
7.5 8 8 7 7 7
-7.5 -8 -8 -7 -8 -7
7.1 7 8 7 7 7
-7.1 -7 -8 -7 -8 -7

Rounding to two decimal places to the right of the decimal separator (0.01).

X Round( X, 2 ) RoundUp( X, 2 ) RoundDown( X, 2 )
430.123 430.12 430.13 430.12
430.125 430.13 430.13 430.12
430.128 430.13 430.13 430.12

Rounding to two decimal places to the left of the decimal separator (100).

X Round( X, -2 ) RoundUp( X, -2 ) RoundDown( X, -2 )
430.123 400 500 400
449.942 400 500 400
450.000 500 500 400
450.124 500 500 400
479.128 500 500 400

Rounding a single-column table of values.

X Int( X ) Round( X, 2 ) RoundDown( X, [ 0, 1, 2 ] ) RoundUp( X, [ 2 ] )
[ 123.456,
542.639 ]
[ 123,
542 ]
[ 123.46,
542.64 ]
[ 123,
542.63 ]
[ 123.46,
543 ]