MSN TV: View TV show information

View detailed information about upcoming TV programs on the TV Listings page provided by MSN TV. To view program information, go to the TV Listings Guide, and then click a show title.

To scroll the TV listing grid forward or backward in time:

  1. Go to the TV Listings Guide.

  2. At the top of the TV listings beside the program times, click the arrow buttons. Each click moves the grid by three hours.

To see programs for a specific day and time:

  1. Go to the TV Listings Guide.

  2. At the top of the TV listings grid, click the date and time menu, choose the day and time, and then click Go.

  3. To return to the TV listings grid, click the TV Listings tab.

To view a list of TV programs in a category:

  1. Go to the TV Listings Guide.

  2. At the top of the TV listings grid, click a category tab, such as Movies, Sports, Kids, or News.

    - or -

    To select from all available categories, open the Show all categories list, select a category, and then click Go.

To search for TV programs:

  1. Go to the MSN TV website.

  2. At the top of the page, type the name of your program in the search box, and then click Search Site.

To see a list of all times a program or episodes of a program will be aired:

  1. Go to the MSN TV website.

  2. Find the program, and then click the title.

  3. In the Program Details window, click All airings of this show.


  • The information available for each program varies depending on the type of show.

  • You can't view listings for past dates.

  • At the present time, you can't limit the channels that you see in TV Listings.

  • Listings for future programming may occasionally be unavailable. However, listings are updated overnight on a daily basis, so you may want to retry your search at a later time.


Can't see local time zone or channel lineup in Primetime Tonight

Other Resources

MSN TV: The TV listings grid doesn't display any programs