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Rate or comment on a video

Each video on has a rating from one to five stars that you can use to judge how much other users liked it. You can add your own rating and leave comments about the video for other users to read.

  1. Go to the MSN Video website.

  2. Find the video that you want to watch, and click the video thumbnail to open the video player page. For more information, see Find and watch videos.

  3. Do one or more of the following:

    • To see the average rating that other users have given the video, from one star to five stars, look under the video title above the video player, next to Rate this.

    • To add your own rating to the video, next to Rate this, click the number of stars that you want to give the video. For instance, to give a video a rating of four stars out of five, click the fourth star from the left.

    • To read comments that other users have left about the video, above the video player, click Comments.

    • To add a comment, above the video player, click Comments, and then click POST A COMMENT. Type your comment, and then click Post comment.

    • To delete a comment that you added, above the video player, click Comments. Next to the comment that you added, click delete, and then click OK.


  • You must be signed in with your Windows Live ID to rate or comment on videos. You can view ratings and comments without being signed in.

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