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Install SQL Server documentation to view offline in SSMS

Applies to: SQL Server

This article describes how to download and view offline SQL Server content in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Offline content enables you to access the documentation without an internet connection (although an internet connection is initially required to download it).


Offline documentation is available for versions of SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later versions. Although you can view content for previous versions online, an offline option provides a convenient way to access the older content.

  • SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later versions
  • SQL Server 2014 (12.x)
  • SQL Server 2012 (11.x)

If your system doesn't have internet access and you want to install the offline content, first download the content on a system that has internet access, and then move the package over to the offline system. Use SSMS to locate the installation file path and load the files.

Offline content for SQL Server

The following steps explain how to load offline content for SQL Server, by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) that has access to the internet.

This section describes how to load offline content for SQL Server 2014 (12.x).


SQL Server 2014 (12.x) Transact-SQL content is only available offline.

  1. Download the Product Documentation for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 for firewall and proxy restricted environments content from the download center and save it to a folder.

  2. Unzip the file to view the *.msha* file.

    Screenshot of SQL Server 2014 Help documentation setup file.

  3. In SSMS, select Add and Remove Help Content on the Help menu.

    Screenshot of HelpViewer Add Remove Content.

    The Help Viewer opens to the Manage Content tab.

  4. To install the latest help content, choose Disk under Installation source and then the ellipses (...).

    Screenshot of Help Viewer Manage Content Disk Source.


    The Local store path on the Manage Content tab shows where on the local computer the content is located. To change the location, select Move, enter a different folder path in the To field, and then select OK. If the help installation fails after changing the Local store path, close and reopen the Help Viewer. Ensure the new location appears in the Local store path and then try the installation again.

  5. Locate the folder where you unzipped the content. Select the HelpContentSetup.msha file in the folder then select Open.

    Screenshot of Open the SQL Server 2014 Help Content Setup.msha file.

  6. Type in sql server 2014 in the search bar. Once you see the 2014 content available, select Add next to each content package (book) that you want to install to Help Viewer and then select Update.

    Screenshot of SQL Server 2014 books search in Help Viewer.

    Screenshot of SQL Server 2014 books add and update in Help Viewer.


    If the Help Viewer freezes (hangs) while adding content, change the Cache LastRefreshed="<mm/dd/yyyy> 00:00:00" line in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\HelpViewer2.x\HlpViewer_SSMSx_en-US.settings or HlpViewer_VisualStudiox_en-US.settings file to some date in the future. For more information about this issue, see Visual Studio Help Viewer freezes.

  7. You can verify that the SQL Server 2014 content installed by searching under the content pane on the left for sql server 2014.

    Screenshot of SQL Server 2014 books automatically updated.

View offline documentation

You can view SQL Server help content using the Help menu in the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

View offline help content in SSMS

To view the installed help in SSMS, select Launch in Help Viewer from the Help menu, to launch the Help Viewer.

Screenshot of Launch in Help Viewer.

Help Viewer opens to the Manage Content tab, with the installed help table of contents in the left pane. Select Articles in the table of contents to display them in the contents pane.


If the contents pane isn't visible, select Contents on the left margin. Select the pushpin icon to keep the contents pane open.

Screenshot of Help Viewer with content.

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