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Overview of the Remote Desktop Services technology.
To develop Remote Desktop Services, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
AAAccountingDataType Specifies the type of event that the ITSGAccountingEngine::DoAccounting method is being notified of. |
AAAuthSchemes Specifies the type of authentication used to connect to Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway). |
AE_POSITION_FLAGS Defines constants for the AE_CURRENT_POSITION structure. These constants describe the degree of validity of the current position. |
PolicyAttributeType Specifies the redirection settings associated with a connection. |
RDV_TASK_STATUS Used with the IRDVTaskPluginNotifySink::OnTaskStateChange method to indicate the status of a task. |
RemoteActionType The action to send to the remote session. |
SnapshotEncodingType The type of encoding used for a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client snapshot. |
SnapshotFormatType The data format used for a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client snapshot. |
TARGET_CHANGE_TYPE Specifies the type of change that occurred in a target. |
TARGET_STATE Indicates the state of a target. |
TARGET_TYPE Indicates whether a target belongs to a pool or farm. |
TS_SB_SORT_BY Specifies sort order. It is used as a parameter in the EnumerateTargets method. |
TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE Specifies the type of assignment for a personal desktop resolution. |
TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_RESOLUTION_TYPE Specifies the type of personal desktop resolution being requested. |
TSSD_AddrV46Type Indicates the IP address type. |
TSSESSION_STATE Indicates the state of a session. |
WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL Specifies the type of structure contained in the WRdsConnectionSetting member of the WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS structure. |
WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING_LEVEL Used to specify the type of structure that is contained in the WRdsListenerSetting member of the WRDS_LISTENER_SETTINGS structure. |
WRDS_SETTING_LEVEL Specifies the type of structure contained in the WRdsSetting member of the WRDS_SETTINGS structure. |
WRDS_SETTING_STATUS Specifies the status of a policy setting for various members of the WRDS_SETTINGS_1 structure. |
WRDS_SETTING_TYPE Specifies the category of settings being stored in a WRDS_SETTINGS structure. |
WRdsGraphicsChannelType Used to specify the type of graphics virtual channel to create in the IWRdsGraphicsChannelManager::CreateChannel method. |
WTS_CERT_TYPE Contains values that specify the type of certificate used to obtain a license. |
WTS_CONFIG_CLASS Contains values that indicate the type of user configuration information to set or retrieve in a call to the WTSQueryUserConfig and WTSSetUserConfig functions. |
WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE Specifies the source of configuration information returned by the WTSQueryUserConfig function. |
WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS Specifies the connection state of a Remote Desktop Services session. |
WTS_INFO_CLASS Contains values that indicate the type of session information to retrieve in a call to the WTSQuerySessionInformation function. |
WTS_LOGON_ERROR_REDIRECTOR_RESPONSE Contains values that specify the preferred response of the protocol to a logon error. |
WTS_RCM_DRAIN_STATE Contains information about the drain state of the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTS_RCM_SERVICE_STATE Contains information about the state of the Remote Desktop Services service. |
WTS_TYPE_CLASS Specifies the type of structure that a Remote Desktop Services function has returned in a buffer. |
WTS_VIRTUAL_CLASS Contains values that indicate the type of virtual channel information to retrieve. |
WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY Contains values that indicate the address family of a network address that is being used for redirection. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN Contains values that indicate the drain state of a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE Contains values that indicate the session mode of a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE Contains values that indicate the current state of a server. |
WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE Contains values that indicate the type of status change that occurred on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or a user session. |
WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE Contains values that indicate the connection state of a user session. |
AcceptConnection Directs the protocol to continue with the connection request. |
AcceptConnection IWTSProtocolConnection::AcceptConnection is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::AcceptConnection. |
AcquireTargetLock Locks a target. |
AddEnvironmentToStore Adds an environment to the resource plug-in store. |
AddResource Adds a resource to the connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. (IWorkspaceRegistration2.AddResource) |
AddResourceEx Adds a resource to the connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. (IWorkspaceRegistration2::AddResourceEx) |
AddResourceType Registers a third-party file name extension with the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections runtime. |
AddSessionToStore Adds a new session to the resource plug-in store. |
AddTargetToStore Adds a target to the resource plug-in store. |
ApplySettings Stores the specified contents in the RDP file. |
attachEvent Attaches an event handler to an event. |
AuthenticateClientToSession Specifies a session that the connection should be reconnected to. |
AuthenticateClientToSession IWTSProtocolConnection::AuthenticateClientToSession is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::AuthenticateClientToSession. |
AuthenticateUser Authenticates a user. |
AuthorizeConnection Determines whether the specified connection is authorized to connect to Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway). |
AuthorizeResource Determines which resources the specified connection is authorized to connect to. |
BrokenConnection Informs the Remote Desktop Services service that the client connection has been lost. |
BrokenConnection IWTSProtocolConnectionCallback::BrokenConnection is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnectionCallback::BrokenConnection. |
CancelAuthentication Cancels an existing authentication request. |
CancelJob Cancels a provisioning job. |
CHANNEL_INIT_EVENT_FN An application-defined callback function that Remote Desktop Services calls to notify the client DLL of virtual channel events. |
CHANNEL_OPEN_EVENT_FN An application-defined callback function that Remote Desktop Services calls to notify the client DLL of events for a specific virtual channel. |
ClearWorkspaceCredential Deletes the user credentials associated with the specified connection ID. |
Close Closes the channel. (IWTSVirtualChannel.Close) |
Close Called to close the channel. |
Close Closes a connection after the session is disconnected. |
Close IWTSProtocolConnection::Close is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::Close. |
Connect Initiates a connection by using the properties currently set on the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control. |
Connected Notifies the plug-in that the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client has successfully connected to the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
ConnectNotify Signals the protocol that the session has been initialized. |
ConnectNotify IWTSProtocolConnection::ConnectNotify is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::ConnectNotify. |
CreateChannel Used to create a graphics virtual channel. |
CreateEnvironmentObject Creates an ITsSbEnvironment environment object. |
CreateEnvironmentPropertySetObject Creates an ITsSbEnvironmentPropertySet environment property set object. |
CreateListener Returns an instance of a listener object that listens on a specific endpoint. |
CreateListener Requests the creation of an IWRdsProtocolListener object that listens for incoming client connection requests. |
CreateListener IWTSProtocolManager::CreateListener is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolManager::CreateListener. |
CreateLoadBalanceResultObject Creates an ITsSbLoadBalanceResult load-balancing result object. |
CreatePluginPropertySet Creates an ITsSbPluginPropertySet plug-in property set object. |
CreateSessionObject Plug-ins can use the CreateSessionObject method to create an ITsSbSession session object. |
CreateTargetObject Creates an ITsSbTarget target object. |
CreateTargetPropertySetObject Creates an ITsSbTargetPropertySet target property set object. |
CreateVirtualChannel Requests that the protocol create a virtual channel. |
CreateVirtualChannel IWTSProtocolConnection::CreateVirtualChannel is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::CreateVirtualChannel. |
CreateVirtualMachines Creates a virtual machine asynchronously. |
DeletePersonalDesktopAssignment Called to delete a mapping between the specified user and a virtual machine in a personal virtual desktop collection. |
DeleteProperties Deletes a property. |
DeleteResourceType Unregisters a third-party file name extension with the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections runtime. |
DeleteSavedCredentials Deletes saved credentials for the specified remote computer. |
DeleteTarget Deletes a target. |
DeleteVirtualMachines Deletes a virtual machine asynchronously. |
detachEvent Detaches an event handler from an event. |
Disconnect Disconnects the active connection. |
Disconnected Notifies the plug-in that the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client has disconnected from the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
DisconnectNotify Notifies the protocol that the session has been disconnected. |
DisconnectNotify IWTSProtocolConnection::DisconnectNotify is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::DisconnectNotify. |
DisconnectUser Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) that it should disconnect the client. |
DisconnectWorkspace Disconnects all existing connections associated with the specified connection ID. |
DisconnectWorkspaceByFriendlyName Disconnects all existing connections associated with the connection that has the specified name. |
DisplayIOCtl IWTSProtocolConnectionCallback::DisplayIOCtl is no longer available. |
DoAccounting Provides information about the creation or closing of sessions for a connection. |
DoTarget Requests that the protocol start the target side of a shadow connection. |
DoTarget IWTSProtocolShadowConnection::DoTarget is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection::DoTarget. |
EnableWddmIdd Termsrv uses this method to tell protocol stack which mode it is operating. |
EnumerateEnvironments Returns an array that contains the environments present in the resource plug-in store. |
EnumerateEnvironmentsByProvider Returns an array that contains the environments present on the specified provider. |
EnumerateFarms Enumerates all the farms that have been added by the specified resource plug-in. |
EnumerateFarms Enumerates all the farms that have been added to the resource plug-in store. |
EnumerateProperties Enumerates a property set. |
EnumerateSessions Returns an array that contains sessions on the specified provider. |
EnumerateSessions Enumerates a specified set of sessions. |
EnumerateTargets Returns an array that contains the specified targets present in the global store. |
EnumerateTargets Returns an array that contains the specified targets that are present in the resource plug-in store. |
ExecuteRemoteAction Causes an action to be performed in the remote session. |
get_Actions Retrieves the actions object for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client. |
get_AllowLogon A value that specifies whether the user is allowed to log on to the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Get) |
get_BrokenConnectionAction A value that specifies the action to take when a Remote Desktop Services session limit is reached. (Get) |
get_ClientConnectionPropertySet Retrieves an object that contains properties associated with the client connection. |
get_ClientDisplay Retrieves or specifies information about the display device of the client computer. (Get) |
get_ConnectClientDrivesAtLogon A value that specifies if mapped client drives should be reconnected when a Remote Desktop Services session is started. (Get) |
get_ConnectClientPrintersAtLogon A value that specifies whether to reconnect to mapped client printers at logon. (Get) |
get_ConnectionError Retrieves a value that indicates the error that occurred while a client connection was being processed. |
get_Context Retrieves the context bytes associated with the task. |
get_CreateTime Retrieves or specifies the time the session was created. (Get) |
get_Deadline Retrieves the time by which the task must be initiated. This is used to prioritize patches. The patch with the earliest deadline will get initiated first. |
get_DefaultToMainPrinter A value that specifies whether to print automatically to the client's default printer. (Get) |
get_DisconnectTime Retrieves or specifies the time the session was disconnected. (Get) |
get_Domain Retrieves a value that indicates the domain name of the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. |
get_Domain Retrieves the domain name of the user. |
get_Enabled Whether the touch pointer feature is enabled on the RDP app container client control. (Get) |
get_EnableRemoteControl A value that specifies whether to allow remote observation or remote control of the user's Remote Desktop Services session. (Get) |
get_EndTime Retrieves the latest time the task agent can start the task. |
get_Environment Retrieves an object that contains information about the environment that hosts the target computer. |
get_EnvironmentName Retrieves or specifies the name of the environment associated with the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.get_EnvironmentName) |
get_EnvironmentPropertySet Retrieves or specifies the property set for the environment that hosts the target computer. (Get) |
get_EventsEnabled Whether touch pointer event notifications are enabled for the RDP app container client control. (Get) |
get_FarmName Farm name. |
get_FarmName Retrieves or specifies the name of the farm to which this target is joined. (Get) |
get_Identifier Retrieves a GUID that is used as a unique identifier by the task agent. |
get_InitialProgram Retrieves a value that indicates the program that is launched when the user logs on to the target computer. |
get_InitialProgram Retrieves or specifies the initial program for this session. (Get) |
get_IpAddresses Retrieves or specifies the external IP addresses of the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.get_IpAddresses) |
get_IsFirstAssignment Whether this is the first assignment. |
get_Label Retrieves the label that describes the purpose of the task. |
get_LoadBalanceResult Retrieves a value that indicates the name of the target computer returned by load balancing. |
get_MaxConnectionTime The maximum duration of the Remote Desktop Services session. After the specified number of minutes have elapsed, the session can be disconnected or terminated. (Get) |
get_MaxDisconnectionTime The maximum amount of time that a disconnected Remote Desktop Services session remains active on the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. After the specified number of minutes have elapsed, the session is terminated. (Get) |
get_MaxIdleTime The maximum amount of time that the Remote Desktop Services session can remain idle. After the specified number of minutes has elapsed, the session can be disconnected or terminated. (Get) |
get_Name Retrieves a value that indicates the name of the environment that hosts the target computer. |
get_NumPendingConnections Retrieves the number of pending user connections for the target. |
get_NumSessions Retrieves the number of sessions maintained by broker for the target. |
get_Plugin Retrieves the display name of the task agent. |
get_pluginName Retrieves the name of the plug-in. |
get_pluginVersion Retrieves the version of the plug-in. |
get_PointerSpeed How fast the touch pointer cursor will move on the virtual desktop relative to the speed of the gesture on the client. |
get_ProtocolType Retrieves or specifies the protocol type for the session. (Get) |
get_RdFarmType Rd Farm Type. |
get_ReconnectionAction A value that specifies if reconnection to a disconnected Remote Desktop Services session is allowed. (Get) |
get_SamUserAccount Retrieves a value that indicates the domain name and user name of the user who initiated the connection. |
get_ServerWeight Retrieves a value that indicates the server weight of the environment that hosts the target computer. |
get_SessionId Retrieves the session ID. |
get_Settings Retrieves the settings object for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client. |
get_StartTime Retrieves the earliest time the task agent can start the task. |
get_State Retrieves or specifies the session state. (Get) |
get_Status Retrieves an RDV_TASK_STATUS enumeration value that represents the state of the task. |
get_TargetFQDN Retrieves or specifies the fully qualified domain name of the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.get_TargetFQDN) |
get_TargetId Retrieves the target identifier. |
get_TargetLoad Retrieves the relative load on a target. |
get_TargetName Retrieves the target name returned by a load-balancing algorithm. |
get_TargetName Retrieves the name of the target on which this session was created. |
get_TargetName Specifies or retrieves the name of the target. (Get) |
get_TargetNetbios Retrieves or specifies the NetBIOS name of the target. (Get) |
get_TargetPropertySet Retrieves or specifies the set of properties for the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.get_TargetPropertySet) |
get_TargetState Retrieves or specifies the target state. (ITsSbTargetEx.get_TargetState) |
get_TerminalServicesHomeDirectory The root directory for the user. Each user on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server has a unique root directory. This ensures that application information is stored separately for each user in a multiuser environment. (Get) |
get_TerminalServicesHomeDrive The root drive for the user. In a network environment, this property is a string that contains a drive specification (a drive letter followed by a colon) to which the UNC path specified as the root directory is mapped. (Get) |
get_TerminalServicesInitialProgram The path and file name of the application that the user wants to start automatically when the user logs on to the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Get) |
get_TerminalServicesProfilePath The roaming or mandatory profile path to be used when the user logs on to the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Get) |
get_TerminalServicesWorkDirectory The working directory path for the user. (Get) |
get_TouchPointer Contains the RemoteDesktopClientTouchPointer object for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client. |
get_Username Retrieves the user name for this session. |
get_UserName Retrieves a value that indicates the name of the user who initiated the connection. |
get_UserSidString User SID as a string. |
GetCacheLastUpdateTime Returns the time that the cache was last updated. |
GetClaimsToken2 Retrieves a claims token. |
GetClientData Requests client settings from the protocol. |
GetClientData IWTSProtocolConnection::GetClientData is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetClientData. |
GetClientMonitorData Retrieves the number of monitors and the primary monitor number on the client. |
GetConfiguration Retrieves the listener-specific configuration. |
GetConnectionId Retrieves the connection identifier. |
GetContext Retrieves context information that was stored by a plug-in by using the PutContext method. |
GetCurrentPadding Gets the amount, in 100-nanosecond units, of data that is queued up in the endpoint. |
GetDisconnectedSession Gets a disconnected session. |
GetEventDrivenCapable Indicates whether the device endpoint is event driven. The device endpoint controls the period of the audio engine by setting events that signal buffer availability. |
GetFarmProperty Retrieves a property of a farm. (ITsSbGlobalStore.GetFarmProperty) |
GetFarmProperty Retrieves a property of a farm. (ITsSbResourcePluginStoreEx.GetFarmProperty) |
GetFilterPluginStore Retrieves a FilterPluginStore instance of the filter plugin store. |
GetFrameFormat Retrieves the format of the audio endpoint. |
GetFramesPerPacket Gets the maximum number of frames per packet that the audio endpoint can support, based on the endpoint's period and the sample rate. |
GetHardwareId Protocol stack uses this method to return hardware Id of WDDM ID driver. |
GetInputDataPointer Gets a pointer to the buffer from which data will be read by the audio engine. |
GetInputHandles Obtains the handles to input/output devices for the protocol. |
GetInstanceOfGlobalStore Retrieves an ITsSbGlobalStore instance of the global store object. |
GetLastInputTime Retrieves the last time the protocol received user input. |
GetLastInputTime IWTSProtocolConnection::GetLastInputTime is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetLastInputTime. |
GetLatency Gets the latency of the audio endpoint. |
GetLicenseConnection Retrieves an IWRdsProtocolLicenseConnection object that is used to begin the client licensing process. |
GetLicenseConnection IWTSProtocolConnection::GetLicenseConnection is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetLicenseConnection. |
GetLogonErrorRedirector Retrieves an IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector interface that specifies how the protocol should handle client logon errors. |
GetLogonErrorRedirector IWTSProtocolConnection::GetLogonErrorRedirector is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetLogonErrorRedirector. |
GetMappedRenderer Obtains the bitmap rendering object used to render media on the server. |
GetMostSuitableTarget Determines the most suitable target to which to direct an incoming client connection. |
GetOutputDataPointer Returns a pointer to the output buffer in which data will be written by the audio engine. |
GetProcessId Retrieves the process ID of the current connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
GetProtocolHandles IWTSProtocolConnection::GetProtocolHandles is no longer available. |
GetProtocolStatus Retrieves information about the protocol status. |
GetProtocolStatus IWTSProtocolConnection::GetProtocolStatus is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetProtocolStatus. |
GetRdpProperty Retrieves a single named RDP property value. |
GetRegisteredFileExtensions Retrieves the third-party file name extensions that are registered with the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections runtime. |
GetRendererStatistics Retrieves statistics for the RemoteFX media redirection bitmap renderer. |
GetResource This method is reserved and should always return E_NOTIMPL. (ItsPubPlugin.GetResource) |
GetResource2 This method is reserved and should always return E_NOTIMPL. (ItsPubPlugin2.GetResource2) |
GetResource2List Retrieves a list of resources assigned to the specified user. (ItsPubPlugin2.GetResource2List) |
GetResourceDisplayName Returns the display name of the custom client in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
GetResourceId Returns the ID of the custom client in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
GetResourceList Retrieves a list of resources assigned to the specified user. (ItsPubPlugin.GetResourceList) |
GetResourcePluginStore Retrieves an ITsSbResourcePluginStore instance of the resource plug-in store. |
GetResourceTypeInfo Retrieves information about a third-party file name extension that is registered with the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections runtime. |
GetRTCaps Queries whether the audio device is real-time (RT)-capable. This method is not used in Remote Desktop Services implementations of IAudioDeviceEndpoint. |
GetServerState Retrieves the state of a specified server. |
GetService Obtains the specified service. |
GetSessionForEnhancedFastReconnect The protocol stack uses this method to return the session ID to be used for enhanced fast reconnect. |
GetSettings Gets the listener setting information for client connection requests. |
GetSettings Retrieves the settings for a particular policy. |
GetShadowConnection Retrieves a reference to the shadow connection object from the protocol. |
GetShadowConnection IWTSProtocolConnection::GetShadowConnection is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetShadowConnection. |
GetSnapshot Causes a snapshot of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client's in-session desktop to be taken. |
GetUserCredentials Returns user credentials. |
GetUserCredentials IWTSProtocolConnection::GetUserCredentials is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::GetUserCredentials. |
GetUserData IWTSProtocolConnection::GetUserData is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolSettings::MergeSettings. |
GetVideoHandle Obtains the handle of the video device for the protocol. |
GetWaitTimeout Retrieves the wait timeout. |
GetWorkspaceNames Retrieves the names of the connections in the current process. |
Initialize Initializes the plug-in and returns a value that indicates the redirection capabilities of the plug-in. |
Initialize Initializes the plug-in. |
Initialize Used for the first call that is made from the client to the plug-in. |
Initialize Initializes the protocol manager. |
InitializeTaskPlugin Initializes a task that is in the queue of a Remote Desktop Connection Broker plugin. |
InvokeTargetShadow Instructs the Remote Desktop Services service to begin the target side of the shadow and passes any information that must be exchanged between the client and the target. |
InvokeTargetShadow IWTSProtocolShadowCallback::InvokeTargetShadow is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowCallback::InvokeTargetShadow. |
IsErrorMessageRegistered Determines whether a specified error message is registered in a specified workspace. |
IsQuarantineEnabled Indicates whether the authorization plug-in requires a statement of health (SoH) from the user's computer. |
IssueDisconnect Disconnects the custom client in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
IsUserAllowedToLogon Determines from the protocol whether a user is allowed to log on to a session. |
IsUserAllowedToLogon IWTSProtocolConnection::IsUserAllowedToLogon is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::IsUserAllowedToLogon. |
IsWorkspaceCredentialSpecified Determines whether user credentials exist for the specified connection ID. |
IsWorkspaceSSOEnabled Determines whether single sign on (SSO) is enabled for RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
LockVirtualMachine Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the virtual machine is locked. |
LogonNotify Called when the user has logged on to the session. |
LogonNotify IWTSProtocolConnection::LogonNotify is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::LogonNotify. |
MergeSettings Adds (merges) the specified policy-related settings into the larger group of connection settings. |
ModifyResourceType Modifies a third-party file name extension that is registered with the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections runtime. |
NotifyClientConnectionStateChange Notifies registered plug-ins about state changes in a client connection. (ITsSbResourceNotification.NotifyClientConnectionStateChange) |
NotifyClientConnectionStateChangeEx Notifies registered plug-ins about state changes in a client connection. (ITsSbResourceNotificationEx.NotifyClientConnectionStateChangeEx) |
NotifyCommandProcessCreated Notifies the protocol that the Winlogon.exe process has been created and initialized. |
NotifyServiceFailure Notifies registered plug-ins that the Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) service has stopped. |
NotifyServiceStateChange Notifies the protocol provider that the state of the Remote Desktop Services service is changing. |
NotifyServiceStateChange IWTSProtocolManager::NotifyServiceStateChange is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolManager::NotifyServiceStateChange. |
NotifyServiceSuccess Notifies registered plug-ins that the Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) service has started. |
NotifySessionChange Notifies registered plug-ins about state changes in a session object. (ITsSbResourceNotification.NotifySessionChange) |
NotifySessionChangeEx Notifies registered plug-ins about state changes in a session object. (ITsSbResourceNotificationEx.NotifySessionChangeEx) |
NotifySessionId Sends the identifier of the new session to the protocol. |
NotifySessionId IWTSProtocolConnection::NotifySessionId is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::NotifySessionId. |
NotifySessionOfServiceStart Notifies the protocol provider that the Remote Desktop Services service has started for a given session. |
NotifySessionOfServiceStart IWTSProtocolManager::NotifySessionOfServiceStart is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolManager::NotifySessionOfServiceStart. |
NotifySessionOfServiceStop Notifies the protocol provider that the Remote Desktop Services service has stopped for a given session. |
NotifySessionOfServiceStop IWTSProtocolManager::NotifySessionOfServiceStop is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolManager::NotifySessionOfServiceStop. |
NotifySessionStateChange Notifies the protocol provider of changes in the state of a session. |
NotifySessionStateChange IWTSProtocolManager::NotifySessionStateChange is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolManager::NotifySessionStateChange. |
NotifySettingsChange Notifies the protocol provider of changes in the settings within the Remote Desktop Services service. |
NotifyTargetChange Notifies registered plug-ins about state changes in a target object. (ITsSbResourceNotification.NotifyTargetChange) |
NotifyTargetChangeEx Notifies registered plug-ins about state changes in a target object. (ITsSbResourceNotificationEx.NotifyTargetChangeEx) |
OnAuthenticated Marks the authentication of user credentials for the connection ID, and subsequently shows the connect notification in the taskbar notification area. |
OnBeginPainting Notifies the protocol that the logon user interface is ready to begin painting. |
OnBeginPainting IWTSProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::OnBeginPainting is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::OnBeginPainting. |
OnChannelAuthorized Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about the result of an attempt to authorize a resource. |
OnChannelOpened Called when the channel has been opened and is ready for use, or when an error occurs when a channel is opened. |
OnClose Notifies the user that the channel has been closed. |
OnClose Called when the channel has been closed. |
OnCompleted Reports completion to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
OnConnected Notifies the Remote Desktop Services service that a client connection request has been received. |
OnConnected IWTSProtocolListenerCallback::OnConnected is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolListenerCallback::OnConnected. |
OnConnectionAuthorized Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about the result of an attempt to authorize a connection. |
OnDataReceived Notifies the user about data that is being received. |
OnDataReceived Called when a full message is received from the server. |
OnDataSent Called when the IWRdsGraphicsChannel::Write method is called and the data has been sent. |
OnDeleteTaskTime Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that a task has been removed from the queue. |
OnDriverLoad Termsrv uses this method to return a handle of the loaded WDDM ID driver to the protocol stack. From this point the stack owns the handle and needs to call CloseHandle() after communication with the driver is no longer needed. |
OnDriverUnload Termsrv uses this method to tell the protocol stack that PnP unloaded the WDDM ID driver. |
OnError Reports an error condition to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
OnGetMostSuitableTarget Returns a load-balancing result to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
OnInitialized Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the plug-in has completed a call of Initialize. |
OnJobCancelled Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the job is cancelled. |
OnJobCompleted Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the job is complete. |
OnJobCreated Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that a provisioning job is created. |
OnMetricsUpdate Called to notify the RemoteFX graphics services that network conditions have changed. |
OnNewChannelConnection Allows the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client plug-in to accept or deny a connection request for an incoming connection. |
OnQueryEnvironmentCompleted Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the environment specified by the ITsSbClientConnection object is already hosting the correct target. |
OnReady Requests that the Remote Desktop Services service continue the connection process for that client. |
OnReady IWTSProtocolConnectionCallback::OnReady is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnectionCallback::OnReady. |
OnReadyToConnect Returns an ITsSbTarget object to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) after the target is successfully prepared for a connection. |
OnReportStatus Sends status messages to the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client regarding the processing of a client connection. |
OnReportTasks Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) of a new task report. |
OnSetTaskTime Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that a task has been scheduled. |
OnTargetSizeChanged Called when the size of the render target has changed. |
OnTerminated Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the plug-in has completed a call of Terminate. |
OnUpdateTaskStatus Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the status of a task has changed. |
OnUserAuthenticated Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) that the authentication plug-in has successfully authenticated the user. |
OnUserAuthenticationFailed Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) that the authentication plug-in failed to authenticate the user. |
OnVirtualMachineHostStatusChanged Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the status of the host of a virtual machine is changed. |
OnVirtualMachineStatusChanged Notifies Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) that the status of a virtual machine is changed. |
Open Called to open a channel. |
PatchVirtualMachines Patches a virtual machine asynchronously. |
PreDisconnect Notifies the protocol that the session is about to be disconnected. |
PrepareTargetForConnect Prepares the target for a client connection. |
ProcessingComplete Notifies the endpoint that a processing pass has been completed. |
ProtocolComplete Notifies the protocol whether the licensing process completed successfully. |
ProtocolComplete IWTSProtocolLicenseConnection::ProtocolComplete is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLicenseConnection::ProtocolComplete. |
PulseEndpoint Is reserved. (IAudioInputEndpointRT.PulseEndpoint) |
PulseEndpoint Is reserved. (IAudioOutputEndpointRT.PulseEndpoint) |
put_AllowLogon A value that specifies whether the user is allowed to log on to the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Put) |
put_BrokenConnectionAction A value that specifies the action to take when a Remote Desktop Services session limit is reached. (Put) |
put_ClientDisplay Retrieves or specifies information about the display device of the client computer. (Put) |
put_ConnectClientDrivesAtLogon A value that specifies if mapped client drives should be reconnected when a Remote Desktop Services session is started. (Put) |
put_ConnectClientPrintersAtLogon A value that specifies whether to reconnect to mapped client printers at logon. (Put) |
put_CreateTime Retrieves or specifies the time the session was created. (Put) |
put_DefaultToMainPrinter A value that specifies whether to print automatically to the client's default printer. (Put) |
put_DisconnectTime Retrieves or specifies the time the session was disconnected. (Put) |
put_Enabled Whether the touch pointer feature is enabled on the RDP app container client control. (Put) |
put_EnableRemoteControl A value that specifies whether to allow remote observation or remote control of the user's Remote Desktop Services session. (Put) |
put_EnvironmentName Retrieves or specifies the name of the environment associated with the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.put_EnvironmentName) |
put_EnvironmentPropertySet Retrieves or specifies the property set for the environment that hosts the target computer. (Put) |
put_EventsEnabled Whether touch pointer event notifications are enabled for the RDP app container client control. (Put) |
put_FarmName Retrieves or specifies the name of the farm to which this target is joined. (Put) |
put_InitialProgram Retrieves or specifies the initial program for this session. (Put) |
put_IpAddresses Retrieves or specifies the external IP addresses of the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.put_IpAddresses) |
put_MaxConnectionTime The maximum duration of the Remote Desktop Services session. After the specified number of minutes have elapsed, the session can be disconnected or terminated. (Put) |
put_MaxDisconnectionTime The maximum amount of time that a disconnected Remote Desktop Services session remains active on the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. After the specified number of minutes have elapsed, the session is terminated. (Put) |
put_MaxIdleTime The maximum amount of time that the Remote Desktop Services session can remain idle. After the specified number of minutes has elapsed, the session can be disconnected or terminated. (Put) |
put_ProtocolType Retrieves or specifies the protocol type for the session. (Put) |
put_ReconnectionAction A value that specifies if reconnection to a disconnected Remote Desktop Services session is allowed. (Put) |
put_State Retrieves or specifies the session state. (Put) |
put_TargetFQDN Retrieves or specifies the fully qualified domain name of the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.put_TargetFQDN) |
put_TargetName Specifies or retrieves the name of the target. (Put) |
put_TargetNetbios Retrieves or specifies the NetBIOS name of the target. (Put) |
put_TargetPropertySet Retrieves or specifies the set of properties for the target. (ITsSbTargetEx.put_TargetPropertySet) |
put_TargetState Retrieves or specifies the target state. (ITsSbTargetEx.put_TargetState) |
put_TerminalServicesHomeDirectory The root directory for the user. Each user on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server has a unique root directory. This ensures that application information is stored separately for each user in a multiuser environment. (Put) |
put_TerminalServicesHomeDrive The root drive for the user. In a network environment, this property is a string that contains a drive specification (a drive letter followed by a colon) to which the UNC path specified as the root directory is mapped. (Put) |
put_TerminalServicesInitialProgram The path and file name of the application that the user wants to start automatically when the user logs on to the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Put) |
put_TerminalServicesProfilePath The roaming or mandatory profile path to be used when the user logs on to the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Put) |
put_TerminalServicesWorkDirectory The working directory path for the user. (Put) |
PutContext Can be used by plug-ins to store context information specific to the connection. |
QueryEnvironment Returns the specified environment object. |
QueryEnvironmentForTarget Determines whether the specified environment is ready to host the target that was returned by load balancing. |
QueryProperty Retrieves a property value from the protocol. |
QueryProperty IWTSProtocolConnection::QueryProperty is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::QueryProperty. |
QuerySessionBySessionId Retrieves the ITsSbSession object associated with the given session ID. |
QuerySessionBySessionId Returns the session object that has the specified session ID. |
QueryTarget Retrieves the ITsSbTarget object for the given parameters. |
QueryTarget Returns the target that has the specified target name and farm name. |
ReauthenticateUser Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) that it should silently reauthenticate and reauthorize the user. |
Reconnect Initiates an automatic reconnection of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control to fit the session to the new width and height. |
RedirectLogonError Queries the protocol for the action to take in response to a logon error. |
RedirectLogonError IWTSProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::RedirectLogonError is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::RedirectLogonError. |
RedirectMessage Queries the protocol regarding how to redirect the logon message. |
RedirectMessage IWTSProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::RedirectMessage is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::RedirectMessage. |
RedirectStatus Queries the protocol regarding how to redirect the client logon status update. |
RedirectStatus IWTSProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::RedirectStatus is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector::RedirectStatus. |
RedrawWindow Requests that the Remote Desktop Services service redraw the client window. |
RedrawWindow IWTSProtocolConnectionCallback::RedrawWindow is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnectionCallback::RedrawWindow. |
Refresh This method is reserved. |
RegisterErrorEvent Registers the specified error event message to use in the UI. |
RegisterErrorLogMessage Registers the specified error message to use in the UI. |
RegisterForNotification Requests that Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) send notifications about specified events. |
ReleaseInputDataPointer Releases the acquired data pointer. |
ReleaseOutputDataPointer Releases the pointer to the output buffer. |
ReleaseTargetLock Releases a lock on a target. |
RemoveEnvironmentFromStore Removes the specified environment from the resource plug-in store. |
RemoveMapping Called by a dynamic virtual channel plug-in to remove a render mapping. |
RemoveResource Notifies the RemoteApp and Desktop Connection runtime that the client is disconnecting the connection. (IWorkspaceRegistration2.RemoveResource) |
RemoveResourceEx Notifies the RemoteApp and Desktop Connection runtime that the client is disconnecting the connection. (IWorkspaceRegistration2::RemoveResourceEx) |
Render Called by a dynamic virtual channel plug-in to render bitmaps. |
RequestClientLicense Requests a license from the client. |
RequestClientLicense IWTSProtocolLicenseConnection::RequestClientLicense is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLicenseConnection::RequestClientLicense. |
RequestLicensingCapabilities Requests license capabilities from the client. |
RequestLicensingCapabilities IWTSProtocolLicenseConnection::RequestLicensingCapabilities is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLicenseConnection::RequestLicensingCapabilities. |
Reset Resets the endpoint stream. |
ResolvePersonalDesktop Called to resolve a mapping between the specified user and a virtual machine in a personal virtual desktop collection. |
ResolveResource Provides information about how to connect to a user's assigned personal virtual desktop. |
ResourceDismissed Alerts the user that a resource has been disabled or otherwise dismissed. |
ResumeScreenUpdates Resumes screen updates being sent to the client. |
RetrieveSettings Retrieves the entire RDP file as a string. |
SaveEnvironment Saves an environment. |
SaveProperties Saves a property set. |
SaveSession Saves a session. |
SaveTarget Saves a target. |
SendBeep IWTSProtocolConnection::SendBeep is no longer available. |
SendClientLicense Sends a license to the client. |
SendClientLicense IWTSProtocolLicenseConnection::SendClientLicense is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLicenseConnection::SendClientLicense. |
SendPolicyData IWTSProtocolConnection::SendPolicyData is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolManager::NotifySettingsChange. |
SessionArbitrationEnumeration Called after arbitration to allow the protocol to specify the sessions to be reconnected. |
SessionArbitrationEnumeration IWTSProtocolConnection::SessionArbitrationEnumeration is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::SessionArbitrationEnumeration. |
SetBuffer Initializes the endpoint and creates a buffer based on the format of the endpoint into which the audio data is streamed. |
SetClaimsToken Sets the claims token. |
SetEnvironmentProperty Sets a property of an environment. (ITsSbResourcePluginStoreEx.SetEnvironmentProperty) |
SetEnvironmentPropertyWithVersionCheck Sets a property of an environment. (ITsSbResourcePluginStore.SetEnvironmentPropertyWithVersionCheck) |
SetErrorInfo Sets error information in the protocol. |
SetErrorInfo IWTSProtocolConnection::SetErrorInfo is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::SetErrorInfo. |
SetEventHandle Sets the handle for the event that the endpoint uses to signal that it has completed processing of a buffer. |
SetPinActive Notifies the endpoint that it must change the state of the underlying streaming resources to an active state. |
SetPinInactive Notifies the endpoint that it must change the state of the underlying stream resources to an inactive state. |
SetRdpProperty Sets the value of a single named RDP property. |
SetServerDrainMode Sets the drain mode of the specified server. |
SetServerWaitingToStart Indicates to the session host that the server is waiting to start. |
SetSessionState Sets the session state. |
SetStreamFlags Sets the stream configuration flags on the audio endpoint. |
SetTargetProperty Sets the value of a property of a target. (ITsSbResourcePluginStoreEx.SetTargetProperty) |
SetTargetPropertyWithVersionCheck Sets the value of a property of a target. (ITsSbResourcePluginStore.SetTargetPropertyWithVersionCheck) |
SetTargetState Sets the state of a target object. |
SetTaskQueue Updates a task in the queue of a Remote Desktop Connection Broker plugin. |
Start Starts the endpoint stream. |
Start Notifies the protocol that shadowing has started. |
Start IWTSProtocolShadowConnection::Start is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection::Start. |
StartListen Notifies the protocol to start listening for client connection requests. |
StartListen IWTSProtocolListener::StartListen is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolListener::StartListen. |
StartRemoteApplication Starts a RemoteApp program. |
StartRemoteApplicationEx Not supported. (IWorkspace2.StartRemoteApplicationEx) |
StartWorkspace Associates user credentials and certificates with a connection ID. |
StartWorkspaceEx Associates user credentials and certificates with a connection ID; also contains additional security and UI elements. |
StartWorkspaceEx2 Not implemented. (IWorkspaceScriptable3::StartWorkspaceEx2) |
Stop Stops the endpoint stream. |
Stop Notifies the protocol that shadowing has stopped. |
Stop IWTSProtocolShadowConnection::Stop is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection::Stop. |
StopListen Notifies the protocol to stop listening for client connection requests. |
StopListen IWTSProtocolListener::StopListen is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolListener::StopListen. |
StopScreenUpdates Requests that the Remote Desktop Services service stop updating the client screen. |
StopScreenUpdates IWTSProtocolConnectionCallback::StopScreenUpdates is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnectionCallback::StopScreenUpdates. |
StopShadow Instructs the Remote Desktop Services service to stop shadowing a target. |
StopShadow IWTSProtocolShadowCallback::StopShadow is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowCallback::StopShadow. |
SuspendScreenUpdates Suspends screen updates being sent to the client. |
Terminate Performs clean-up and unloads the plug-in. |
Terminated Notifies the plug-in that it is about to be destroyed by Terminal Services Session Broker (TS�Session Broker). |
Terminated Notifies the plug-in that the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client has terminated. |
TestAndSetServerState Conditionally sets a new state on a server. |
Uninitialize Uninitializes the protocol manager. |
UnRegisterForNotification Requests that Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) not send notifications about specified events. |
UpdateSessionDisplaySettings Updates the width and height settings for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control. |
VIRTUALCHANNELCLOSE Closes the client end of a virtual channel. |
VIRTUALCHANNELENTRY An application-defined entry point for the client-side DLL of an application that uses Remote Desktop Services virtual channels. |
VIRTUALCHANNELINIT Initializes a client DLL's access to Remote Desktop Services virtual channels. |
VIRTUALCHANNELOPEN Opens the client end of a virtual channel. |
VIRTUALCHANNELWRITE Sends data from the client end of a virtual channel to a partner application on the server end. |
Write Starts a write request on the channel. |
Write Called to send data to the virtual channel. |
WriteExclusiveModeParametersToSharedMemory Creates and writes the exclusive-mode parameters to shared memory. |
WTSCloseServer Closes an open handle to a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSConnectSessionA Connects a Remote Desktop Services session to an existing session on the local computer. (ANSI) |
WTSConnectSessionW Connects a Remote Desktop Services session to an existing session on the local computer. (Unicode) |
WTSCreateListenerA Creates a new Remote Desktop Services listener or configures an existing listener. (ANSI) |
WTSCreateListenerW Creates a new Remote Desktop Services listener or configures an existing listener. (Unicode) |
WTSDisconnectSession Disconnects the logged-on user from the specified Remote Desktop Services session without closing the session. |
WTSEnableChildSessions Enables or disables Child Sessions. |
WTSEnumerateListenersA Enumerates all the Remote Desktop Services listeners on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateListenersW Enumerates all the Remote Desktop Services listeners on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesA Retrieves information about the active processes on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesExA Retrieves information about the active processes on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesExW Retrieves information about the active processes on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateProcessesW Retrieves information about the active processes on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateServersA Returns a list of all Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) servers within the specified domain. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateServersW Returns a list of all Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) servers within the specified domain. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsA Retrieves a list of sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsExA Retrieves a list of sessions on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsExW Retrieves a list of sessions on a specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSEnumerateSessionsW Retrieves a list of sessions on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSFreeMemory Frees memory allocated by a Remote Desktop Services function. |
WTSFreeMemoryExA Frees memory that contains WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EX or WTS_SESSION_INFO_1 structures allocated by a Remote Desktop Services function. (ANSI) |
WTSFreeMemoryExW Frees memory that contains WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EX or WTS_SESSION_INFO_1 structures allocated by a Remote Desktop Services function. (Unicode) |
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId Retrieves the session identifier of the console session. |
WTSGetChildSessionId Retrieves the child session identifier, if present. |
WTSGetListenerSecurityA Retrieves the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSGetListenerSecurityW Retrieves the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSIsChildSessionsEnabled Determines whether child sessions are enabled. |
WTSLogoffSession Logs off a specified Remote Desktop Services session. |
WTSOpenServerA Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSOpenServerExA Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSOpenServerExW Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSOpenServerW Opens a handle to the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSQueryListenerConfigA Retrieves configuration information for a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSQueryListenerConfigW Retrieves configuration information for a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSQuerySessionInformationA Retrieves session information for the specified session on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSQuerySessionInformationW Retrieves session information for the specified session on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSQueryUserConfigA Retrieves configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSQueryUserConfigW Retrieves configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSQueryUserToken Obtains the primary access token of the logged-on user specified by the session ID. |
WTSRegisterSessionNotification Registers the specified window to receive session change notifications. (WTSRegisterSessionNotification) |
WTSRegisterSessionNotificationEx Registers the specified window to receive session change notifications. (WTSRegisterSessionNotificationEx) |
WTSSBX_GetMostSuitableServer Returns the ID of the server to which Terminal Services Session Broker (TS�Session Broker) should direct the incoming connection. |
WTSSBX_GetUserExternalSession Redirects an incoming connection to a computing resource, such as a virtual machine, a blade server, or even the user's own corporate desktop by providing a WTSSBX_MACHINE_CONNECT_INFO structure that contains information about the resource. |
WTSSBX_MachineChangeNotification Notifies the plug-in that a change occurred in the server environment. |
WTSSBX_SessionChangeNotification Notifies the plug-in that a change, such as a logon, logoff, disconnect, or reconnect, occurred in the session. |
WTSSendMessageA Displays a message box on the client desktop of a specified Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSSendMessageW Displays a message box on the client desktop of a specified Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSSetListenerSecurityA Configures the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSSetListenerSecurityW Configures the security descriptor of a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSSetRenderHint Used by an application that is displaying content that can be optimized for displaying in a remote session to identify the region of a window that is the actual content. |
WTSSetUserConfigA Modifies configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSSetUserConfigW Modifies configuration information for the specified user on the specified domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTSShutdownSystem Shuts down (and optionally restarts) the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSStartRemoteControlSessionA Starts the remote control of another Remote Desktop Services session. You must call this function from a remote session. (ANSI) |
WTSStartRemoteControlSessionW Starts the remote control of another Remote Desktop Services session. You must call this function from a remote session. (Unicode) |
WTSStopRemoteControlSession Stops a remote control session. |
WTSTerminateProcess Terminates the specified process on the specified Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. |
WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Unregisters the specified window so that it receives no further session change notifications. (WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification) |
WTSUnRegisterSessionNotificationEx Unregisters the specified window so that it receives no further session change notifications. (WTSUnRegisterSessionNotificationEx) |
WTSVirtualChannelClose Closes an open virtual channel handle. |
WTSVirtualChannelOpen Opens a handle to the server end of a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelOpenEx Creates a virtual channel in a manner similar to WTSVirtualChannelOpen. |
WTSVirtualChannelPurgeInput Deletes all queued input data sent from the client to the server on a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelPurgeOutput Deletes all queued output data sent from the server to the client on a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelQuery Returns information about a specified virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelRead Reads data from the server end of a virtual channel. |
WTSVirtualChannelWrite Writes data to the server end of a virtual channel. |
WTSWaitSystemEvent Waits for a Remote Desktop Services event before returning to the caller. |
IADsTSUserEx Used to examine and configure Remote Desktop Services user properties. |
IAudioDeviceEndpoint Initializes a device endpoint object and gets the capabilities of the device that it represents. |
IAudioEndpoint Provides information to the audio engine about an audio endpoint. This interface is implemented by an audio endpoint. |
IAudioEndpointControl Controls the stream state of an endpoint. |
IAudioEndpointRT Gets the difference between the current read and write positions in the endpoint buffer. |
IAudioInputEndpointRT Gets the input buffer for each processing pass. |
IAudioOutputEndpointRT Gets the output buffer for each processing pass. |
IRemoteDesktopClient Provides methods and properties used to configure and use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control. |
IRemoteDesktopClientActions Provides the methods used to interact with the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control. |
IRemoteDesktopClientSettings Provides the methods needed to configure the connection settings for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control. |
IRemoteDesktopClientTouchPointer Provides the properties needed to control the touch pointer feature of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control. |
ITSGAccountingEngine Exposes methods that provide information about the creation or closing of sessions for a connection. |
ITSGAuthenticateUserSink Exposes methods that notify Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about authentication events. |
ITSGAuthenticationEngine Exposes methods that authenticate users for Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway). |
ITSGAuthorizeConnectionSink Exposes methods that notify Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about the result of an attempt to authorize a connection. |
ITSGAuthorizeResourceSink Exposes methods that notify Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about the result of an attempt to authorize a resource. |
ITSGPolicyEngine Exposes methods that authorize connections and resources. |
ItsPubPlugin Exposes properties and methods that provide information about resources available to users of RemoteApp and Desktop Connections. |
ItsPubPlugin2 Specifies methods that provide information about resources available to users of RemoteApp and Desktop Connections. |
ITsSbBaseNotifySink Exposes methods that report status and error messages to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
ITsSbClientConnection Exposes methods and properties that store state information about an incoming connection request from a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. |
ITsSbClientConnectionPropertySet Can be used to define custom properties of a client connection as appropriate. |
ITsSbEnvironment Exposes methods and properties that contain information about the environment that hosts the target computer. This interface can be used to store information about a physical server that hosts virtual machines. |
ITsSbEnvironmentPropertySet Can be used to define custom properties of an environment that hosts target computers as appropriate. |
ITsSbFilterPluginStore Filter Plugin Store |
ITsSbGenericNotifySink Exposes methods that reports completion to and gets wait time from the Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
ITsSbGlobalStore Exposes methods that query for target computers, sessions, environments, and farms that have been added to the Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) store. |
ITsSbLoadBalanceResult Exposes methods and properties that store the target name returned by a load-balancing algorithm. |
ITsSbLoadBalancing Exposes methods you can use to provide a custom load-balancing algorithm. |
ITsSbLoadBalancingNotifySink Exposes methods that return the result of a load-balancing algorithm to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
ITsSbOrchestration Exposes methods that Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) uses to ensure that the target is ready before a client is redirected to it. |
ITsSbOrchestrationNotifySink Exposes methods that return an ITsSbTarget object to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) after the target is successfully prepared for a connection. |
ITsSbPlacement Exposes methods that prepare the environment (the computer that hosts the virtual machine). |
ITsSbPlacementNotifySink Exposes methods that return information about environments to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
ITsSbPlugin Exposes methods that initialize and terminate plug-ins. |
ITsSbPluginNotifySink Exposes methods that notify Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) about initialization or termination of a plug-in. |
ITsSbPluginPropertySet Can be used to define custom plug-in properties as appropriate. |
ITsSbPropertySet Can be used to define custom properties as appropriate. |
ITsSbProvider Exposes methods that create default implementations of objects that are used in Remote Desktop Virtualization. |
ITsSbProvisioning Exposes methods that create and maintain virtual machines. |
ITsSbProvisioningPluginNotifySink Exposes methods that notify Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) about the provisioning of virtual machines. |
ITsSbResourceNotification Exposes methods that Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) uses to notify plug-ins of any state changes that occur in the session, target, and client connection objects. (ITsSbResourceNotification) |
ITsSbResourceNotificationEx Exposes methods that Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) uses to notify plug-ins of any state changes that occur in the session, target, and client connection objects. (ITsSbResourceNotificationEx) |
ITsSbResourcePlugin Exposes methods that extend the capabilities of Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
ITsSbResourcePluginStore Exposes methods that enable resource plug-ins to store objects such as sessions and targets. |
ITsSbServiceNotification Exposes methods that Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) uses to notify plug-ins of state changes that occur in the RD Connection Broker itself. |
ITsSbSession Exposes properties that store information about a user session. |
ITsSbTarget Exposes properties that store configuration and state information about a target. |
ITsSbTargetPropertySet Derive from this interface to define a custom target property set. |
ITsSbTaskInfo Exposes properties that the Remote Desktop Connection Broker uses to set a plugin’s queue. |
ITsSbTaskPlugin Exposes methods that update the queue of tasks for Remote Desktop Connection Broker plugins. |
ITsSbTaskPluginNotifySink Exposes methods that report status and error messages about tasks to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
IWorkspace Exposes methods that provide information about a connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
IWorkspace2 Exposes additional methods that provide information about a connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
IWorkspace3 Exposes methods that provide information about a connection in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection, and adds the ability to retrieve or set a claims token. |
IWorkspaceClientExt Exposes methods that allow the runtime to disconnect a custom client in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
IWorkspaceRegistration Exposes methods that add and remove references to custom clients in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. (IWorkspaceRegistration) |
IWorkspaceRegistration2 Exposes methods that add and remove references to custom clients in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. (IWorkspaceRegistration2) |
IWorkspaceReportMessage Exposes methods that support error message handling for remote workspaces. |
IWorkspaceResTypeRegistry Exposes methods that allow a plug-in to manage third-party file name extensions in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection runtime. |
IWorkspaceScriptable Exposes methods that manage RemoteApp and Desktop Connection credentials and connections. (IWorkspaceScriptable) |
IWorkspaceScriptable2 Exposes methods that manage RemoteApp and Desktop Connection credentials and connections. (IWorkspaceScriptable2) |
IWorkspaceScriptable3 Exposes methods that manage RemoteApp and Desktop Connection credentials and connections. (IWorkspaceScriptable3) |
IWRdsEnhancedFastReconnectArbitrator Exposes a method called by the Remote Desktop Services service to obtain the session ID that is to be reconnected to in the enhanced fast reconnect sequence. |
IWRdsGraphicsChannel This interface is used by the RemoteFX graphics services to send and receive data to a virtual graphics channel. |
IWRdsGraphicsChannelEvents This interface receives notifications that relate to a graphics virtual channel. |
IWRdsGraphicsChannelManager This interface is used by the RemoteFX graphics services API to create the graphics virtual channels necessary for remoting graphics data. |
IWRdsProtocolConnection Exposes methods called by the Remote Desktop Services service to configure a client connection. |
IWRdsProtocolConnectionCallback Exposes methods that provide information about the status of a client connection and that perform actions for the client. This interface is implemented by the Remote Desktop Services service and called by the protocol. |
IWRdsProtocolLicenseConnection Exposes methods used by the Remote Desktop Services service to perform the licensing handshake during a connection sequence. |
IWRdsProtocolListener Exposes methods that request that the protocol start and stop listening for client connection requests. |
IWRdsProtocolListenerCallback Exposes methods that notify the Remote Desktop Services service that a client has connected. |
IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector Exposes methods called by the Remote Desktop Services service to update logon status and determine how to direct logon error messages. |
IWRdsProtocolManager Exposes methods that the Remote Desktop Services service uses to communicate with the protocol provider. |
IWRdsProtocolSettings Exposes methods for retrieving and adding policy-related settings. |
IWRdsProtocolShadowCallback Exposes methods called by the protocol to notify the Remote Desktop Services service to start or stop the target side of a shadow. |
IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection Exposes methods that notify the protocol provider about the status of session shadowing. |
IWRdsWddmIddProps This interface allows a custom IDD driver to be loaded in a remote session. |
IWTSBitmapRenderer Used by a dynamic virtual channel plug-in to render bitmaps. |
IWTSBitmapRendererCallback A dynamic virtual channel plug-in implements this interface to be notified when the size of the rendering area changes. |
IWTSBitmapRenderService This service is used to create a visual mapping on the client corresponding to a mapped window on the server. |
IWTSListener Manages configuration settings for each listener for the dynamic virtual channel (DVC) connection. |
IWTSListenerCallback Used to notify the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client plug-in about incoming requests on a particular listener. |
IWTSPlugin Allows for the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client plug-in to be loaded by the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. |
IWTSPluginServiceProvider Provides a way for Dynamic Virtual Channel plug-ins to query various Remote Desktop Client services. |
IWTSProtocolConnection IWTSProtocolConnection is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection. |
IWTSProtocolConnectionCallback IWTSProtocolConnectionCallback is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnectionCallback. |
IWTSProtocolLicenseConnection IWTSProtocolLicenseConnection is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLicenseConnection. |
IWTSProtocolListener IWTSProtocolListener is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolListener. |
IWTSProtocolListenerCallback IWTSProtocolListenerCallback is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolListenerCallback. |
IWTSProtocolLogonErrorRedirector IWTSProtocolLogonErrorRedirector is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolLogonErrorRedirector. |
IWTSProtocolManager IWTSProtocolManager is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolManager. |
IWTSProtocolShadowCallback IWTSProtocolShadowCallback is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowCallback. |
IWTSProtocolShadowConnection IWTSProtocolShadowConnection is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection. |
IWTSSBPlugin Used to extend the capabilities of Terminal Services Session Broker (TS�Session Broker). Implement this interface when you want to provide a plug-in that overrides the redirection logic of TS�Session Broker. |
IWTSVirtualChannel Used to control the channel state, and writes on the channel. |
IWTSVirtualChannelCallback Receives notifications about channel state changes or data received. |
IWTSVirtualChannelManager Manages all Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client plug-ins and dynamic virtual channel (DVC) listeners. |
__WTS_PROPERTY_VALUE Contains information about a property value to retrieve from the protocol. |
_WTS_CACHE_STATS Contains protocol cache statistics. |
_WTS_CACHE_STATS_UN Contains cache statistics. |
_WTS_CLIENT_DATA Contains information about the client connection. |
_WTS_DISPLAY_IOCTL Contains information about the client display. |
_WTS_LICENSE_CAPABILITIES Contains information about the licensing capabilities of the client. |
_WTS_PROTOCOL_CACHE Contains the number of cache reads and cache hits. |
_WTS_PROTOCOL_COUNTERS Contains protocol performance counters. |
_WTS_PROTOCOL_STATUS Contains information about the status of the protocol. |
_WTS_SERVICE_STATE Contains information about changes in the state of the Remote Desktop Services service. |
_WTS_SESSION_ID Contains a GUID that uniquely identifies a session. |
_WTS_SMALL_RECT Contains client window coordinates. |
_WTS_SOCKADDR Contains a socket address. |
_WTS_SYSTEMTIME Specifies date and time information for transitions between standard time and daylight saving time. |
_WTS_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Contains client time zone information. |
_WTS_USER_CREDENTIAL Contains credential information for a user. |
AAAccountingData This structure contains information about a connection event. |
AE_CURRENT_POSITION Reports the current frame position from the device to the clients. |
BITMAP_RENDERER_STATISTICS Contains statistics for the RemoteFX media redirection bitmap renderer. |
CHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS Contains pointers to the functions called by a client-side DLL to access virtual channels. |
CHANNEL_PDU_HEADER Contains information about a data block being received by the server end of a virtual channel. |
CLIENT_DISPLAY Contains information about the display of a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. (CLIENT_DISPLAY) |
pluginResource Contains information about a resource that can be assigned to users in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
pluginResource2 Contains additional information about a resource that can be assigned to users in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
pluginResource2FileAssociation Contains information about a file association in RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. |
TSSD_ConnectionPoint Defines the IP address of a target. |
WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING Contains different levels of settings for a remote desktop connection. |
WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS Contains connection setting information for a remote session. (WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS) |
WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS_1 Contains connection setting information for a remote session. (WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS_1) |
WRDS_DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Contains dynamic time zone information. |
WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING Contains different levels of listener settings for a remote desktop connection. |
WRDS_LISTENER_SETTINGS Contains listener setting information for a remote session. |
WRDS_LISTENER_SETTINGS_1 Contains listener settings for a remote session. |
WRDS_SETTING Contains different levels of policy-related settings for a remote desktop connection. |
WRDS_SETTINGS Contains policy-related setting information for a remote session. |
WRDS_SETTINGS_1 Contains policy-related settings for a remote session. |
WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS Contains the client network address of a Remote Desktop Services session. |
WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY Contains information about the display of a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. (WTS_CLIENT_DISPLAY) |
WTS_POLICY_DATA Contains policy information that is passed by the Remote Desktop Services service to the protocol. |
WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EXA Contains extended information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_PROCESS_INFO_EXW Contains extended information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_PROCESS_INFOA Contains information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_PROCESS_INFOW Contains information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_SERVER_INFOA Contains information about a specific Remote Desktop Services server. (ANSI) |
WTS_SERVER_INFOW Contains information about a specific Remote Desktop Services server. (Unicode) |
WTS_SESSION_ADDRESS Contains the virtual IP address assigned to a session. |
WTS_SESSION_INFO_1A Contains extended information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_SESSION_INFO_1W Contains extended information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_SESSION_INFOA Contains information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTS_SESSION_INFOW Contains information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
WTS_USER_DATA Contains select client property values. |
WTSCLIENTA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. (ANSI) |
WTSCLIENTW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. (Unicode) |
WTSCONFIGINFOA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSCONFIGINFOA) |
WTSCONFIGINFOW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSCONFIGINFOW) |
WTSINFOA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSINFOA) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL_A Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1 structure that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL_W Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1 structure that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1_A Contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSINFOEX_LEVEL1_W Contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSINFOEXA Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL union that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (ANSI) |
WTSINFOEXW Contains a WTSINFOEX_LEVEL union that contains extended information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (Unicode) |
WTSINFOW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session. (WTSINFOW) |
WTSLISTENERCONFIGA Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services listener. (ANSI) |
WTSLISTENERCONFIGW Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services listener. (Unicode) |
WTSSBX_IP_ADDRESS Contains information about the IP address of a network resource. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_CONNECT_INFO Contains information about a computer that is accepting remote connections. |
WTSSBX_MACHINE_INFO Contains information about a computer and its current state. |
WTSSBX_SESSION_INFO Contains information about sessions that are available to Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker). |
WTSSESSION_NOTIFICATION Provides information about the session change notification. A service receives this structure in its HandlerEx function in response to a session change event. |
WTSUSERCONFIGA Contains configuration information for a user on a domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (ANSI) |
WTSUSERCONFIGW Contains configuration information for a user on a domain controller or Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server. (Unicode) |
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