For example, you could store your image in an Azure Storage Account, with blob storage. You can then include the URL of that blob in your twin as a string.
Enable Image property on a digital twin
Hello I am curently on a project where I need to store an Image on the Digital Twins, but as far as I know it is enabled just string, int and booleam propertys (not file).
Does anyone know how I coul assign and store this image to my Digital Twin ?
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Sander van de Velde | MVP 33,051 Reputation points MVP
2022-11-04T01:26:02.453+00:00 Hello @Negosek de Oliveira, Victor Hugo ,
you cannot store a byte array in a twin property, apart from the 32KB limitation in the size of a twin instance:
I do not think a base64 encoded byte array (so it is turned into a string) will fit.
With this in mind you could try the (blob storage) URL path, @Matthijs van der Veer suggests. Or you could just use a relative path (like just the file name or extended with some folder structure).