Tinny files timeout on CDN that uses Blob storage as origin.
I'm trying to figure out why certain requests timeout on our website that's hosted on Azure Blob Storage and uses a CDN for some more control over the incoming requests. Just to note, caching is not enabled.
The affected files are quite tinny, for example in one of the cases a 3kb helper file took ~19s to load then suddenly the server cut out the request. When inspecting the logs, I've noticed the error: OriginTimeout and error code 503 and 504 respectively. I'm wondering, what causes these timeouts as the website itself doesn't have a huge traffic (10-15 visitors / day). Where should I look for answers, on the CDN or the Blob service?
(UPDATE: included a more descriptive screenshot):
Regarding the Blob service, we have a StorageV2 (general purpose v2) with a HOT access tier and a standard endpoint type. Should we upgrade to premium maybe?
Any suggestion is welcome,