I was able to start my old computer running VS 17.5.2, MS Test Framework is 2.2.8 and all is OK. DataRowAttribute has this constructor line 59 : public DataRowAttribute (object data1, params object[] moreData) This constructor has been removed. So in my new computer I roll back to 2.2.10 and it works. So the regression is from 2.x to 3.x on packages MSTest.TestFramework & MSTest.TestAdapter.
Here is the answer from Microsoft :
"This is a known breaking change. The previous approach (up to 2.2.10) was allowing an "infinite" number of arguments but was causing an issue when trying to pass an array of objects as 2nd argument (see for example Cannot provide 2 arrays to DataRow · Issue #1180 · microsoft/testfx (github.com)). Based on our data, 16 arguments was a good compromise and matches what is done by runtime for their API."