Virtual Wan Site to Site VPN Tunnel stops working after a couple days
Hello, i have a VPN site-to-site tunel between virtual wan and a fortigate appliance.
Both sides show the tunel as UP and Connected, traffic flows in both directions and after a couple days it stops.
Local Network:
Remote Network:
1 - We have Virtual Hub and Azure Firewall with routing intent enabled for internet and private traffic
2 - packet capture confirms that packets are coming from fortigate and firewall logs show the same traffic being Allowed into network rules but i can´t see the traffic going back to vpn gateway.
- Inbound Traffic
Traffic from (remote) to (local) port 5060 (sip)
Packet capture:
Firewall Network Rule Hit:
- Outbound Traffic
Traffic from (local) and (local) to port 5060
At the same time frame the packets never reach the vpn gateway:
The only way to get the traffic back is reseting the VPN Gateway, as i already said the traffic goes back to normal for a couple days and then stops again.