@Roger Davis Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum, Thank you for posting your query here!
Can you please share the screenshot the error message
When you try to log in to Azure from DPM, it uses the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication mechanism, which requires access to specific URLs and ports. In addition to TCP port 443, which is used for HTTPS traffic, Azure AD also uses other ports and URLs for authentication.
Here are the URLs and ports that you need to allow through your corporate firewall to enable Azure AD authentication from DPM:
URLs: login.microsoftonline.com, login.windows.net, login.microsoft.com, sts.windows.net, and sts.microsoft.com
Ports: TCP 80, TCP 443, and UDP 53
You may also need to allow traffic to other URLs and ports depending on your specific configuration and requirements.
If you are still unable to log in to Azure from DPM after allowing traffic to these URLs and ports, you may need to check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator for further assistance.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.