Several OGC layers are supported in Azure Maps Spatial IO module. Many of ESRI layers are OGC layers (open geospatial community standards). Web Mapping Service (WMS) and Web Mapping Tile Service (WMTS) are both supported:
In terms of feature services, Web Feature Service (WFS) versions 1.0.0, 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 are supported. Note that this library simply makes it easy to query the data service. Since the data from this service is vector data (raw points, lines, polygons) you would then add it to a data source in the map and use layers to specify how to render them. Note that ESRI has its own Feature service that is not an open standard. You can call that like a regular REST service and have it return results in GeoJSON format which could than be added into a data source in Azure Maps easily.
Here are a bunch of code samples: