Hi, I have setup an IoT Hub account, and configure my device to send data to the IoT hub, I am redirecting the message to storage.
When I monitor the device data using Azure IoT Explorer, I am receiving data in JSON format like below:
"body": {
"state": {
"reported": {
"4": 0,
"16": 99198,
"21": 4,
"66": 12549,
"67": 3972,
"68": 0,
"69": 2,
"72": 209,
"73": 210,
"76": "0xA03CA3F64973BE28",
"77": "0xA63C73F649F8C228",
"181": 0,
"182": 0,
"200": 0,
"239": 1,
"240": 0,
"241": 50219,
"ts": 1713336761000,
"pr": 0,
"latlng": "0.000000,0.000000",
"alt": 0,
"ang": 0,
"sat": 0,
"sp": 0,
"evt": 0
"enqueuedTime": "Wed Apr 17 2024 14:53:46 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)"
But When I check the files created in the storage when I re-route the message in the storage, I am getting the following format. I wonder how can I receive the original message format instead of the encoded format?
Thanks for any input for my queries.
Best regards,