Is it possible to send telemetry from Azure B2C JourneyInsights to an Application Insights with local authentication disabled?

Saul Nachman 0 Reputation points

Is it possible to send telemetry from Azure B2C JourneyInsights to an Application Insights with local authentication disabled?

If so, would it be possible for someone to do a sample?

If not, will that feature be coming at any point?

Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor
An Azure service that is used to collect, analyze, and act on telemetry data from Azure and on-premises environments.
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  1. Werner Rall 0 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    I got a Copilot response for your question. Please let me know if this works. Thanks!

    Yes, it is possible to send telemetry from Azure B2C JourneyInsights to an Application Insights instance even if local authentication is disabled. Here’s how you can do it:

    Steps to Send Telemetry from Azure B2C JourneyInsights to Application Insights:

    1. Create an Application Insights Resource:
      • If you haven't already, create an Application Insights resource in your Azure portal. You will need the Instrumentation Key or Connection String from this resource.
    2. Configure Application Insights in Azure B2C:
      • In the Azure portal, navigate to your Azure AD B2C tenant.
      • Under Policies, select Identity Experience Framework and then select Journeys.
      • Open the specific user journey where you want to enable telemetry.
    3. Edit the User Journey to Add Application Insights:
      • In the user journey XML file, locate the <OrchestrationStep> elements where you want to add telemetry tracking.
      • Add a <JourneyInsights> element inside the <OrchestrationStep> element with the required attributes.
         <OrchestrationStep Order="1" Type="ClaimsExchange">
             <Precondition Type="ClaimsExist" ExecuteActionsIf="true">
           <JourneyInsights TelemetryEnabled="true" InstrumentationKey="YOUR_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY" />
           <!-- Other configurations -->
    4. Deploy the Custom Policy:
      • Save your changes to the user journey XML file.
      • Upload the modified policy files (TrustFrameworkBase.xml, TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml, etc.) back to Azure B2C.
    5. Verify Telemetry Data in Application Insights:
      • Once the policies are deployed and active, perform user journeys (sign-up, sign-in, etc.) in your Azure B2C application.
      • Check your Application Insights instance to verify that telemetry data is being received.


    • Ensure that your Azure B2C policies and Application Insights instance are correctly configured with the necessary permissions and that there are no network or authentication issues preventing data from being sent.
    • Local authentication being disabled in Azure B2C does not impact the ability to send telemetry data to Application Insights as long as the telemetry configuration is correctly set up in the user journey policies.

    This setup should enable telemetry from Azure B2C JourneyInsights to be sent to Application Insights effectively.

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