SSMS not flagging basic errors after IIF statement

AdamG Devl 0 Reputation points


I just wanted to notify Microsoft of an error I believe I found with SSMS error notification. Going thru some scripts, I came across one that had a CASE and IIF in it. I accidently did a typo, no errors, but failed. I then realized that no errors showed up below the IIF. I also couldn't reference table cols with the TABLE. notation.

However, I couldn't open a ticket anywhere, I tried calling, it said go online and open a ticket, then it hung up on me, ha :)

I attached a PDF with a couple 'views' to describe. I had to do screen clippings to show the highlighted errors.

Once I understood what was happening, it doesn't really seem to mess anything up. Hopefully this can get to someone to look at.


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  1. Erland Sommarskog 103.5K Reputation points MVP

    I was able to reproduce the issue with this script:

    CREATE VIEW murre AS
        SELECT as objname,
      AS colname,
               iif(c.column_id % 2 = 0, 'Odd', 'Even') AS OddEven,
        FROM   sys.columns c
        JOIN   sys.objects o ON o.object_id = c.object_id

    It looks like this:

    User's image

    But if I uncomment the IIF, I see:

    User's image

    Also, please share the link to the feedback item.

    PS I note the NOLOCK in your view. That is very bad practice. In essence it means "I don't care if I get the correct result or not".

    1 person found this answer helpful.