Error: For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors ---------------------------- Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) ---------------------------- An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
We are using Text but an expression for the parameters to work. A coworker uses Visual Studio with the SSRS tools and his will run, but mine gets above error. Have no clue why it isn't working:
select ep.external_patient_id MRN, as Pot_Document_ID,
case when ppdoc.pot_doc_type_id = 1 then 'POT'
when ppdoc.pot_doc_type_id = 2 then 'SUPPLEMENTAL' end as DOCUMENT_TYPE,
DATE(ppd.certification_start_date) as certification_start_date,
DATE(ppd.certification_end_date) as certification_end_date,
DATE(padd.order_effective_start) as order_effective_start,
DATE(padd.order_effective_end) as order_effective_end,
pdstype.doc_status DOCUMENT_STATUS,
CONCAT(status_update_user.first_name, ' ', status_update_user.last_name) Status_Updatedby_User,
ppds.updated_on DOC_STATUS_DATE,
CONCAT(us.first_name, ' ', us.last_name) DOC_OWNER ,
Case when isnull(Sites.SITE_NRS_REGION) = 'true' Then '<Blank>' else Sites.SITE_NRS_REGION End as NursingRegion,
Case when isnull(ep.state) = 'true' Then '<Blank>' else ep.state end as state
from opex_raw.tbl_patient_pot_doc ppdoc
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_patient_pot_doc_status ppds ON ppds.patient_pot_doc_id =
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_pot_doc_status_types pdstype ON = ppds.pot_doc_status_type_id
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_patient_pot_assigned_nurse pdocnurse ON pdocnurse.patient_pot_doc_id = and pdocnurse.isActive = 1
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_user us ON = pdocnurse.user_id and us.isActive = 1
LEFT JOIN opex_raw.tbl_User status_update_user on status_update_user.user_id = ppds.updated_by
LEFT JOIN opex_raw.tbl_patient_assessment_pot_versions papv ON papv.patient_pot_doc_id =
LEFT JOIN opex_raw.tbl_pot_assessement_doc_dates padd ON padd.pot_assessment_version_id = and padd.isActive = 1
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_patient_pot_detail_doc ppdd ON ppdd.patient_pot_doc_id =
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_patient_pot_detail ppd ON = ppdd.patient_pot_detail_id
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_patient_pot pp ON = ppd.patient_pot_id
JOIN opex_raw.tbl_external_patient ep ON ep.patient_id = pp.patient_id
LEFT Join enriched.d_patient_demographics referral0708 on referral0708.mrn = ep.external_patient_id
Left join enriched.d_site_master Sites on Sites.SITE_ID = Referral0708.SITE_ID
WHERE ppdoc.isActive=1 and pp.isActive = 1 and ppds.isActive = 1 and ppd.isActive = 1 and papv.isActive = 1
Date(from_utc_timestamp(ppds.updated_on,'CST')) >= '" + FORMAT(CDATE(Parameters!start.Value), "yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND
Date(from_utc_timestamp(ppds.updated_on,'CST')) <= DATEADD(Day, 1, '" + FORMAT(CDATE(Parameters!stop.Value), "yyyy-MM-dd") + "')
AND Case when isnull(ep.state) = 'true' Then '<Blank>' else ep.state end IN ('" + JOIN(Parameters!state.Value, "','") + "')
Case when isnull(Sites.SITE_NRS_REGION) = 'true' Then '<Blank>' else Sites.SITE_NRS_REGION End IN ('" + JOIN(Parameters!NursingRegion.Value,"','") + "')
I have even take the parameters off and just tried to run as an expression and it won't run it. Only way it will run it is to run as query only without the parameters not using an expression. Any suggestions?