Window appears with old-style UI and no text in titlebar.

László Szerémi 15 Reputation points

I'm developing a middleware for D that is quite similar to SDL/SFML, here's an exempt from the window creation code:

class OSWindow {
this(io_str_t title, io_str_t name, int x, int y, int w, int h, ulong flags,
			WindowBitmap icon = null, OSWindow parent = null) {
registeredClass.cbSize = WNDCLASSEXW.sizeof; = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC ;
registeredClass.hInstance = mainInst;
registeredClass.lpfnWndProc = &wndprocCallback;
registeredClass.hbrBackground = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);
registeredClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(null, IDC_ARROW);
registeredClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(null, IDI_APPLICATION);
classname = toUTF16z(name);
registeredClass.lpszClassName = classname;
regClResult = RegisterClassExW(&registeredClass);
if (!regClResult) {
	auto errorCode = GetLastError();
	throw new WindowCreationException("Failed to register window class!", errorCode);
if (x <= 0) x = CW_USEDEFAULT;
if (y <= 0) y = CW_USEDEFAULT;
if (w <= 0) w = CW_USEDEFAULT;
if (h <= 0) h = CW_USEDEFAULT;
windowname = toUTF16z(title);
HWND parentHndl = null;
if (parent !is null)
	parentHndl = parent.getHandle();
windowHandle = CreateWindowW(classname, windowname, dwStyle, x, y, w, h, parentHndl, null, mainInst, 
if (!windowHandle) {
	auto errorCode = GetLastError();
	throw new WindowCreationException("Failed to create window!", errorCode);
refCount ~= this;
ShowWindow(windowHandle, SW_RESTORE);

Given this code, I'm getting a Win7 style GUI and no titlebar. Some other oddities is that if I don't include the WS_VISIBLE enum in dwStyle, I get a completely blank white window. In my wndCallback function, every event is dispatched to DefWindowProcW. In my event polling loop, I use Raw Input.

I've heard that I should add a manifest file, but I don't really know how to do with my own toolchain (DMD/LDC + MSVC linker and resource compiler), where I need to include the resource.o file, etc. Visual-C++ does it automatically, so there's little to no documentation, others instead suggest to use other, preexisting middleware like SDL, which has it's own issues, or even some GUI-oriented library that's not too ideal for my primary application (gaming, GUI that draws its own elements, etc.). In general I get little to no documentation and/or help besides of what Microsoft offers due to the aforementioned issues.

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  1. László Szerémi 15 Reputation points

    Well, the actual solution was a missing DefWindowProcW call.

    static extern (Windows) LRESULT wndprocCallback(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) nothrow @system {
    	//return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
    	switch (msg) {
    			return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
    			foreach (OSWindow key; refCount) {
    				if (key.getHandle() == hWnd)
    					return key.wndCallback(msg, wParam, lParam);
    			return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

    Tutorials only talked about the importance of WM_CREATE and WM_NCCREATE, the rest wasn't talked as much about. My solution uses OOP solutions, and essentially each class creates a mostly OS-agnostic window.

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