Set total retention period for one or more tables

Nikhil Padma 0 Reputation points


I am trying to set the total retention time for one or more log tables using the command az monitor log-analytics workspace table update --subscription <subscription id> --resource-group sentinel --workspace-name <name> --name AppEvents AppExceptions --retention-time -1 --total-retention-time 365 but it fails when i specify two or more tables but works when i specify one. May i know if there is any command to specify all the tables at once.


Microsoft Sentinel
Microsoft Sentinel
A scalable, cloud-native solution for security information event management and security orchestration automated response. Previously known as Azure Sentinel.
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  1. James Hamil 22,891 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Nikhil Padma , you'll need to set each table separately or loop through them all, something like this:

    $tables = "AppEvents", "AppExceptions"
    foreach ($table in $tables) {
        Update-AzOperationalInsightsTable `
            -ResourceGroupName sentinel `
            -WorkspaceName <name> `
            -TableName $table `
            -RetentionInDays -1 `
            -TotalRetentionInDays 365

    Please let me know if you have any questions and I can help you further.

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    Thank you,
