Service Bus authorization rules inconsistent creation using bicep
I am deploying a Service Bus namespace, a queue and an authorization rule for the namespace using bicep. I get the following error every time I initially run it:
[{"code":"ParentResourceNotFound","message":"Failed to perform 'action' on resource(s) of type 'namespaces/authorizationrules', because the parent resource '/subscriptions/<guid>/resourceGroups/<rg-name>/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/<namespace-name>' could not be found."}]}
Here is the bicep used to deploy the namespace, queue and authorization rule:
resource serviceBusNamespace 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces@2022-10-01-preview' = {
name: serviceBusNamespaceName
location: location
sku: {
name: 'Basic'
tags: tags
properties: {
publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled'
minimumTlsVersion: '1.2'
disableLocalAuth: false
zoneRedundant: false
resource serviceBusQueue 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues@2022-01-01-preview' = {
parent: serviceBusNamespace
name: serviceBusQueueName
properties: {
maxSizeInMegabytes: 1024
maxMessageSizeInKilobytes: 256
lockDuration: 'PT1M'
requiresDuplicateDetection: false
requiresSession: false
defaultMessageTimeToLive: 'P14D'
deadLetteringOnMessageExpiration: false
duplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow: 'PT10M'
maxDeliveryCount: 10
enablePartitioning: false
enableExpress: false
status: 'Active'
enableBatchedOperations: true
resource serviceBusAccessPolicy 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/AuthorizationRules@2022-10-01-preview' = {
#disable-next-line no-unnecessary-dependson
dependsOn: [serviceBusNamespace]
name: 'listenSendPolicy'
parent: serviceBusNamespace
properties: {
rights: [
I explicitly added the seviceBusNamespace dependency and the #disable-next-line no-unnecessary-dependson to try and avoid the missing namespace issue.
The second time I run this, however it deploys successfully. Any ideas what I am missing ?
Thanks in advance!