After having transferred the ownership of a subscription on tenant A to another subscription on tenant B, the system assigned identity on my azure container app is still pointing to an identity on tenant A, which prevents it from pulling an image from the ACR because it doesn't have permissions. I can't seem to remove the system assigned identity though.
Running the following cli command:
az containerapp identity remove --name cub-consent-dev --resource-group cubutton --system-assigned --user-assigned --verbose
results in the following error:
(MismatchingResourceIdentityPrincipalId) The principalId '772a5725-ecbd-4228-91bf-8ed05648f5bb' on the resource's Identity property is invalid and must be empty or match the existing principalId of 'a6ba1f02-78a7-480c-8cb4-e77f37fe70ca'.
Using 'identity show' shows that the current system assigned identity it still the one on the old tenant.
For some reason this issue is also blocking me from assigning my own created identity to the container app. Any idea how I can resolve this without deleting & recreating the container, which would mean having to set up the custom domains again etc.?